Infectious diseases on imaging MCQs

  • Which imaging modality is most commonly used to assess pneumonia?
    • A) CT scan
    • B) Chest X-ray
    • C) MRI
    • D) Ultrasound
  • What is the typical imaging finding in a patient with tuberculosis (TB) pneumonia?
    • A) Cavitary lesions
    • B) Consolidation
    • C) Pleural effusion
    • D) Ground-glass opacities
  • What is the primary imaging technique used to evaluate abscess formation?
    • A) MRI
    • B) Ultrasound
    • C) Chest X-ray
    • D) CT scan
  • In cases of osteomyelitis, which imaging modality is most sensitive?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) MRI
    • C) CT scan
    • D) Ultrasound
  • Which imaging finding is characteristic of a lung abscess?
    • A) Air-fluid level within a cavity
    • B) Interstitial markings
    • C) Ground-glass opacity
    • D) Nodular opacities
  • What imaging technique is most useful for detecting empyema?
    • A) MRI
    • B) Chest ultrasound
    • C) CT scan
    • D) Plain X-ray
  • In cases of brain abscess, what is the preferred imaging modality?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) MRI with contrast
    • C) CT without contrast
    • D) PET scan
  • Which radiological finding is commonly associated with histoplasmosis?
    • A) Reticular nodular pattern
    • B) Consolidation
    • C) Cavitary lesions
    • D) Pleural effusion
  • What is the typical imaging finding in patients with necrotizing fasciitis?
    • A) Subcutaneous gas formation
    • B) Edema without gas
    • C) Osteomyelitis
    • D) Fluid collection
  • What imaging study is most useful for assessing chronic osteomyelitis?
    • A) MRI
    • B) CT scan
    • C) X-ray
    • D) Ultrasound
  • In cases of viral pneumonia, what might be seen on a CT scan?
    • A) Ground-glass opacities
    • B) Consolidation
    • C) Nodular opacities
    • D) Pleural effusion
  • Which imaging finding is characteristic of a Candida infection in the lungs?
    • A) Consolidation
    • B) Pulmonary nodules with surrounding halo
    • C) Ground-glass opacity
    • D) Cavitary lesions
  • What is the role of fluoroscopy in evaluating infectious diseases?
    • A) To detect abscesses
    • B) To assess swallowing abnormalities
    • C) To evaluate pneumonia
    • D) To perform biopsies
  • What imaging modality is best for diagnosing viral encephalitis?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) MRI
    • C) CT scan
    • D) PET scan
  • What is a common finding on imaging in a patient with syphilis?
    • A) Osteomyelitis
    • B) Gumma formation
    • C) Pulmonary nodules
    • D) Cavitary lesions
  • Which imaging study is indicated for evaluating tuberculosis of the spine (Pott’s disease)?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) CT scan
    • C) MRI of the spine
    • D) Ultrasound
  • In cases of infectious endocarditis, what imaging study is most useful?
    • A) Chest X-ray
    • B) Echocardiogram
    • C) MRI
    • D) CT scan
  • What imaging finding is suggestive of schistosomiasis in the liver?
    • A) Hepatosplenomegaly with periportal fibrosis
    • B) Cysts
    • C) Abscess formation
    • D) Fatty liver changes
  • What type of imaging is typically used for detecting retropharyngeal abscess in children?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) CT scan
    • C) MRI
    • D) Ultrasound
  • Which imaging technique is useful for assessing viral hepatitis complications?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) Ultrasound
    • C) CT scan
    • D) MRI
  • What imaging finding may suggest the presence of mycobacterial infections in the lungs?
    • A) Cavitary lesions with surrounding consolidation
    • B) Ground-glass opacities
    • C) Interstitial edema
    • D) Consolidation
  • In a case of malaria, what imaging finding might be observed in severe cases?
    • A) Splenic enlargement
    • B) Lung nodules
    • C) Abscess formation
    • D) Hemothorax
  • Which imaging study is preferred for evaluating complicated pneumonia?
    • A) CT scan of the chest
    • B) Plain X-ray
    • C) MRI
    • D) Ultrasound
  • What is a common finding in imaging for patients with leprosy?
    • A) Joint effusion
    • B) Bone resorption
    • C) Osteosclerosis
    • D) Soft tissue edema
  • What imaging is most useful for detecting tuberculosis lymphadenopathy?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) CT scan of the chest
    • C) Ultrasound
    • D) MRI
  • Which organism is commonly associated with lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients?
    • A) Staphylococcus aureus
    • B) Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    • C) Mycobacterium tuberculosis
    • D) Streptococcus pneumoniae
  • What imaging finding is suggestive of acute bacterial meningitis?
    • A) Increased ventricular size on CT
    • B) Brain abscess
    • C) Hemorrhage
    • D) Edema
  • What imaging modality is useful in assessing complications of diverticulitis?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) CT scan
    • C) MRI
    • D) Ultrasound
  • In cases of viral myocarditis, what imaging is preferred?
    • A) X-ray
    • B) MRI of the heart
    • C) CT scan
    • D) Echocardiogram
  • Which imaging finding is characteristic of asbestosis?
    • A) Pleural plaques
    • B) Ground-glass opacity
    • C) Consolidation
    • D) Pulmonary nodules


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