Imaging for acute conditions (stroke, pulmonary embolism) MCQs

  1. What is the primary cause of ischemic stroke?
    • A) Hemorrhage
    • B) Thrombosis
    • C) Tumor
    • D) Infection
  2. Which symptom is commonly associated with a stroke?
    • A) Sudden confusion
    • B) Chronic headache
    • C) Blurred vision over days
    • D) Persistent cough
  3. Which scale is commonly used to assess stroke severity?
    • A) Mini-Mental State Examination
    • B) NIH Stroke Scale
    • C) Glasgow Coma Scale
    • D) Hamilton Anxiety Scale
  4. What is the recommended treatment for an ischemic stroke within 3 hours of onset?
    • A) Antiplatelet therapy
    • B) Tissue Plasminogen Activator (tPA)
    • C) Anticoagulants
    • D) Corticosteroids
  5. What is a common risk factor for stroke?
    • A) Low blood pressure
    • B) Hypertension
    • C) High HDL cholesterol
    • D) Sedentary lifestyle
  6. What is the most common type of stroke?
    • A) Hemorrhagic stroke
    • B) Ischemic stroke
    • C) Cryptogenic stroke
    • D) Transient ischemic attack
  7. Which imaging technique is typically first-line for diagnosing stroke?
    • A) MRI
    • B) CT scan
    • C) Ultrasound
    • D) X-ray
  8. What is the term for a temporary episode of neurological dysfunction without acute infarction?
    • A) Ischemic stroke
    • B) Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
    • C) Hemorrhagic stroke
    • D) Acute encephalopathy
  9. Which factor increases the risk of hemorrhagic stroke?
    • A) Aneurysm
    • B) High potassium levels
    • C) Low body mass index
    • D) Age under 40
  10. What is a common long-term complication following a stroke?
    • A) Aphasia
    • B) Renal failure
    • C) Asthma
    • D) Gastritis

Pulmonary Embolism MCQs

  1. What is the most common source of pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Fat
    • B) Air
    • C) Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
    • D) Bone
  2. Which symptom is typical of a pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Abdominal pain
    • B) Sudden shortness of breath
    • C) Diarrhea
    • D) Joint swelling
  3. What diagnostic test is preferred for pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Chest X-ray
    • B) CT pulmonary angiography
    • C) Ultrasound
    • D) MRI
  4. Which risk factor is associated with increased likelihood of pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Regular exercise
    • B) Prolonged immobility
    • C) Low BMI
    • D) Non-smoker
  5. What is the first-line treatment for a patient with acute pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Anticoagulation
    • B) Thrombolysis
    • C) Surgical intervention
    • D) Corticosteroids
  6. What scoring system is commonly used to assess the risk of pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Wells Score
    • B) APGAR Score
    • C) Glasgow Coma Scale
    • D) MELD Score
  7. Which sign may be present on examination in a patient with pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Tachycardia
    • B) Bradycardia
    • C) Hypertension
    • D) Jaundice
  8. What complication can arise from untreated pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Right heart failure
    • B) Stroke
    • C) Gastrointestinal bleeding
    • D) Diabetes mellitus
  9. What is the classic triad of symptoms associated with pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Chest pain, fever, cough
    • B) Dyspnea, chest pain, hemoptysis
    • C) Nausea, vomiting, dizziness
    • D) Abdominal pain, diarrhea, rash
  10. What is the recommended duration of anticoagulation therapy for a first episode of unprovoked pulmonary embolism?
    • A) 1 month
    • B) 3-6 months
    • C) 1 year
    • D) Lifelong
  1. Which condition can mimic symptoms of pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Myocardial infarction
    • B) Asthma
    • C) Pneumonia
    • D) Anemia
  2. What is a non-modifiable risk factor for stroke?
    • A) Hypertension
    • B) Age
    • C) Smoking
    • D) Hyperlipidemia
  3. In a patient presenting with a stroke, what is the first thing that should be assessed?
    • A) Oxygen saturation
    • B) Time of symptom onset
    • C) Blood glucose level
    • D) Past medical history
  4. What is the primary goal of therapy for pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Treat underlying infection
    • B) Prevent further clot formation
    • C) Relieve pain
    • D) Improve lung function
  5. Which imaging study is contraindicated in acute hemorrhagic stroke?
    • A) CT scan
    • B) Thrombolysis
    • C) MRI
    • D) Chest X-ray
  6. Which medication is often used for secondary prevention of stroke?
    • A) Aspirin
    • B) Warfarin
    • C) Clopidogrel
    • D) Statins
  7. What is a potential long-term effect of pulmonary embolism?
    • A) Chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension
    • B) Liver cirrhosis
    • C) Heart failure
    • D) Renal failure
  8. What laboratory test is commonly ordered in suspected stroke cases?
    • A) Coagulation profile
    • B) Urinalysis
    • C) Complete blood count
    • D) Liver function tests
  9. What factor contributes to the development of deep vein thrombosis?
    • A) Venous stasis
    • B) High physical activity
    • C) Adequate hydration
    • D) Low cholesterol diet
  10. Which of the following interventions can reduce the risk of pulmonary embolism in hospitalized patients?
    • A) Early mobilization
    • B) Increased fluid intake
    • C) Smoking cessation
    • D) Dietary modification


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