Plant Cells and Tissues MCQs

  • Which of the following is the basic unit of life in plants?
    • A) Tissue
    • B) Organ
    • C) Cell
    • D) Organism
  • What is the function of parenchyma cells in plants?
    • A) Storage and photosynthesis
    • B) Structural support
    • C) Transport of water
    • D) Nutrient transport
  • Which type of plant tissue is responsible for photosynthesis?
    • A) Collenchyma
    • B) Sclerenchyma
    • C) Parenchyma
    • D) Meristematic tissue
  • What is the main function of xylem in plants?
    • A) Transport of water and minerals
    • B) Transport of sugars
    • C) Photosynthesis
    • D) Storage
  • Which cells provide support in young stems and petioles?
    • A) Parenchyma
    • B) Collenchyma
    • C) Sclerenchyma
    • D) Meristematic cells
  • What is the function of sclerenchyma cells?
    • A) Provide structural support
    • B) Conduct water
    • C) Store nutrients
    • D) Perform photosynthesis
  • Which type of plant tissue is responsible for growth?
    • A) Vascular tissue
    • B) Meristematic tissue
    • C) Ground tissue
    • D) Protective tissue
  • What is the primary role of phloem?
    • A) Transport of nutrients and sugars
    • B) Transport of water
    • C) Provide structural support
    • D) Storage of starch
  • Which structure regulates the exchange of gases in leaves?
    • A) Stomata
    • B) Cuticle
    • C) Epidermis
    • D) Mesophyll
  • What type of cells are found in the epidermis of plants?
    • A) Parenchyma
    • B) Dermal cells
    • C) Collenchyma
    • D) Sclerenchyma
  • Which type of meristematic tissue is responsible for secondary growth?
    • A) Apical meristem
    • B) Lateral meristem
    • C) Intercalary meristem
    • D) Parenchyma
  • What is the primary function of guard cells?
    • A) Regulate stomatal opening and closing
    • B) Conduct water
    • C) Provide structural support
    • D) Store nutrients
  • Which type of tissue forms the outer protective covering of the plant?
    • A) Dermal tissue
    • B) Ground tissue
    • C) Vascular tissue
    • D) Meristematic tissue
  • Which plant cells are dead at maturity and provide strength?
    • A) Parenchyma
    • B) Sclerenchyma
    • C) Collenchyma
    • D) Meristematic cells
  • What type of cells are responsible for the transport of water in xylem?
    • A) Tracheids and vessel elements
    • B) Sieve tube elements
    • C) Companion cells
    • D) Parenchyma
  • What tissue type is primarily involved in the storage of food in plants?
    • A) Vascular tissue
    • B) Dermal tissue
    • C) Ground tissue
    • D) Meristematic tissue
  • Which plant structure is mainly responsible for nutrient transport?
    • A) Phloem
    • B) Xylem
    • C) Ground tissue
    • D) Epidermis
  • What is the role of intercalary meristem?
    • A) Growth in length of stems and leaves
    • B) Secondary growth
    • C) Growth at the root tips
    • D) Storage of nutrients
  • What type of cells make up the mesophyll in leaves?
    • A) Chlorenchyma
    • B) Sclerenchyma
    • C) Epidermal cells
    • D) Parenchyma
  • Which plant cells are specialized for photosynthesis?
    • A) Parenchyma
    • B) Chloroplasts-containing cells
    • C) Guard cells
    • D) Sclerenchyma
  • Which of the following tissues is involved in the transport of hormones and signaling molecules?
    • A) Ground tissue
    • B) Phloem
    • C) Xylem
    • D) Epidermis
  • Which type of plant tissue includes both parenchyma and collenchyma?
    • A) Vascular tissue
    • B) Ground tissue
    • C) Dermal tissue
    • D) Meristematic tissue
  • What type of cells are found in the heartwood of a tree?
    • A) Living parenchyma
    • B) Dead xylem cells
    • C) Sclerenchyma
    • D) Companion cells
  • Which cells make up the majority of the plant’s internal tissue?
    • A) Sclerenchyma
    • B) Collenchyma
    • C) Parenchyma
    • D) Vascular tissue
  • What is the primary function of cork cells in the plant?
    • A) Conduct water
    • B) Protect the plant
    • C) Store food
    • D) Photosynthesis
  • Which plant cells are primarily involved in the repair and regeneration of tissues?
    • A) Collenchyma
    • B) Meristematic cells
    • C) Parenchyma
    • D) Sclerenchyma
  • What type of plant tissue consists of living cells and is involved in nutrient transport?
    • A) Xylem
    • B) Phloem
    • C) Sclerenchyma
    • D) Collenchyma
  • Which type of parenchyma is specialized for storage and usually contains large vacuoles?
    • A) Aerenchyma
    • B) Chlorenchyma
    • C) Collenchyma
    • D) Sclerenchyma
  • What is the main difference between tracheids and vessel elements?
    • A) Tracheids are narrower and longer.
    • B) Vessel elements are dead.
    • C) Tracheids conduct sugars.
    • D) Vessel elements are found in gymnosperms.
  • What type of plant tissue is composed of thin-walled cells that can differentiate into other types?
    • A) Sclerenchyma
    • B) Meristematic tissue
    • C) Vascular tissue
    • D) Ground tissue


  1. Root Structure and Function MCQs
  2. Stem Anatomy and Growth MCQs
  3. Leaf Structure and Function MCQs
  4. Flower Anatomy MCQs
  5. Seed and Fruit Anatomy MCQs
  6. Vascular Tissue: Xylem and Phloem MCQs
  7. Secondary Growth in Plants MCQs
  8. Epidermis and Cuticle MCQs
  9. Stomata and Gas Exchange MCQs
  10. Meristems and Plant Growth MCQs
  11. Parenchyma, Collenchyma, and Sclerenchyma MCQs
  12. Plant Hormones and Growth Regulators MCQs
  13. Adaptations of Plant Structures MCQs
  14. Anatomy of Angiosperms vs. Gymnosperms MCQs
  15. Leaf Venation Patterns MCQs
  16. Root Hair and Water Absorption MCQs
  17. Node and Internode Structures MCQs
  18. Bark and Wood Anatomy MCQs
  19. Plant Reproductive Structures MCQs

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