Transonic MCQs Aeronautical Engineering

In transonic flow, the Mach number is:

A) Equal to 1
B) Less than 1
C) Greater than 1
D) Close to 1, varying slightly above and below
Answer: D) Close to 1, varying slightly above and below
Transonic flow is characterized by:

A) High subsonic speeds with local regions of supersonic flow
B) Uniform supersonic flow throughout
C) High subsonic flow without any compressibility effects
D) Flow where the entire aircraft is in a compressible regime
Answer: A) High subsonic speeds with local regions of supersonic flow
The ‘shock wave’ in transonic flow primarily forms:

A) At points where local Mach numbers exceed 1
B) At the leading edge of the wing
C) Around the aircraft’s fuselage
D) Only at supersonic speeds
Answer: A) At points where local Mach numbers exceed 1
The ‘drag divergence’ phenomenon occurs in transonic flow due to:

A) Rapid increase in drag as Mach number approaches 1
B) Decrease in drag as speed increases
C) Reduction in skin friction drag
D) Enhanced lift at high speeds
Answer: A) Rapid increase in drag as Mach number approaches 1
In transonic aerodynamics, the ‘critical Mach number’ is:

A) The Mach number at which shock waves first appear on the aircraft
B) The maximum speed of the aircraft
C) The Mach number corresponding to zero drag
D) The Mach number at which the airfoil stalls
Answer: A) The Mach number at which shock waves first appear on the aircraft
The ‘Mach wave’ is defined as:

A) The wave produced by an object moving at the speed of sound
B) A type of shock wave formed at supersonic speeds
C) A pressure wave moving slower than sound
D) A boundary layer effect in transonic flow
Answer: A) The wave produced by an object moving at the speed of sound
The ‘area rule’ helps to reduce drag in transonic aircraft by:

A) Shaping the aircraft to minimize abrupt changes in cross-sectional area
B) Increasing the wing’s aspect ratio
C) Reducing the engine thrust
D) Enhancing the aircraft’s lift-to-drag ratio
Answer: A) Shaping the aircraft to minimize abrupt changes in cross-sectional area
The ‘wave drag’ in transonic flow is primarily due to:

A) The formation of shock waves and changes in pressure
B) Increased skin friction on the aircraft’s surface
C) The drag caused by the aircraft’s lift
D) The induced drag from the wing
Answer: A) The formation of shock waves and changes in pressure
At transonic speeds, the boundary layer transition from laminar to turbulent is:

A) More abrupt and closer to the leading edge
B) Smooth and gradual
C) Occurs further from the leading edge
D) Unaffected by the Mach number
Answer: A) More abrupt and closer to the leading edge
The ‘compressibility effect’ in transonic flow leads to:

A) Increased drag and altered flow patterns
B) Reduced lift and increased thrust
C) Decreased airspeed and fuel efficiency
D) Improved aerodynamic performance
Answer: A) Increased drag and altered flow patterns
In the transonic regime, ‘Mach tuck’ refers to:

A) The tendency of the nose to pitch down due to shock wave formation
B) An increase in lift at high speeds
C) The reduction in drag with increasing speed
D) The increase in thrust required for level flight
Answer: A) The tendency of the nose to pitch down due to shock wave formation
Transonic flow can lead to:

A) Flow separation and increased drag
B) Decreased lift and improved fuel efficiency
C) Stable and predictable aerodynamic behavior
D) Reduced compressibility effects
Answer: A) Flow separation and increased drag
The ‘transonic buffet’ phenomenon is characterized by:

A) Vibrations and oscillations due to shock wave interactions
B) Smooth airflow with no turbulence
C) Increased stability and control of the aircraft
D) Decreased drag and improved lift
Answer: A) Vibrations and oscillations due to shock wave interactions
In transonic aerodynamics, ‘shock-boundary layer interaction’ can result in:

A) Separation of the boundary layer and increased drag
B) Improved lift and reduced drag
C) Enhanced aerodynamic efficiency
D) Increased stability of the aircraft
Answer: A) Separation of the boundary layer and increased drag
The ‘shock wave drag’ is minimized by:

A) Reducing the sudden changes in cross-sectional area and streamlining the shape
B) Increasing the airspeed
C) Enhancing the lift-to-drag ratio
D) Increasing the thickness of the wing
Answer: A) Reducing the sudden changes in cross-sectional area and streamlining the shape
The ‘drag divergence Mach number’ is:

A) The Mach number at which drag increases rapidly due to shock wave formation
B) The Mach number at which the aircraft reaches maximum lift
C) The Mach number corresponding to minimum drag
D) The Mach number at which the aircraft stalls
Answer: A) The Mach number at which drag increases rapidly due to shock wave formation
In transonic flow, the ‘normal shock wave’ is:

A) Perpendicular to the flow direction and causes a sudden increase in pressure and temperature
B) Parallel to the flow and causes a gradual pressure change
C) A wave that occurs only at supersonic speeds
D) A shock wave that forms at the trailing edge of the wing
Answer: A) Perpendicular to the flow direction and causes a sudden increase in pressure and temperature
The ‘Mach cone’ is formed by:

A) The area around an object moving at supersonic speeds, where pressure waves converge
B) The boundary layer on a subsonic aircraft
C) The turbulence created by an aircraft at low speeds
D) The shock waves formed at high altitudes
Answer: A) The area around an object moving at supersonic speeds, where pressure waves converge
The ‘critical area’ on a transonic aircraft is:

A) The region where shock waves are most likely to form
B) The area with the highest drag
C) The region with the least lift
D) The part of the wing with the maximum camber
Answer: A) The region where shock waves are most likely to form
The ‘transonic drag rise’ is:

A) A rapid increase in drag as the aircraft approaches Mach 1
B) A gradual decrease in drag at high speeds
C) A phenomenon observed only at supersonic speeds
D) A decrease in drag due to reduced compressibility effects
Answer: A) A rapid increase in drag as the aircraft approaches Mach 1
The ‘Mach number’ is defined as:

A) The ratio of the object’s speed to the speed of sound in the surrounding medium
B) The ratio of the object’s speed to its wing area
C) The ratio of lift to drag at a given speed
D) The speed of sound divided by the aircraft’s speed
Answer: A) The ratio of the object’s speed to the speed of sound in the surrounding medium
The ‘wave drag’ increases significantly as:

A) The Mach number approaches 1
B) The aircraft’s speed decreases
C) The wing’s aspect ratio increases
D) The altitude increases
Answer: A) The Mach number approaches 1
The ‘area rule’ was developed to:

A) Minimize drag caused by changes in cross-sectional area
B) Increase the lift-to-drag ratio of the aircraft
C) Improve the stability of the aircraft at high speeds
D) Enhance the maneuverability of the aircraft
Answer: A) Minimize drag caused by changes in cross-sectional area
The ‘shock-induced separation’ in transonic flow can:

A) Lead to flow separation and increased drag
B) Enhance lift and reduce drag
C) Improve the aircraft’s overall stability
D) Decrease the rate of climb
Answer: A) Lead to flow separation and increased drag
The ‘transonic region’ of an aircraft is where:

A) Parts of the flow are subsonic while others are supersonic
B) The entire aircraft is in a supersonic regime
C) The entire aircraft is in a subsonic regime
D) The flow is completely laminar
Answer: A) Parts of the flow are subsonic while others are supersonic
The ‘transonic flow regime’ primarily affects:

A) The aerodynamic performance of the aircraft
B) The engine efficiency
C) The fuel consumption rate
D) The aircraft’s structural integrity
Answer: A) The aerodynamic performance of the aircraft
The ‘wave drag’ in transonic flight is caused by:

A) The formation of shock waves and their interactions
B) Increased skin friction and turbulence
C) Reduced lift-to-drag ratio
D) Improved aerodynamic efficiency
Answer: A) The formation of shock waves and their interactions
The ‘transonic buffet’ phenomenon is most likely to occur:

A) When shock waves interact with the boundary layer and cause vibrations
B) At very high altitudes
C) At very low speeds
D) When the aircraft is in a stable subsonic flow
Answer: A) When shock waves interact with the boundary layer and cause vibrations
The ‘drag divergence’ in transonic flight is associated with:

A) A sudden increase in drag as the aircraft approaches Mach 1
B) A decrease in drag as speed increases
C) A gradual reduction in drag with altitude
D) A reduction in drag due to improved aerodynamics
Answer: A) A sudden increase in drag as the aircraft approaches Mach 1
The ‘shock wave strength’ in transonic flow depends on:

A) The local Mach number and the pressure difference across the shock wave
B) The temperature of the surrounding air
C) The wing’s aspect ratio
D) The aircraft’s weight
Answer: A) The local Mach number and the pressure difference across the shock wave
The ‘boundary layer transition’ in transonic flow is affected by:

A) The presence of shock waves and their interaction with the boundary layer
B) The aircraft’s altitude and speed
C) The engine thrust
D) The wing’s shape and size
Answer: A) The presence of shock waves and their interaction with the boundary layer
The ‘critical Mach number’ is:

A) The Mach number at which local flow reaches the speed of sound
B) The maximum speed an aircraft can achieve
C) The Mach number at which drag is minimized
D) The Mach number at which the aircraft stalls
Answer: A) The Mach number at which local flow reaches the speed of sound
The ‘transonic drag rise’ is most pronounced:

A) As the Mach number approaches the speed of sound
B) At very high speeds above Mach 2
C) At very low speeds below Mach 0.5
D) In completely laminar flow conditions
Answer: A) As the Mach number approaches the speed of sound
The ‘shock wave formation’ in transonic flight leads to:

A) Changes in pressure, temperature, and density in the flow field
B) Decreased skin friction drag
C) Improved fuel efficiency
D) Increased stability of the aircraft
Answer: A) Changes in pressure, temperature, and density in the flow field
The ‘transonic flow’ characteristics can be controlled by:

A) Designing aircraft shapes to minimize abrupt changes in cross-sectional area
B) Increasing the aircraft’s speed
C) Enhancing the engine performance
D) Increasing the wing’s aspect ratio
Answer: A) Designing aircraft shapes to minimize abrupt changes in cross-sectional area
The ‘drag divergence Mach number’ is typically observed:

A) When the aircraft’s speed is close to the speed of sound
B) At very low speeds
C) At very high altitudes
D) In purely subsonic flight regimes
Answer: A) When the aircraft’s speed is close to the speed of sound
The ‘compressibility effects’ in transonic flow can:

A) Lead to significant increases in drag and changes in flow patterns
B) Improve lift and reduce drag
C) Decrease the rate of fuel consumption
D) Enhance aerodynamic efficiency
Answer: A) Lead to significant increases in drag and changes in flow patterns
The ‘transonic buffet’ is a result of:

A) Shock wave interactions and flow separation
B) Smooth and laminar flow conditions
C) Improved aircraft stability
D) Decreased drag at high speeds
Answer: A) Shock wave interactions and flow separation
In transonic flow, ‘shock waves’ are generally:

A) Oblique at high angles and perpendicular at low angles
B) Always parallel to the flow direction
C) Formed only at supersonic speeds
D) Uniformly distributed along the aircraft surface
Answer: A) Oblique at high angles and perpendicular at low angles
The ‘critical Mach number’ for an aircraft is:

A) The point at which localized flow reaches the speed of sound
B) The maximum Mach number an aircraft can sustain
C) The Mach number at which the aircraft stalls
D) The Mach number corresponding to zero drag
Answer: A) The point at which localized flow reaches the speed of sound
The ‘transonic drag rise’ occurs due to:

A) The rapid formation of shock waves and increased wave drag
B) Increased skin friction and reduced lift
C) Decreased pressure and temperature in the flow
D) Improved aerodynamic efficiency at high speeds
Answer: A) The rapid formation of shock waves and increased wave drag
The ‘Mach wave’ is responsible for:

A) The characteristic cone-shaped disturbance produced by supersonic flight
B) The turbulence generated at low speeds
C) The laminar flow over the aircraft surface
D) The increase in lift at high speeds
Answer: A) The characteristic cone-shaped disturbance produced by supersonic flight
The ‘shock wave strength’ is determined by:

A) The difference between the local Mach number and the speed of sound
B) The aircraft’s weight
C) The fuel consumption rate
D) The altitude of the aircraft
Answer: A) The difference between the local Mach number and the speed of sound
The ‘transonic regime’ of flight is characterized by:

A) The presence of both subsonic and supersonic flow regions on the aircraft
B) Uniform supersonic flow throughout the aircraft
C) Purely laminar flow conditions
D) Completely subsonic flow across the entire aircraft
Answer: A) The presence of both subsonic and supersonic flow regions on the aircraft
The ‘area rule’ involves:

A) Designing the aircraft’s cross-sectional area to be as smooth and continuous as possible
B) Increasing the thickness of the wing to reduce drag
C) Enhancing the engine’s thrust capabilities
D) Decreasing the overall weight of the aircraft
Answer: A) Designing the aircraft’s cross-sectional area to be as smooth and continuous as possible
The ‘shock-boundary layer interaction’ can cause:

A) Flow separation and increased drag due to shock waves affecting the boundary layer
B) Improved aerodynamic performance and stability
C) Reduced drag and enhanced lift
D) Increased fuel efficiency and reduced turbulence
Answer: A) Flow separation and increased drag due to shock waves affecting the boundary layer
The ‘transonic buffet’ is most commonly observed:

A) When the aircraft is flying at or near its critical Mach number
B) At very low speeds
C) At high altitudes
D) In a purely subsonic flow regime
Answer: A) When the aircraft is flying at or near its critical Mach number
The ‘compressibility effects’ in transonic flow lead to:

A) Significant changes in drag and flow patterns due to pressure and density variations
B) Smooth and predictable aerodynamic behavior
C) Increased lift and reduced drag
D) Decreased drag at high speeds
Answer: A) Significant changes in drag and flow patterns due to pressure and density variations
The ‘transonic drag rise’ is associated with:

A) A sudden increase in drag as the aircraft approaches the speed of sound
B) A gradual reduction in drag with increased speed
C) Improved aerodynamic efficiency at high speeds
D) Decreased pressure and temperature in the flow
Answer: A) A sudden increase in drag as the aircraft approaches the speed of sound
The ‘drag divergence’ phenomenon occurs due to:

A) The rapid increase in drag as the Mach number approaches the speed of sound
B) The gradual decrease in drag with speed
C) The improvement in lift-to-drag ratio
D) The reduction in drag at high altitudes
Answer: A) The rapid increase in drag as the Mach number approaches the speed of sound

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