Tort Law (MCQs)

  • What is the primary objective of Tort Law?
    a) To punish wrongdoers
    b) To provide compensation to the injured party
    c) To enforce contracts
    d) To impose fines
  • Which of the following is a key element in tort law?
    a) Consideration
    b) Offer and acceptance
    c) Duty of care
    d) Free consent
  • Negligence is defined as the breach of which of the following?
    a) Contract
    b) Duty of care
    c) Agreement
    d) Warranty
  • Which of the following is an example of a tort?
    a) Breach of contract
    b) Defamation
    c) Sale of goods
    d) Performance of a contract
  • Which of the following is a defense to negligence?
    a) Consideration
    b) Contributory negligence
    c) Offer and acceptance
    d) Defamation
  • The tort of defamation consists of which two types?
    a) Negligence and liability
    b) Libel and slander
    c) Contract and consent
    d) Offer and acceptance
  • Which of the following refers to a false statement made in writing?
    a) Slander
    b) Negligence
    c) Libel
    d) Nuisance
  • Which tort involves the unlawful interference with someone’s enjoyment of their land?
    a) Defamation
    b) Nuisance
    c) Trespass
    d) Negligence
  • Which of the following is NOT a requirement for a claim in negligence?
    a) Duty of care
    b) Contractual agreement
    c) Breach of duty
    d) Causation
  • Which of the following is a defense to a tort claim?
    a) Invitation to offer
    b) Volenti non fit injuria
    c) Specific performance
    d) Free consent
  • Which of the following is an intentional tort?
    a) Battery
    b) Negligence
    c) Breach of contract
    d) Sale of goods
  • A tort that involves an unlawful physical contact is called what?
    a) Nuisance
    b) Battery
    c) Libel
    d) Trespass
  • Which of the following defenses applies if the plaintiff willingly accepts a known risk?
    a) Volenti non fit injuria
    b) Strict liability
    c) Causation
    d) Misrepresentation
  • Which of the following torts involves unauthorized entry onto someone else’s land?
    a) Trespass
    b) Libel
    c) Negligence
    d) Defamation
  • In tort law, ‘strict liability’ refers to what?
    a) Liability only with negligence
    b) Liability based on breach of contract
    c) Liability without proof of fault
    d) No liability at all
  • The tort of false imprisonment involves what?
    a) Detaining someone lawfully
    b) Restraining someone without legal authority
    c) Performing a wrongful act in public
    d) Trespassing on private property
  • Which of the following is an example of a nuisance?
    a) Writing defamatory statements
    b) Polluting a neighbor’s land
    c) Trespassing on someone’s property
    d) Falsely imprisoning a person
  • Res ipsa loquitur is a doctrine that refers to what?
    a) Causation
    b) The facts speak for themselves
    c) Intent to cause harm
    d) Liability in contract
  • Which of the following refers to harm caused by someone’s use of their property?
    a) Negligence
    b) Private nuisance
    c) Defamation
    d) Trespass
  • What is the legal term for a false oral statement that damages someone’s reputation?
    a) Libel
    b) Slander
    c) Trespass
    d) Battery
  • Which of the following is a defense in a defamation case?
    a) Negligence
    b) Trespass
    c) Truth
    d) Strict liability
  • In a tort case, which of the following refers to financial compensation for damages?
    a) Battery
    b) Remedies
    c) Offer
    d) Performance
  • In which of the following torts is intent required?
    a) Assault
    b) Negligence
    c) Nuisance
    d) Slander
  • What type of tort involves interfering with someone’s use or enjoyment of their property?
    a) Defamation
    b) Battery
    c) Nuisance
    d) Trespass
  • Which of the following statements is true regarding negligence?
    a) It is a breach of a duty of care that causes damage
    b) It involves intent to harm
    c) It requires proof of contract
    d) It is the same as strict liability
  • In tort law, which type of damages is meant to punish the defendant?
    a) Nominal damages
    b) Punitive damages
    c) Compensatory damages
    d) Special damages
  • Which of the following torts involves the use of force or threat of force?
    a) Libel
    b) Assault
    c) Nuisance
    d) Trespass
  • In tort law, what does the term ‘causation’ refer to?
    a) Intent to commit harm
    b) The direct link between a breach and the harm caused
    c) A defense to defamation
    d) Consent to risk
  • The tort of malicious prosecution occurs when someone does what?
    a) Defames another person
    b) Files a false legal claim against someone without reasonable cause
    c) Enters someone’s property without permission
    d) Imprisons someone illegally
  • Which of the following is an example of a tort involving economic harm?
    a) Trespass
    b) Fraud
    c) Battery
    d) Nuisance


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