Vascular Tissue: Xylem and Phloem MCQs

  • What is the primary function of xylem in vascular plants?
    • A) Transport of sugars
    • B) Transport of water and minerals
    • C) Photosynthesis
    • D) Storage of nutrients
  • Which type of cell in xylem is primarily responsible for water conduction?
    • A) Parenchyma
    • B) Tracheids
    • C) Sieve elements
    • D) Companion cells
  • What type of tissue makes up the phloem?
    • A) Living cells
    • B) Dead cells
    • C) Both living and dead cells
    • D) None of the above
  • Which component of phloem is responsible for the transport of carbohydrates?
    • A) Tracheids
    • B) Sieve tubes
    • C) Vessel elements
    • D) Xylem fibers
  • What structure connects sieve tube elements in phloem?
    • A) Companion cells
    • B) Sieve plates
    • C) Tracheids
    • D) Perforation plates
  • Which of the following is a primary characteristic of xylem?
    • A) It consists mainly of dead cells.
    • B) It transports nutrients.
    • C) It conducts photosynthesis.
    • D) It is composed of living cells.
  • What are the two main types of cells found in xylem?
    • A) Sieve cells and companion cells
    • B) Tracheids and vessel elements
    • C) Phloem fibers and parenchyma
    • D) Epidermal cells and cortex
  • Which plant structure is involved in the upward movement of water through xylem?
    • A) Root hairs
    • B) Leaves
    • C) Flowers
    • D) Stems
  • What process primarily drives the movement of water in xylem?
    • A) Active transport
    • B) Transpiration
    • C) Osmosis
    • D) Diffusion
  • Which of the following statements about phloem is true?
    • A) It is primarily made of dead cells.
    • B) It transports nutrients and organic compounds.
    • C) It conducts water.
    • D) It is found only in roots.
  • Which cells support the structure of the xylem?
    • A) Parenchyma cells
    • B) Fibers
    • C) Sieve tube elements
    • D) Companion cells
  • In which direction does phloem transport nutrients?
    • A) Only upward
    • B) Both upward and downward
    • C) Only downward
    • D) From roots to leaves only
  • What type of xylem cell is more efficient in water conduction?
    • A) Tracheids
    • B) Vessel elements
    • C) Fibers
    • D) Parenchyma
  • What is the primary role of companion cells in phloem?
    • A) Support sieve tube elements
    • B) Conduct water
    • C) Store nutrients
    • D) Provide rigidity
  • Which vascular tissue is primarily responsible for support in plants?
    • A) Xylem
    • B) Phloem
    • C) Parenchyma
    • D) Epidermis
  • What is the function of parenchyma cells in xylem and phloem?
    • A) Storage and lateral transport
    • B) Conduct water
    • C) Provide structural support
    • D) Facilitate nutrient transport
  • Which type of xylem cells are found in gymnosperms but not in most angiosperms?
    • A) Tracheids
    • B) Vessel elements
    • C) Fibers
    • D) Sieve tube elements
  • What is the primary component of the xylem cell wall?
    • A) Cellulose
    • B) Lignin
    • C) Both cellulose and lignin
    • D) Starch
  • Which of the following best describes the movement of nutrients in phloem?
    • A) From source to sink
    • B) Only upward
    • C) From leaves to roots only
    • D) Random movement
  • What is the main type of cell found in the phloem that aids in nutrient transport?
    • A) Parenchyma
    • B) Sieve cells
    • C) Tracheids
    • D) Vessel elements
  • What type of connection allows communication between companion cells and sieve tubes?
    • A) Plasmodesmata
    • B) Plasmodesmata and sieve plates
    • C) Perforation plates
    • D) Lateral connections
  • In xylem, which structure provides maximum water conduction?
    • A) Vessel elements
    • B) Tracheids
    • C) Fibers
    • D) Parenchyma
  • Which plant tissue is most affected by girdling?
    • A) Xylem
    • B) Phloem
    • C) Parenchyma
    • D) Cambium
  • What is the term for the process of water moving through xylem due to evaporation?
    • A) Osmosis
    • B) Transpiration
    • C) Diffusion
    • D) Capillarity
  • Which vascular tissue can be found in both roots and leaves?
    • A) Both xylem and phloem
    • B) Only xylem
    • C) Only phloem
    • D) Parenchyma
  • Which xylem component provides flexibility and resistance to bending?
    • A) Fibers
    • B) Tracheids
    • C) Vessel elements
    • D) Companion cells
  • What part of the plant is typically the primary site of photosynthesis?
    • A) Roots
    • B) Leaves
    • C) Stems
    • D) Flowers
  • Which of the following vascular tissues is typically found in greater quantity in older stems?
    • A) Phloem
    • B) Xylem
    • C) Cambium
    • D) Epidermis
  • Which type of tissue allows for lateral transport of nutrients in phloem?
    • A) Sieve tubes
    • B) Companion cells
    • C) Tracheids
    • D) Vessel elements
  • What is the primary method by which phloem transports nutrients throughout the plant?
    • A) Gravity
    • B) Pressure flow hypothesis
    • C) Capillary action
    • D) Osmosis


  1. Root Structure and Function MCQs
  2. Stem Anatomy and Growth MCQs
  3. Leaf Structure and Function MCQs
  4. Flower Anatomy MCQs
  5. Seed and Fruit Anatomy MCQs
  6. Plant Cells and Tissues MCQs
  7. Secondary Growth in Plants MCQs
  8. Epidermis and Cuticle MCQs
  9. Stomata and Gas Exchange MCQs
  10. Meristems and Plant Growth MCQs
  11. Parenchyma, Collenchyma, and Sclerenchyma MCQs
  12. Plant Hormones and Growth Regulators MCQs
  13. Adaptations of Plant Structures MCQs
  14. Anatomy of Angiosperms vs. Gymnosperms MCQs
  15. Leaf Venation Patterns MCQs
  16. Root Hair and Water Absorption MCQs
  17. Node and Internode Structures MCQs
  18. Bark and Wood Anatomy MCQs
  19. Plant Reproductive Structures MCQs

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