MCQs on rivers of Slovakia

  • What is the longest river in Slovakia?
    A) Morava
    B) Váh
    C) Hron
    D) Nitra
    Answer: B) Váh
  • Which river forms part of the border between Slovakia and Austria?
    A) Váh
    B) Morava
    C) Danube
    D) Hron
    Answer: B) Morava
  • The Hron River flows into which major river?
    A) Váh
    B) Morava
    C) Danube
    D) Nitra
    Answer: C) Danube
  • Which river is known as the main watercourse of the Slovak Paradise National Park?
    A) Hron
    B) Poprad
    C) Váh
    D) Nitra
    Answer: B) Poprad
  • The Danube River is significant for which of the following reasons?
    A) It is the longest river in Slovakia.
    B) It is a major trade route in Europe.
    C) It flows only through Slovakia.
    D) It is the main source of drinking water for Bratislava.
    Answer: B) It is a major trade route in Europe.
  • Which river runs through the capital city of Slovakia, Bratislava?
    A) Váh
    B) Hron
    C) Morava
    D) Danube
    Answer: D) Danube
  • What is the main tributary of the Váh River?
    A) Hron
    B) Nitra
    C) Ipel
    D) Poprad
    Answer: C) Ipel
  • The Nitra River is known for its importance in which region of Slovakia?
    A) Northern Slovakia
    B) Eastern Slovakia
    C) Western Slovakia
    D) Southern Slovakia
    Answer: C) Western Slovakia
  • Which river is famous for its picturesque gorges and scenic landscapes?
    A) Hron
    B) Váh
    C) Morava
    D) Poprad
    Answer: D) Poprad
  • The Morava River is a tributary of which larger river?
    A) Váh
    B) Danube
    C) Hron
    D) Nitra
    Answer: B) Danube
  • Which river is the primary water source for the city of Nitra?
    A) Váh
    B) Morava
    C) Hron
    D) Nitra
    Answer: D) Nitra
  • The Hron River flows primarily through which region of Slovakia?
    A) Western Slovakia
    B) Northern Slovakia
    C) Eastern Slovakia
    D) Southern Slovakia
    Answer: B) Northern Slovakia
  • Which river is known for its thermal springs and spa towns?
    A) Hron
    B) Váh
    C) Danube
    D) Nitra
    Answer: B) Váh
  • What is the main purpose of the dams built along the Váh River?
    A) Flood control
    B) Hydroelectric power generation
    C) Irrigation
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river is important for the biodiversity in the region of Slovakia?
    A) Morava
    B) Hron
    C) Váh
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • The Poprad River is known for flowing through which national park?
    A) Tatra National Park
    B) Slovak Paradise National Park
    C) Low Tatras National Park
    D) Poloniny National Park
    Answer: A) Tatra National Park
  • Which river is the longest tributary of the Danube in Slovakia?
    A) Hron
    B) Váh
    C) Morava
    D) Nitra
    Answer: B) Váh
  • What is the main environmental concern related to the rivers in Slovakia?
    A) Deforestation
    B) Pollution
    C) Overfishing
    D) Soil erosion
    Answer: B) Pollution
  • The Ipel River is a natural border between Slovakia and which country?
    A) Hungary
    B) Austria
    C) Poland
    D) Czech Republic
    Answer: A) Hungary
  • Which river is known for its cultural significance and historical landmarks along its banks?
    A) Váh
    B) Danube
    C) Morava
    D) Hron
    Answer: B) Danube
  • The Hron River is mainly used for which activity?
    A) Agriculture
    B) Water sports
    C) Fishing
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river has a significant role in Slovak folklore and mythology?
    A) Váh
    B) Danube
    C) Morava
    D) Hron
    Answer: A) Váh
  • What is the main factor affecting the flow of the Nitra River?
    A) Seasonal rainfall
    B) Deforestation
    C) Urbanization
    D) Climate change
    Answer: A) Seasonal rainfall
  • The Slovak National Water Management Company manages which river’s resources?
    A) Hron
    B) Váh
    C) Danube
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river is considered the most important for agricultural irrigation in Slovakia?
    A) Morava
    B) Váh
    C) Nitra
    D) Hron
    Answer: B) Váh
  • The valley of which river is a popular tourist destination for hiking and nature walks?
    A) Hron
    B) Poprad
    C) Váh
    D) Nitra
    Answer: B) Poprad
  • Which river is known for the many castles and fortresses along its banks?
    A) Danube
    B) Morava
    C) Hron
    D) Váh
    Answer: A) Danube
  • What is the primary ecological concern for the rivers in Slovakia?
    A) Habitat destruction
    B) Invasive species
    C) Pollution
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river basin is primarily located in the Tatra Mountains region?
    A) Váh
    B) Poprad
    C) Morava
    D) Nitra
    Answer: B) Poprad
  • The tributaries of the Danube in Slovakia primarily support which sector?
    A) Fishing
    B) Agriculture
    C) Tourism
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above


River Name Length Location Significance
Danube Approx. 2850 km Forms part of the border with Austria Major river in Europe, important for trade and transport.
Váh Approx. 403 km Central and Western Slovakia Longest river in Slovakia, important for irrigation and hydroelectric power.
Hron Approx. 246 km Northern Slovakia Flows into the Danube; known for recreational activities and fishing.
Morava Approx. 358 km Forms part of the border with Austria Significant for biodiversity; flows into the Danube.
Nitra Approx. 123 km Western Slovakia Important for agriculture and water supply; flows into the Váh.
Poprad Approx. 66 km Eastern Slovakia Flows through the Tatra Mountains; known for its scenic landscapes.
Ipel Approx. 132 km Forms part of the border with Hungary Natural border river; significant for local ecology.
Kysuca Approx. 61 km Northern Slovakia Known for its picturesque valley and outdoor activities.
Tatra Various tributaries Tatra Mountains region Supports diverse ecosystems; important for tourism.
Hnilec Approx. 60 km Central Slovakia Flows into the Hornád River; important for local water supply.

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