Parenchyma, Collenchyma, and Sclerenchyma MCQs

  • What is the primary function of parenchyma cells?
    a) Support
    b) Photosynthesis and storage
    c) Transport of water
    d) Protection
    Answer: b) Photosynthesis and storage
  • Which type of tissue provides flexible support to growing stems and leaves?
    a) Parenchyma
    b) Collenchyma
    c) Sclerenchyma
    d) Vascular tissue
    Answer: b) Collenchyma
  • What type of cell wall do sclerenchyma cells have?
    a) Thin and flexible
    b) Thick and lignified
    c) Cellulose-rich
    d) Semi-permeable
    Answer: b) Thick and lignified
  • Which type of parenchyma is specialized for storage?
    a) Aerenchyma
    b) Chlorenchyma
    c) Collenchyma
    d) Sclerenchyma
    Answer: b) Chlorenchyma
  • Where are collenchyma cells most commonly found?
    a) In roots
    b) In leaf veins
    c) In young stems and petioles
    d) In mature wood
    Answer: c) In young stems and petioles
  • What distinguishes sclerenchyma cells from parenchyma and collenchyma?
    a) Their shape
    b) Their function
    c) Their thick, lignified cell walls
    d) Their ability to photosynthesize
    Answer: c) Their thick, lignified cell walls
  • Which of the following types of cells is dead at maturity?
    a) Parenchyma
    b) Collenchyma
    c) Sclerenchyma
    d) All of the above
    Answer: c) Sclerenchyma
  • What is aerenchyma?
    a) A type of sclerenchyma
    b) A specialized parenchyma with air spaces
    c) A supportive tissue
    d) A type of collenchyma
    Answer: b) A specialized parenchyma with air spaces
  • What is the main role of chlorenchyma cells?
    a) Storage of nutrients
    b) Photosynthesis
    c) Structural support
    d) Water transport
    Answer: b) Photosynthesis
  • In which plant structures would you typically find sclerenchyma?
    a) Young shoots
    b) Leaves
    c) Mature stems and seeds
    d) Roots
    Answer: c) Mature stems and seeds
  • What type of collenchyma is characterized by unevenly thickened cell walls?
    a) Angular collenchyma
    b) Lamellar collenchyma
    c) Celled collenchyma
    d) Intercellular collenchyma
    Answer: a) Angular collenchyma
  • Which type of parenchyma is important for water storage in succulent plants?
    a) Aerenchyma
    b) Chlorenchyma
    c) Storage parenchyma
    d) Sclerenchyma
    Answer: c) Storage parenchyma
  • Which tissue is primarily involved in the mechanical support of plants?
    a) Parenchyma
    b) Collenchyma
    c) Sclerenchyma
    d) Both b and c
    Answer: d) Both b and c
  • What type of collenchyma is found in the petioles of leaves?
    a) Angular collenchyma
    b) Lamellar collenchyma
    c) Uneven collenchyma
    d) All types
    Answer: d) All types
  • What is the main characteristic of parenchyma cells?
    a) They are elongated
    b) They have thick walls
    c) They are loosely packed and have large intercellular spaces
    d) They are dead at maturity
    Answer: c) They are loosely packed and have large intercellular spaces
  • Which type of sclerenchyma cell is long and tapered?
    a) Fibers
    b) Sclereids
    c) Parenchyma
    d) Collenchyma
    Answer: a) Fibers
  • What function do aerenchyma cells serve in aquatic plants?
    a) Photosynthesis
    b) Gas exchange and buoyancy
    c) Storage of nutrients
    d) Structural support
    Answer: b) Gas exchange and buoyancy
  • In which plant tissue would you find living cells at maturity?
    a) Sclerenchyma
    b) Collenchyma
    c) Parenchyma
    d) Both b and c
    Answer: d) Both b and c
  • What type of cell wall do collenchyma cells possess?
    a) Thin and flexible
    b) Thickened at corners
    c) Lignified
    d) Cellulose-rich
    Answer: b) Thickened at corners
  • Which type of tissue is most abundant in the soft parts of fruits?
    a) Sclerenchyma
    b) Collenchyma
    c) Parenchyma
    d) Vascular tissue
    Answer: c) Parenchyma
  • What role do sclereids play in plant tissues?
    a) They provide flexible support
    b) They enhance mechanical strength
    c) They conduct water
    d) They store nutrients
    Answer: b) They enhance mechanical strength
  • Which type of collenchyma is most commonly found in herbaceous plants?
    a) Angular collenchyma
    b) Lamellar collenchyma
    c) Both a and b
    d) Sclerenchyma
    Answer: c) Both a and b
  • Which type of tissue provides the primary means of nutrient storage in plants?
    a) Collenchyma
    b) Parenchyma
    c) Sclerenchyma
    d) Vascular tissue
    Answer: b) Parenchyma
  • What structural feature characterizes sclerenchyma fibers?
    a) Thin cell walls
    b) Thick, lignified walls
    c) Large intercellular spaces
    d) Photosynthetic capability
    Answer: b) Thick, lignified walls
  • Which type of parenchyma contains chloroplasts?
    a) Storage parenchyma
    b) Aerenchyma
    c) Chlorenchyma
    d) Sclerenchyma
    Answer: c) Chlorenchyma
  • Which of the following is a characteristic of collenchyma?
    a) It is found in the root tips.
    b) It has uniformly thickened walls.
    c) It provides structural support to young stems.
    d) It consists of dead cells at maturity.
    Answer: c) It provides structural support to young stems.
  • What is the main difference between fibers and sclereids in sclerenchyma?
    a) Fibers are longer and more flexible, while sclereids are shorter and more variable in shape.
    b) Both have the same structure and function.
    c) Sclereids are living, while fibers are dead.
    d) There is no difference.
    Answer: a) Fibers are longer and more flexible, while sclereids are shorter and more variable in shape.
  • In what part of the plant would you expect to find aerenchyma?
    a) In woody stems
    b) In root tissues
    c) In aquatic plant stems and leaves
    d) In flower petals
    Answer: c) In aquatic plant stems and leaves
  • What is a primary role of sclerenchyma in seeds?
    a) Nutrient storage
    b) Photosynthesis
    c) Protection
    d) Water transport
    Answer: c) Protection
  • Which tissue type has the most varied functions in a plant?
    a) Sclerenchyma
    b) Collenchyma
    c) Parenchyma
    d) Vascular tissue
    Answer: c) Parenchyma


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