Web usage mining MCQs

1. What is Web Usage Mining?

A. Extracting useful information from web content
B. Analyzing user behavior data from web logs
C. Examining the structure of hyperlinks on the web
D. Mining multimedia content on websites

Answer: B

2. What type of data is primarily analyzed in Web Usage Mining?

A. HTML and multimedia content
B. Hyperlink structures
C. Web server logs, cookies, and user sessions
D. Metadata about web pages

Answer: C

3. What is the main goal of Web Usage Mining?

A. To organize web content
B. To improve website design and user experience by analyzing browsing patterns
C. To extract keyword frequency patterns
D. To understand the structure of hyperlinks

Answer: B

4. Which of the following tools is commonly used in Web Usage Mining?

A. Google Analytics
B. SQL Query Analyzer
C. PageRank Algorithm
D. Decision Tree

Answer: A

5. What is a “clickstream” in Web Usage Mining?

A. The sequence of clicks made by users while browsing a website
B. A log file containing multimedia content
C. A collection of hyperlinks between web pages
D. The time users spend on specific web pages

Answer: A

6. Which of the following is a phase in the Web Usage Mining process?

A. Data preprocessing
B. Link analysis
C. Hyperlink extraction
D. Content indexing

Answer: A

7. Data preprocessing in Web Usage Mining includes:

A. Cleaning and organizing raw log data
B. Building a website sitemap
C. Extracting multimedia data from web pages
D. Analyzing the hyperlink structure

Answer: A

8. What is the purpose of pattern discovery in Web Usage Mining?

A. To find user behavior trends and associations from usage data
B. To extract keywords from web pages
C. To analyze hyperlink relationships
D. To classify multimedia content

Answer: A

9. Which of the following is an application of Web Usage Mining?

A. Personalization of web content for users
B. Ranking web pages based on popularity
C. Extracting structured information from unstructured data
D. Designing web navigation bars

Answer: A

10. What is a significant challenge in Web Usage Mining?

A. Handling noisy or incomplete web log data
B. Visualizing large-scale hyperlink structures
C. Extracting multimedia data from web content
D. Indexing web pages in real time

Answer: A

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