MCQs on rivers of Turkmenistan

  • What is the longest river in Turkmenistan? A) Amu Darya
    B) Tejen River
    C) Murgab River
    D) Atrek River
    Answer: A) Amu Darya
  • Which river forms part of the border between Turkmenistan and Afghanistan? A) Murgab River
    B) Atrek River
    C) Amu Darya
    D) Tejen River
    Answer: C) Amu Darya
  • The Amu Darya River flows into which body of water? A) Caspian Sea
    B) Aral Sea
    C) Persian Gulf
    D) Black Sea
    Answer: B) Aral Sea
  • Which river is the primary water source for the city of Ashgabat? A) Murgab River
    B) Tejen River
    C) Atrek River
    D) Amu Darya
    Answer: B) Tejen River
  • What is the main tributary of the Amu Darya? A) Tejen River
    B) Panj River
    C) Murgab River
    D) Atrek River
    Answer: B) Panj River
  • Which river is also known as the “Panj River” in Tajikistan? A) Tejen River
    B) Amu Darya
    C) Murgab River
    D) Atrek River
    Answer: B) Amu Darya
  • The Murgab River primarily flows through which region of Turkmenistan? A) Eastern
    B) Western
    C) Central
    D) Southern
    Answer: A) Eastern
  • Which river is known for its seasonal flooding? A) Tejen River
    B) Murgab River
    C) Atrek River
    D) Amu Darya
    Answer: A) Tejen River
  • What major dam is located on the Murgab River? A) Kerky Dam
    B) Amu Darya Dam
    C) Atrek Dam
    D) Tejen Dam
    Answer: A) Kerky Dam
  • Which river is important for irrigation in Turkmenistan? A) Atrek River
    B) Amu Darya
    C) Murgab River
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • The Atrek River flows into which body of water? A) Caspian Sea
    B) Aral Sea
    C) Persian Gulf
    D) Black Sea
    Answer: A) Caspian Sea
  • Which river is significant for the economy of Turkmenistan? A) Murgab River
    B) Tejen River
    C) Amu Darya
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • The Tejen River is known for its importance in which sector? A) Transportation
    B) Agriculture
    C) Tourism
    D) Mining
    Answer: B) Agriculture
  • What is a primary challenge facing rivers in Turkmenistan? A) Flooding
    B) Pollution
    C) Deforestation
    D) Drought
    Answer: D) Drought
  • Which river serves as a crucial water resource for irrigation in the Karakum Desert? A) Amu Darya
    B) Murgab River
    C) Tejen River
    D) Atrek River
    Answer: B) Murgab River
  • The Amu Darya is historically significant for which ancient civilization? A) Persian
    B) Mesopotamian
    C) Silk Road
    D) Ottoman
    Answer: C) Silk Road
  • Which river’s watershed is primarily used for cotton cultivation in Turkmenistan? A) Tejen River
    B) Amu Darya
    C) Murgab River
    D) Atrek River
    Answer: B) Amu Darya
  • What is the approximate length of the Murgab River? A) 300 km
    B) 600 km
    C) 900 km
    D) 1,200 km
    Answer: B) 600 km
  • Which river has a delta that is crucial for biodiversity? A) Tejen River
    B) Amu Darya
    C) Murgab River
    D) Atrek River
    Answer: B) Amu Darya
  • The Atrek River is significant for which type of habitat? A) Wetlands
    B) Forests
    C) Deserts
    D) Mountains
    Answer: A) Wetlands
  • Which river is used for hydroelectric power generation? A) Tejen River
    B) Murgab River
    C) Amu Darya
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • What is the average annual rainfall in the regions surrounding the Murgab River? A) 100 mm
    B) 200 mm
    C) 400 mm
    D) 600 mm
    Answer: B) 200 mm
  • The Murgab River is primarily fed by which type of precipitation? A) Snowmelt
    B) Rainfall
    C) Underground springs
    D) None of the above
    Answer: A) Snowmelt
  • Which river contributes significantly to the Aral Sea’s decline? A) Amu Darya
    B) Murgab River
    C) Tejen River
    D) Atrek River
    Answer: A) Amu Darya
  • The Tejen River is also known by what name in Persian? A) Gurgan
    B) Darya
    C) Atrak
    D) Panj
    Answer: C) Atrak
  • Which river is essential for the irrigation of cotton fields in Turkmenistan? A) Murgab River
    B) Amu Darya
    C) Tejen River
    D) Atrek River
    Answer: B) Amu Darya
  • What is the ecological status of the Amu Darya River? A) Healthy
    B) Polluted
    C) Pristine
    D) Overfished
    Answer: B) Polluted
  • The Murgab River is important for which activity besides agriculture? A) Recreation
    B) Fishing
    C) Transportation
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river is crucial for supporting local wildlife habitats in Turkmenistan? A) Tejen River
    B) Atrek River
    C) Murgab River
    D) Amu Darya
    Answer: D) Amu Darya
  • The Atrek River primarily flows through which type of terrain? A) Desert
    B) Mountainous
    C) Flat plains
    D) Forested
    Answer: A) Desert


River Name Length Location Mouth Significance
Amu Darya ~2,540 km Eastern Turkmenistan Aral Sea Longest river; critical for irrigation and historical significance.
Tejen River ~500 km Central Turkmenistan Karakum Desert Vital water source for agriculture; flows through Ashgabat.
Murgab River ~600 km Eastern Turkmenistan Karakum Desert Important for irrigation; supports local agriculture.
Atrek River ~400 km Western Turkmenistan Caspian Sea Forms part of the border with Iran; significant for local ecosystems.
Karakum River ~300 km Central Turkmenistan Karakum Desert Mainly seasonal; contributes to the water supply in arid regions.
Kugitang River ~200 km Eastern Turkmenistan Amu Darya Important for local irrigation and ecosystems.
Karakum Canal ~1,100 km Central Turkmenistan Amu Darya Artificial canal; crucial for irrigation in the Karakum Desert.
Sarygamysh River ~120 km Southeastern Turkmenistan Sarygamysh Lake Important for local fisheries and biodiversity.

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