MCQs on rivers of North Macedonia

  • What is the longest river in North Macedonia?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Crna River
    C) Axios River
    D) Treska River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • The Vardar River flows into which body of water?
    A) Adriatic Sea
    B) Aegean Sea
    C) Black Sea
    D) Ionian Sea
    Answer: B) Aegean Sea
  • Which river is a major tributary of the Vardar River?
    A) Crna River
    B) Bregalnica River
    C) Treska River
    D) Strumica River
    Answer: B) Bregalnica River
  • Which river flows through the capital city of North Macedonia?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Crna River
    C) Strumica River
    D) Kičevo River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • The Crna River is also known by what other name?
    A) Black River
    B) Blue River
    C) Green River
    D) White River
    Answer: A) Black River
  • Which river is known for its scenic canyon in North Macedonia?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Treska River
    C) Crna River
    D) Bregalnica River
    Answer: B) Treska River
  • What is the source of the Vardar River?
    A) Shara Mountain
    B) Baba Mountain
    C) Osogovo Mountain
    D) Skopska Crna Gora
    Answer: D) Skopska Crna Gora
  • Which river is the main water source for the city of Skopje?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Strumica River
    C) Crna River
    D) Bregalnica River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • What is the approximate length of the Vardar River?
    A) 100 km
    B) 150 km
    C) 301 km
    D) 450 km
    Answer: C) 301 km
  • Which river forms part of the border between North Macedonia and Greece?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Axios River
    C) Strumica River
    D) Crna River
    Answer: B) Axios River
  • Which river is important for irrigation in the Tikveš region?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Crna River
    C) Bregalnica River
    D) Treska River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • The Bregalnica River flows through which region of North Macedonia?
    A) Vardar
    B) Eastern
    C) Western
    D) Southern
    Answer: B) Eastern
  • Which river has its source in the Pirin Mountains?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Strumica River
    C) Crna River
    D) Treska River
    Answer: B) Strumica River
  • What is the primary use of the rivers in North Macedonia?
    A) Recreation
    B) Hydropower
    C) Agriculture
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river flows through the town of Kumanovo?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Crna River
    C) Bregalnica River
    D) Strumica River
    Answer: C) Bregalnica River
  • The Treska River is a tributary of which river?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Strumica River
    C) Bregalnica River
    D) Crna River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • Which river is known for its biodiversity and is an important fishing area?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Strumica River
    C) Crna River
    D) Treska River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • The Kičevo River is a tributary of which major river?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Crna River
    C) Bregalnica River
    D) Strumica River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • What type of climate primarily affects the Vardar River basin?
    A) Tropical
    B) Continental
    C) Mediterranean
    D) Oceanic
    Answer: B) Continental
  • Which river is significant for its role in traditional cultural practices?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Bregalnica River
    C) Crna River
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • What is the primary threat to the rivers in North Macedonia?
    A) Deforestation
    B) Pollution
    C) Urbanization
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river is known for its hydroelectric power stations?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Crna River
    C) Strumica River
    D) Bregalnica River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • The city of Bitola is located near which river?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Crna River
    C) Strumica River
    D) Treska River
    Answer: B) Crna River
  • Which river is famous for its beautiful waterfalls?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Crna River
    C) Treska River
    D) Bregalnica River
    Answer: C) Treska River
  • What is a major economic activity associated with the Vardar River?
    A) Mining
    B) Tourism
    C) Agriculture
    D) All of the above
    Answer: D) All of the above
  • The Strumica River flows into which neighboring country?
    A) Greece
    B) Bulgaria
    C) Albania
    D) Kosovo
    Answer: A) Greece
  • What is the main challenge faced by rivers in North Macedonia?
    A) Drought
    B) Flooding
    C) Pollution
    D) Overfishing
    Answer: C) Pollution
  • Which river is characterized by its meandering course and fertile banks?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Strumica River
    C) Bregalnica River
    D) Crna River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • Which river is essential for the irrigation of vineyards in the Tikveš region?
    A) Vardar River
    B) Strumica River
    C) Bregalnica River
    D) Treska River
    Answer: A) Vardar River
  • The Vardar River has its mouth at which location?
    A) Lake Ohrid
    B) Gulf of Thessaloniki
    C) Aegean Sea
    D) Black Sea
    Answer: C) Aegean Sea


River Name Origin Length Major Tributaries Importance
Vardar River Skopska Crna Gora 301 km Bregalnica River, Crna River Major river for transportation, agriculture, and fishing.
Bregalnica River Osogovo Mountains 115 km Kriva River, Pehchevo River Important tributary of the Vardar; crucial for irrigation.
Crna River Pelister Mountain 70 km Kičevo River Known for its scenic landscapes; important for local ecosystems.
Strumica River Pirin Mountains, Bulgaria 150 km Kamenica River Flows into Greece; vital for agriculture and fishing.
Treska River Jakupica Mountain 95 km Vardar River Known for its canyons and hydroelectric potential.
Sateska River Galičica Mountain 50 km Treska River Important for irrigation in the region.
Kičevo River Kičevo region 65 km Crna River Vital for agriculture and local water supply.
Vardar Shara Mountain 30 km Lepenec River Flows through the capital city, Skopje.
Pchinja River Mavrovo National Park 50 km Black Drin River Significant for hydropower generation.

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