MCQs on rivers of Hungary

  • What is the longest river in Hungary?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Dráva
    • D) Szamos
      Answer: B) Danube
  • Which river flows through the capital city of Hungary, Budapest?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Dráva
    • C) Danube
    • D) Rába
      Answer: C) Danube
  • The Tisza River is known for which of the following characteristics?
    • A) It is a tributary of the Danube.
    • B) It flows through the Great Hungarian Plain.
    • C) It is the second-longest river in Hungary.
    • D) All of the above.
      Answer: D) All of the above.
  • Which river is considered the most important for agriculture in Hungary?
    • A) Dráva
    • B) Tisza
    • C) Danube
    • D) Zala
      Answer: B) Tisza
  • What is the main tributary of the Danube River in Hungary?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Dráva
    • C) Sió
    • D) Rába
      Answer: A) Tisza
  • Which river forms part of the border between Hungary and Croatia?
    • A) Dráva
    • B) Danube
    • C) Tisza
    • D) Rába
      Answer: A) Dráva
  • The Rába River flows into which major river?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Dráva
    • C) Danube
    • D) Szamos
      Answer: B) Dráva
  • Which river is known for its thermal springs and recreational activities?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Rába
    • D) Zala
      Answer: D) Zala
  • What is the main economic activity along the Danube River?
    • A) Fishing
    • B) Tourism
    • C) Shipping and trade
    • D) Agriculture
      Answer: C) Shipping and trade
  • Which river is the primary source of drinking water for many cities in Hungary?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Dráva
    • D) Szamos
      Answer: B) Danube
  • The Sió River is known for connecting which two lakes?
    • A) Lake Balaton and Lake Velence
    • B) Lake Tisza and Lake Ferto
    • C) Lake Balaton and Lake Tisza
    • D) Lake Velence and Lake Ferto
      Answer: A) Lake Balaton and Lake Velence
  • Which river is often associated with Hungary’s wine regions?
    • A) Danube
    • B) Tisza
    • C) Rába
    • D) Dráva
      Answer: A) Danube
  • Which river is famous for its picturesque landscapes and cultural heritage?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Dráva
    • C) Danube
    • D) Zala
      Answer: C) Danube
  • The Dráva River is primarily used for which purpose?
    • A) Hydropower generation
    • B) Agriculture
    • C) Shipping
    • D) Fishing
      Answer: A) Hydropower generation
  • Which river has a significant national park along its banks?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Rába
    • D) Zala
      Answer: B) Danube
  • What is the primary challenge faced by rivers in Hungary?
    • A) Deforestation
    • B) Pollution
    • C) Overfishing
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: B) Pollution
  • Which river is known for its biodiversity and protected areas?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Dráva
    • D) Rába
      Answer: B) Danube
  • Which river has historically been a trade route for Hungary?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Rába
    • C) Dráva
    • D) Danube
      Answer: D) Danube
  • The Tisza River is notable for its unique ecosystems, including what?
    • A) Floodplains
    • B) Swamps
    • C) Wetlands
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • What role does the Danube River play in international trade?
    • A) Major shipping route
    • B) Tourist destination
    • C) Agricultural supply line
    • D) Fishing ground
      Answer: A) Major shipping route
  • Which river is a popular destination for kayaking and canoeing?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Rába
    • D) Dráva
      Answer: A) Tisza
  • What is the primary source of pollution in Hungarian rivers?
    • A) Industrial waste
    • B) Agricultural runoff
    • C) Urban sewage
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river has the largest basin in Hungary?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Dráva
    • D) Rába
      Answer: B) Danube
  • What is the main environmental concern for the Tisza River?
    • A) Overfishing
    • B) Flooding
    • C) Pollution
    • D) Deforestation
      Answer: C) Pollution
  • The Rába River is primarily located in which part of Hungary?
    • A) Eastern
    • B) Southern
    • C) Western
    • D) Northern
      Answer: C) Western
  • Which river is famous for its cultural festivals and events?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Rába
    • D) Dráva
      Answer: B) Danube
  • What is a common recreational activity along the banks of the Danube?
    • A) Fishing
    • B) Swimming
    • C) Boating
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • The Szamos River primarily flows through which region?
    • A) Southern Hungary
    • B) Northern Hungary
    • C) Central Hungary
    • D) Eastern Hungary
      Answer: B) Northern Hungary
  • Which river is essential for the irrigation of crops in Hungary?
    • A) Tisza
    • B) Danube
    • C) Dráva
    • D) Rába
      Answer: A) Tisza
  • What type of ecosystem is predominantly found along the Danube River?
    • A) Desert
    • B) Wetlands
    • C) Forest
    • D) Mountains
      Answer: B) Wetlands


River Name Length (approx.) Source Mouth Significance
Danube 2,860 km (overall) Black Forest (Germany) Black Sea Longest river in Europe; vital for trade and transport.
Tisza 965 km Carpathians (Ukraine) Danube Important for agriculture; second longest river in Hungary.
Dráva 710 km (overall) Alps (Italy) Danube Forms part of the border with Croatia; important for hydropower.
Rába 280 km Alps (Austria) Dráva Significant for local agriculture and fishing.
Zala 120 km Western Hungary Lake Balaton Known for its thermal springs; recreational activities.
Sió 100 km Lake Balaton Danube Connects Lake Balaton to the Danube; important for irrigation.
Szamos 300 km Carpathians (Romania) Tisza Flows through northern Hungary; important for local ecology.
Rinyas 80 km Western Hungary Dráva Smaller river with significance for local communities.
Ipoly 128 km Visegrád Mountains Danube Forms part of the border with Slovakia; important for biodiversity.
Körös 100 km Transylvanian Mountains Tisza Known for its scenic beauty and biodiversity.

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