Stomata and Gas Exchange MCQs

  • What are stomata? a) Structures for photosynthesis
    b) Small openings on leaf surfaces
    c) Roots of plants
    d) Water-absorbing cells
    Answer: b) Small openings on leaf surfaces
  • Which gas primarily enters the leaf through the stomata? a) Oxygen
    b) Carbon dioxide
    c) Nitrogen
    d) Methane
    Answer: b) Carbon dioxide
  • What is the primary function of stomata? a) Absorbing nutrients
    b) Water storage
    c) Gas exchange
    d) Photosynthesis
    Answer: c) Gas exchange
  • Stomata are surrounded by which type of cells? a) Parenchyma cells
    b) Guard cells
    c) Sclerenchyma cells
    d) Xylem cells
    Answer: b) Guard cells
  • What happens to stomata during hot and dry conditions? a) They remain open
    b) They close
    c) They double in number
    d) They become larger
    Answer: b) They close
  • Which hormone is primarily responsible for stomatal closure in response to drought? a) Auxin
    b) Ethylene
    c) Abscisic acid
    d) Gibberellin
    Answer: c) Abscisic acid
  • During photosynthesis, what gas is released through the stomata? a) Nitrogen
    b) Carbon dioxide
    c) Oxygen
    d) Hydrogen
    Answer: c) Oxygen
  • How do stomata contribute to transpiration? a) By absorbing water
    b) By releasing oxygen
    c) By allowing water vapor to escape
    d) By closing during the night
    Answer: c) By allowing water vapor to escape
  • What is the primary factor influencing the opening and closing of stomata? a) Soil moisture
    b) Light intensity
    c) Temperature
    d) Humidity
    Answer: b) Light intensity
  • In which part of the plant are stomata most commonly found? a) Roots
    b) Stems
    c) Leaves
    d) Flowers
    Answer: c) Leaves
  • Which type of plant typically has more stomata on its leaves? a) Xerophytes
    b) Hydrophytes
    c) Mesophytes
    d) Halophytes
    Answer: c) Mesophytes
  • What is the role of guard cells in stomatal function? a) To absorb nutrients
    b) To photosynthesize
    c) To regulate the size of the stomatal opening
    d) To store water
    Answer: c) To regulate the size of the stomatal opening
  • How do increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere affect stomatal behavior? a) They cause stomata to close
    b) They have no effect
    c) They cause stomata to open
    d) They increase the number of stomata
    Answer: c) They cause stomata to open
  • What type of photosynthesis is associated with plants that have fewer stomata? a) C3 photosynthesis
    b) C4 photosynthesis
    c) CAM photosynthesis
    d) Dark reactions
    Answer: c) CAM photosynthesis
  • Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting stomatal opening? a) Light
    b) Water availability
    c) Soil pH
    d) Carbon dioxide concentration
    Answer: c) Soil pH
  • What is the primary mechanism by which guard cells change their shape? a) Water uptake
    b) Hormonal control
    c) Temperature changes
    d) Nutrient absorption
    Answer: a) Water uptake
  • Which of the following conditions would most likely result in the stomata being closed? a) High humidity
    b) High light intensity
    c) Low soil moisture
    d) Cool temperatures
    Answer: c) Low soil moisture
  • Stomatal density can vary based on which environmental factor? a) Soil type
    b) Wind speed
    c) Atmospheric CO2 levels
    d) All of the above
    Answer: d) All of the above
  • What type of plant adaptations may involve changes in stomatal function? a) Photosynthetic adaptations
    b) Water-use efficiency adaptations
    c) Nutrient absorption adaptations
    d) All of the above
    Answer: b) Water-use efficiency adaptations
  • Which of the following best describes the relationship between stomatal opening and photosynthesis? a) Directly proportional
    b) Inversely proportional
    c) No relationship
    d) Variable relationship
    Answer: a) Directly proportional
  • How does humidity influence stomatal behavior? a) High humidity opens stomata
    b) Low humidity opens stomata
    c) Humidity has no effect
    d) Humidity always closes stomata
    Answer: a) High humidity opens stomata
  • Which of the following processes primarily occurs at night regarding stomata? a) Stomata open for photosynthesis
    b) Stomata close to conserve water
    c) Stomata double in number
    d) Stomata are inactive
    Answer: b) Stomata close to conserve water
  • In plants that perform CAM photosynthesis, when do stomata typically open? a) During the day
    b) During the night
    c) At dawn
    d) At noon
    Answer: b) During the night
  • What effect does temperature have on stomatal opening? a) Higher temperatures always close stomata
    b) Higher temperatures can cause stomata to open
    c) Temperature has no effect on stomata
    d) Lower temperatures always open stomata
    Answer: b) Higher temperatures can cause stomata to open
  • Which part of the plant is least likely to contain stomata? a) Leaves
    b) Flowers
    c) Roots
    d) Stems
    Answer: c) Roots
  • What environmental stress can lead to increased stomatal density over generations? a) Excess water
    b) High light
    c) Drought
    d) Low temperature
    Answer: c) Drought
  • The process of transpiration primarily involves which gas? a) Oxygen
    b) Carbon dioxide
    c) Water vapor
    d) Nitrogen
    Answer: c) Water vapor
  • What physiological process directly affects the turgor pressure in guard cells? a) Photosynthesis
    b) Respiration
    c) Water uptake
    d) Nutrient absorption
    Answer: c) Water uptake
  • In which plant group are stomata typically found in the highest densities? a) Gymnosperms
    b) Angiosperms
    c) Ferns
    d) Bryophytes
    Answer: b) Angiosperms
  • Which mechanism primarily drives the diffusion of gases through stomata? a) Active transport
    b) Osmosis
    c) Concentration gradient
    d) Capillary action
    Answer: c) Concentration gradient


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