MCQs on rivers of Tanzania

  • What is the longest river in Tanzania? A) Pangani River
    B) Rufiji River
    C) Ruvuma River
    D) Malagarasi River
    Answer: B) Rufiji River
  • Which river flows into the Indian Ocean? A) Kagera River
    B) Pangani River
    C) Ruvuma River
    D) Wami River
    Answer: B) Pangani River
  • The Rufiji River is primarily used for which purpose? A) Fishing
    B) Irrigation and hydropower
    C) Transportation
    D) Mining
    Answer: B) Irrigation and hydropower
  • Which river forms part of the border between Tanzania and Mozambique? A) Wami River
    B) Ruvuma River
    C) Malagarasi River
    D) Kagera River
    Answer: B) Ruvuma River
  • The Pangani River originates from which mountain? A) Mount Meru
    B) Mount Kilimanjaro
    C) Usambara Mountains
    D) Pare Mountains
    Answer: B) Mount Kilimanjaro
  • What is the primary source of the Malagarasi River? A) Lake Tanganyika
    B) The highlands of Burundi
    C) The Usambara Mountains
    D) Mount Meru
    Answer: B) The highlands of Burundi
  • Which river is known for its biodiversity and supports various ecosystems? A) Rufiji River
    B) Wami River
    C) Ruvuma River
    D) Malagarasi River
    Answer: D) Malagarasi River
  • What is the main use of the Wami River? A) Tourism
    B) Hydropower
    C) Irrigation
    D) Industrial use
    Answer: C) Irrigation
  • Which river is significant for the agricultural regions in Tanzania? A) Pangani River
    B) Ruvuma River
    C) Rufiji River
    D) Kagera River
    Answer: C) Rufiji River
  • The Kagera River is a tributary of which major river? A) Nile River
    B) Zambezi River
    C) Congo River
    D) Rufiji River
    Answer: A) Nile River
  • Which river has a major hydroelectric power project in Tanzania? A) Ruvuma River
    B) Rufiji River
    C) Pangani River
    D) Wami River
    Answer: B) Rufiji River
  • The Wami River is located in which part of Tanzania? A) Northern
    B) Southern
    C) Eastern
    D) Western
    Answer: C) Eastern
  • What is a major environmental concern for rivers in Tanzania? A) Overfishing
    B) Pollution
    C) Water scarcity
    D) Deforestation
    Answer: B) Pollution
  • Which river is important for local fisheries near Lake Tanganyika? A) Malagarasi River
    B) Ruvuma River
    C) Rufiji River
    D) Pangani River
    Answer: A) Malagarasi River
  • The Rufiji River is crucial for which major city? A) Dar es Salaam
    B) Arusha
    C) Mwanza
    D) Dodoma
    Answer: A) Dar es Salaam
  • Which river is known for its scenic waterfalls and attracts tourists? A) Wami River
    B) Pangani River
    C) Rufiji River
    D) Ruvuma River
    Answer: B) Pangani River
  • Which river is primarily located in the western region of Tanzania? A) Ruvuma River
    B) Rufiji River
    C) Kagera River
    D) Malagarasi River
    Answer: D) Malagarasi River
  • What is the primary concern for the Rufiji River’s ecosystem? A) Urban development
    B) Water diversion
    C) Invasive species
    D) Industrial pollution
    Answer: B) Water diversion
  • The Ruvuma River is significant for which aspect? A) Agriculture
    B) Tourism
    C) Wildlife conservation
    D) Transportation
    Answer: C) Wildlife conservation
  • Which river is essential for irrigation in the Pangani region? A) Wami River
    B) Rufiji River
    C) Pangani River
    D) Ruvuma River
    Answer: C) Pangani River
  • The Kagera River flows through which countries before entering Tanzania? A) Uganda and Kenya
    B) Burundi and Rwanda
    C) Zambia and Mozambique
    D) Kenya and Uganda
    Answer: B) Burundi and Rwanda
  • Which river’s delta is known for its rich biodiversity? A) Rufiji River
    B) Pangani River
    C) Ruvuma River
    D) Wami River
    Answer: A) Rufiji River
  • Which river is recognized as a vital water source for the eastern regions of Tanzania? A) Malagarasi River
    B) Wami River
    C) Rufiji River
    D) Pangani River
    Answer: B) Wami River
  • What is the length of the Rufiji River? A) ~500 km
    B) ~600 km
    C) ~700 km
    D) ~800 km
    Answer: B) ~600 km
  • The Pangani River has its origin in which mountain range? A) Eastern Arc Mountains
    B) Usambara Mountains
    C) Rungwe Mountains
    D) Pare Mountains
    Answer: B) Usambara Mountains
  • Which river is famous for its vibrant fishing communities? A) Kagera River
    B) Malagarasi River
    C) Ruvuma River
    D) Wami River
    Answer: B) Malagarasi River
  • The Wami River is crucial for which type of farming? A) Commercial farming
    B) Subsistence farming
    C) Organic farming
    D) Industrial farming
    Answer: B) Subsistence farming
  • Which river’s basin supports both agriculture and wildlife? A) Ruvuma River
    B) Rufiji River
    C) Pangani River
    D) Wami River
    Answer: B) Rufiji River
  • What is the main ecological challenge faced by the rivers of Tanzania? A) Deforestation
    B) Sedimentation
    C) Water pollution
    D) Invasive species
    Answer: C) Water pollution
  • Which river is known for its rich history connected to the Swahili Coast? A) Rufiji River
    B) Pangani River
    C) Malagarasi River
    D) Ruvuma River
    Answer: B) Pangani River


River Name Length Source Mouth Significance
Rufiji River ~600 km Southern Highlands Indian Ocean Largest river in Tanzania; vital for agriculture and hydroelectric power.
Tanzania River ~100 km Western Usambara Mountains Indian Ocean Important for local irrigation and fishing.
Kilimanjaro River ~45 km Mount Kilimanjaro Pangani River Supplies water for local communities; important for biodiversity.
Pangani River ~400 km Mount Meru Indian Ocean Significant for hydropower and irrigation; flows through agricultural areas.
Malagarasi River ~400 km Burundi Highlands Lake Tanganyika Important for ecosystems; supports local fishing communities.
Wami River ~200 km East Usambara Mountains Indian Ocean Key for irrigation and local agriculture; flows through protected areas.
Ruvuma River ~250 km Mbinga Highlands Indian Ocean Forms part of the border with Mozambique; significant for biodiversity.

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