Growth and Development MCQs Nursing

1. At what age do most children begin to walk independently?
a) 6 months
b) 9 months
c) 12 months
d) 15 months
Answer: c) 12 months

2. Which developmental milestone typically occurs around 2 years of age?
a) Speaking in full sentences
b) Riding a bicycle
c) Drawing a person with at least three body parts
d) Skipping
Answer: a) Speaking in full sentences

3. The concept of object permanence is generally developed in which stage of Piagetā€™s theory?
a) Sensorimotor
b) Preoperational
c) Concrete operational
d) Formal operational
Answer: a) Sensorimotor

4. At what age should a child be able to stack six blocks?
a) 12 months
b) 18 months
c) 24 months
d) 36 months
Answer: b) 18 months

5. Which of the following is a key characteristic of the preoperational stage of development?
a) Egocentrism
b) Abstract thinking
c) Logical reasoning
d) Conservation
Answer: a) Egocentrism

6. According to Erikson, the psychosocial crisis for a child aged 1 to 3 years is:
a) Trust vs. Mistrust
b) Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
c) Initiative vs. Guilt
d) Industry vs. Inferiority
Answer: b) Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt

7. At what age does a child typically start to show interest in cooperative play?
a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 6 years
d) 8 years
Answer: a) 2 years

8. The ability to understand that objects remain the same despite changes in form is known as:
a) Conservation
b) Assimilation
c) Accommodation
d) Object permanence
Answer: a) Conservation

9. Which of the following is a typical physical milestone for a 5-year-old child?
a) Riding a tricycle
b) Skipping
c) Writing their name
d) Using scissors
Answer: b) Skipping

10. According to Kohlberg, a child in the preconventional stage of moral development:
a) Obeys rules to avoid punishment
b) Understands and adheres to social norms
c) Develops a personal moral code
d) Follows principles of justice and equality
Answer: a) Obeys rules to avoid punishment

11. The development of fine motor skills in toddlers includes:
a) Using a fork and spoon
b) Running
c) Jumping
d) Climbing
Answer: a) Using a fork and spoon

12. At what age do children typically begin to develop gender identity?
a) 2-3 years
b) 4-5 years
c) 6-7 years
d) 8-9 years
Answer: a) 2-3 years

13. A childā€™s ability to engage in abstract thinking and problem-solving is characteristic of which stage?
a) Concrete operational
b) Formal operational
c) Preoperational
d) Sensorimotor
Answer: b) Formal operational

14. What is the average weight gain per year for a child aged 2-5 years?
a) 2-4 kg
b) 5-7 kg
c) 8-10 kg
d) 12-14 kg
Answer: a) 2-4 kg

15. At what age do most children develop the ability to dress themselves independently?
a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 4 years
d) 5 years
Answer: b) 3 years

16. The stage of psychosocial development where a child learns to be productive and successful in school is known as:
a) Trust vs. Mistrust
b) Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
c) Initiative vs. Guilt
d) Industry vs. Inferiority
Answer: d) Industry vs. Inferiority

17. The concept that a child understands that changing the shape of an object does not change its mass is known as:
a) Conservation of mass
b) Conservation of volume
c) Conservation of number
d) Conservation of length
Answer: a) Conservation of mass

18. At what age do children typically begin to understand the concept of taking turns?
a) 2 years
b) 4 years
c) 6 years
d) 8 years
Answer: b) 4 years

19. The ability to engage in more complex forms of play, such as fantasy and role-playing, is seen in which age group?
a) Infants
b) Toddlers
c) Preschoolers
d) School-age children
Answer: c) Preschoolers

20. The development of self-control and ability to delay gratification is most pronounced during which stage?
a) Infancy
b) Toddlerhood
c) Early childhood
d) Middle childhood
Answer: d) Middle childhood

21. According to Freud, the stage where a child becomes interested in the opposite sex parent and starts to identify with the same-sex parent is:
a) Oral
b) Anal
c) Phallic
d) Latency
Answer: c) Phallic

22. At what age is a child typically able to hop on one foot?
a) 3 years
b) 4 years
c) 5 years
d) 6 years
Answer: b) 4 years

23. The development of the ability to understand others’ perspectives is known as:
a) Egocentrism
b) Empathy
c) Conservation
d) Abstract thinking
Answer: b) Empathy

24. The typical age range for the eruption of permanent teeth is:
a) 6-12 years
b) 12-18 years
c) 18-24 years
d) 24-30 years
Answer: a) 6-12 years

25. The ability to classify objects into categories based on multiple criteria is characteristic of which developmental stage?
a) Sensorimotor
b) Preoperational
c) Concrete operational
d) Formal operational
Answer: c) Concrete operational

26. A child who is able to follow a multi-step direction and solve simple math problems is likely in which developmental stage?
a) Sensorimotor
b) Preoperational
c) Concrete operational
d) Formal operational
Answer: c) Concrete operational

27. At what age do children typically develop the ability to understand and follow rules in games?
a) 4 years
b) 6 years
c) 8 years
d) 10 years
Answer: b) 6 years

28. Which developmental milestone is characteristic of a 9-month-old infant?
a) Crawling
b) Walking independently
c) Saying first words
d) Riding a tricycle
Answer: a) Crawling

29. The ability to engage in abstract reasoning and problem-solving is most developed in which age group?
a) Toddlers
b) Preschoolers
c) School-age children
d) Adolescents
Answer: d) Adolescents

30. At what age do children typically begin to understand and use basic grammar rules?
a) 1-2 years
b) 2-3 years
c) 3-4 years
d) 4-5 years
Answer: c) 3-4 years

31. Which of the following is an example of a gross motor skill?
a) Drawing shapes
b) Using scissors
c) Hopping on one foot
d) Buttoning a shirt
Answer: c) Hopping on one foot

32. At what age do children typically show a preference for same-sex playmates?
a) 3 years
b) 4 years
c) 5 years
d) 6 years
Answer: b) 4 years

33. The ability to understand that others can have different thoughts and feelings from oneā€™s own is known as:
a) Theory of mind
b) Object permanence
c) Conservation
d) Egocentrism
Answer: a) Theory of mind

34. At what age should a child be able to recite the alphabet?
a) 2 years
b) 3 years
c) 4 years
d) 5 years
Answer: d) 5 years

35. A child who begins to develop friendships based on mutual interests and trust is likely in which developmental stage?
a) Early childhood
b) Middle childhood
c) Adolescence
d) Late adolescence
Answer: b) Middle childhood

36. The typical age for the onset of puberty in girls is:
a) 8-10 years
b) 10-12 years
c) 12-14 years
d) 14-16 years
Answer: b) 10-12 years

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