Seed and Fruit Anatomy MCQs

  • What is the outer protective layer of a seed called?
    • A) Endosperm
    • B) Seed coat
    • C) Cotyledon
    • D) Embryo
  • Which part of the seed develops into the plant embryo?
    • A) Endosperm
    • B) Zygote
    • C) Seed coat
    • D) Cotyledon
  • What is the primary function of the endosperm in a seed?
    • A) Protection
    • B) Nutrient storage
    • C) Photosynthesis
    • D) Seed dispersal
  • What are the leaf-like structures in seeds that provide nutrition to the embryo called?
    • A) Endosperm
    • B) Cotyledons
    • C) Seed coats
    • D) Epicotyls
  • Which structure of the seed is responsible for the absorption of water during germination?
    • A) Seed coat
    • B) Cotyledons
    • C) Embryo
    • D) Endosperm
  • What type of fruit develops from a single ovary?
    • A) Aggregate
    • B) Simple
    • C) Multiple
    • D) Compound
  • Which part of the fruit develops from the ovary wall after fertilization?
    • A) Seed coat
    • B) Pericarp
    • C) Placenta
    • D) Receptacle
  • What is the name of the fleshy part of a fruit that is often edible?
    • A) Seed
    • B) Mesocarp
    • C) Endocarp
    • D) Exocarp
  • Which type of fruit is formed from many ovaries of one flower?
    • A) Simple
    • B) Aggregate
    • C) Multiple
    • D) Drupe
  • What is the primary function of fruits in plants?
    • A) Photosynthesis
    • B) Seed dispersal
    • C) Water storage
    • D) Nutrient absorption
  • Which type of seed dispersal involves water?
    • A) Wind dispersal
    • B) Hydrochory
    • C) Zoochory
    • D) Autochory
  • What type of fruit is a tomato classified as?
    • A) Drupe
    • B) Berry
    • C) Pome
    • D) Aggregate
  • Which part of a seed is responsible for forming the first leaves during germination?
    • A) Hypocotyl
    • B) Cotyledon
    • C) Radicle
    • D) Endosperm
  • What is the name of the seed structure that anchors the seed to the parent plant?
    • A) Seed coat
    • B) Hilum
    • C) Micropyle
    • D) Endosperm
  • Which type of fruit is formed from the fusion of multiple flowers?
    • A) Simple
    • B) Multiple
    • C) Aggregate
    • D) Berry
  • What is the innermost layer of a fruit that surrounds the seed called?
    • A) Mesocarp
    • B) Endocarp
    • C) Exocarp
    • D) Pericarp
  • Which structure of the seed develops into the root?
    • A) Cotyledon
    • B) Radicle
    • C) Epicotyl
    • D) Seed coat
  • What type of fruit is formed from a single flower with many ovaries?
    • A) Simple
    • B) Aggregate
    • C) Multiple
    • D) Pome
  • Which part of the seed will develop into the shoot of the plant?
    • A) Radicle
    • B) Epicotyl
    • C) Cotyledon
    • D) Seed coat
  • What is the term for fruits that develop without fertilization?
    • A) Fertilized
    • B) Parthenocarpy
    • C) Apomixis
    • D) Polyembryony
  • Which fruit has a hard outer shell and a fleshy interior?
    • A) Berry
    • B) Drupe
    • C) Pome
    • D) Aggregate
  • What is the term for the opening in the seed coat that allows water absorption?
    • A) Micropyle
    • B) Hilum
    • C) Scar
    • D) Endosperm
  • What part of the fruit aids in seed dispersal and is often brightly colored?
    • A) Endocarp
    • B) Pericarp
    • C) Mesocarp
    • D) Seed coat
  • Which fruit type is formed from multiple fused carpels?
    • A) Simple
    • B) Aggregate
    • C) Multiple
    • D) Drupe
  • Which fruit is characterized by having a core?
    • A) Berry
    • B) Pome
    • C) Drupe
    • D) Aggregate
  • What is the primary role of the pericarp?
    • A) Nutrient storage
    • B) Protection of the seed
    • C) Seed germination
    • D) Water absorption
  • What type of seed is commonly produced by conifers?
    • A) Naked seed
    • B) Enclosed seed
    • C) Hard seed
    • D) Fleshy seed
  • What term describes the fleshy outer layer of a drupe?
    • A) Mesocarp
    • B) Exocarp
    • C) Endocarp
    • D) Pericarp
  • Which part of the fruit can aid in seed dispersal through animal feces?
    • A) Seed coat
    • B) Fleshy pericarp
    • C) Endosperm
    • D) Hilum
  • What term refers to the layer of tissue in a seed that provides nourishment to the developing embryo?
    • A) Cotyledon
    • B) Endosperm
    • C) Seed coat
    • D) Radicle


  1. Root Structure and Function MCQs
  2. Stem Anatomy and Growth MCQs
  3. Leaf Structure and Function MCQs
  4. Flower Anatomy MCQs
  5. Vascular Tissue: Xylem and Phloem MCQs
  6. Plant Cells and Tissues MCQs
  7. Secondary Growth in Plants MCQs
  8. Epidermis and Cuticle MCQs
  9. Stomata and Gas Exchange MCQs
  10. Meristems and Plant Growth MCQs
  11. Parenchyma, Collenchyma, and Sclerenchyma MCQs
  12. Plant Hormones and Growth Regulators MCQs
  13. Adaptations of Plant Structures MCQs
  14. Anatomy of Angiosperms vs. Gymnosperms MCQs
  15. Leaf Venation Patterns MCQs
  16. Root Hair and Water Absorption MCQs
  17. Node and Internode Structures MCQs
  18. Bark and Wood Anatomy MCQs
  19. Plant Reproductive Structures MCQs

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