Labor Law (MCQs)

  • What is the primary purpose of Labor Law?
    a) To regulate trade practices
    b) To protect the rights of workers and promote fair labor practices
    c) To determine tax obligations
    d) To regulate business competition
  • Which of the following is considered a collective bargaining agreement?
    a) A contract between two individuals
    b) An agreement between employers and a union representing workers
    c) A governmental regulation
    d) An individual employment contract
  • What does the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) protect?
    a) The rights of employees to organize and engage in collective bargaining
    b) Employer rights to terminate workers
    c) The rights of contractors
    d) Wage and hour regulations
  • Which entity is responsible for enforcing the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?
    a) The U.S. Department of Labor
    b) The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
    c) The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
    d) The Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
  • What is the minimum wage?
    a) The average wage paid in an industry
    b) The lowest wage that an employer can legally pay employees
    c) The wage set by individual companies
    d) The wage that employees negotiate with their employers
  • Which of the following is a protected class under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act?
    a) Age
    b) Race
    c) Disability
    d) All of the above
  • What does the term “at-will employment” mean?
    a) Employees can only leave with notice
    b) Employees can be terminated at any time for any lawful reason
    c) Employees must be given severance pay
    d) Employees cannot be terminated without cause
  • What is the main purpose of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)?
    a) To regulate employee wages
    b) To ensure safe and healthy working conditions
    c) To provide unemployment benefits
    d) To promote equal employment opportunities
  • What does the term “unfair labor practices” refer to?
    a) Illegal actions by unions
    b) Actions by employers or unions that violate workers’ rights under labor laws
    c) Wage discrepancies
    d) Safety violations in the workplace
  • Which of the following is NOT a right of employees under the National Labor Relations Act?
    a) The right to organize
    b) The right to strike
    c) The right to a guaranteed wage
    d) The right to bargain collectively
  • What is a “strike”?
    a) A type of contract
    b) A work stoppage by employees to express grievances or negotiate terms
    c) A form of disciplinary action
    d) A type of employment contract
  • Which of the following actions can be considered retaliation against an employee?
    a) Offering a promotion
    b) Terminating an employee after they filed a complaint
    c) Providing additional training
    d) Increasing pay
  • What is “workers’ compensation”?
    a) A type of unemployment insurance
    b) A system that provides financial support to employees injured on the job
    c) A bonus system for high-performing employees
    d) A retirement plan
  • What does “discrimination” in the workplace mean?
    a) Favoring one employee over another
    b) Unfair treatment of employees based on protected characteristics
    c) Offering promotions based on seniority
    d) Providing equal pay for all employees
  • What is the role of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)?
    a) To set wage standards
    b) To enforce federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination
    c) To regulate labor unions
    d) To manage unemployment benefits
  • Which of the following is a characteristic of a “union”?
    a) A group of individual employees
    b) An organization that represents workers’ interests in negotiations
    c) A government agency
    d) An employer organization
  • What is the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)?
    a) A program for job training
    b) A law that provides eligible employees with unpaid leave for family and medical reasons
    c) A wage regulation
    d) A safety regulation
  • What does “job security” refer to?
    a) Guaranteed promotions
    b) The assurance that an employee will not be dismissed without just cause
    c) The right to a permanent contract
    d) The ability to negotiate salary
  • Which of the following is NOT typically covered by workers’ compensation?
    a) Medical expenses
    b) Voluntary injuries during leisure time
    c) Lost wages
    d) Rehabilitation costs
  • What is “collective bargaining”?
    a) Negotiating individual employment contracts
    b) The process by which unions negotiate with employers on behalf of workers
    c) A form of employee discipline
    d) A method for determining work schedules
  • Which of the following statements about non-compete agreements is true?
    a) They are always enforceable
    b) They must be reasonable in scope and duration to be enforceable
    c) They cannot be challenged in court
    d) They automatically terminate upon employment end
  • What is the purpose of labor unions?
    a) To support management decisions
    b) To advocate for the rights and interests of workers
    c) To eliminate workplace safety regulations
    d) To manage company profits
  • Which of the following is a requirement under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)?
    a) Employers must provide health insurance
    b) Employers must pay overtime for hours worked over 40 in a workweek
    c) Employers must guarantee annual raises
    d) Employers must provide vacation pay
  • What is the purpose of a grievance procedure in a unionized workplace?
    a) To discipline workers
    b) To resolve disputes between employees and management
    c) To determine wage increases
    d) To evaluate employee performance
  • What does “employment discrimination” involve?
    a) Unequal treatment based on job performance
    b) Discrimination against an employee based on race, gender, or other protected characteristics
    c) Favoring senior employees
    d) Hiring based on education alone
  • What is a “right-to-work” law?
    a) A law requiring union membership
    b) A law that prohibits requiring union membership as a condition of employment
    c) A law that guarantees job placement
    d) A law mandating a minimum wage
  • What is the significance of “labor market”?
    a) The market for consumer goods
    b) The marketplace for employment where employers seek workers and workers seek jobs
    c) The market for stock trading
    d) The market for real estate
  • Which of the following is true about unemployment benefits?
    a) They are provided without any requirements
    b) They are typically available to employees who lose their jobs through no fault of their own
    c) They are permanent financial support
    d) They are provided to all workers, regardless of circumstances
  • Which of the following is NOT a reason for an employee to be terminated without legal consequence?
    a) Discrimination based on race
    b) Misconduct
    c) Poor performance
    d) Violation of company policy
  • What is the significance of the “Labor Management Reporting and Disclosure Act”?
    a) It regulates employer responsibilities
    b) It governs union finances and protects union members’ rights
    c) It sets minimum wage standards
    d) It addresses workplace safety regulations


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