MCQs on rivers of Cuba

  • Which is the longest river in Cuba?
    • A) Cauto River
    • B) Zaza River
    • C) Guantánamo River
    • D) Sagua La Grande River
  • The Cauto River is primarily located in which region of Cuba?
    • A) Western
    • B) Eastern
    • C) Central
    • D) Southern
  • Which river flows into the Gulf of Guacanayabo?
    • A) Cauto River
    • B) Zaza River
    • C) Sagua La Grande River
    • D) Toa River
  • The Zaza River is a tributary of which major river?
    • A) Guantánamo River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Sagua La Grande River
    • D) Sagua La Chica River
  • Which river is known for its scenic landscapes and biodiversity?
    • A) Toa River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Zaza River
    • D) Guantánamo River
  • What is the primary use of the Cauto River in Cuba?
    • A) Agriculture and irrigation
    • B) Industrial shipping
    • C) Urban development
    • D) Tourism
  • Which river is associated with the region of Camagüey?
    • A) Zaza River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Guayabal River
    • D) Sagua La Grande River
  • The Guantánamo River flows into which body of water?
    • A) Caribbean Sea
    • B) Guantanamo Bay
    • C) Atlantic Ocean
    • D) Gulf of Mexico
  • Which river is important for local fishing communities?
    • A) Sagua La Grande River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Zaza River
    • D) Toa River
  • What major environmental concern affects Cuban rivers?
    • A) Deforestation
    • B) Pollution
    • C) Flooding
    • D) Drought
  • Which river flows through the city of Sancti Spíritus?
    • A) Zaza River
    • B) Yayabo River
    • C) Cauto River
    • D) Sagua La Grande River
  • The Toa River is known for its high level of what?
    • A) Industrial activity
    • B) Biodiversity
    • C) Urban development
    • D) Agriculture
  • Which river is a tributary of the Cauto River?
    • A) Zaza River
    • B) Jatibonico River
    • C) Guantánamo River
    • D) Sagua La Grande River
  • Which river is significant for hydroelectric power generation?
    • A) Guantánamo River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Zaza River
    • D) Toa River
  • What is the primary ecological feature of the Toa River?
    • A) Urban centers
    • B) Tropical forests
    • C) Deserts
    • D) Grasslands
  • The Zaza River is crucial for what agricultural crop?
    • A) Sugarcane
    • B) Tobacco
    • C) Rice
    • D) Coffee
  • Which river is part of a national park known for its ecosystems?
    • A) Toa River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Zaza River
    • D) Guantánamo River
  • Which river flows through the town of Sagua La Grande?
    • A) Sagua La Grande River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Zaza River
    • D) Toa River
  • What is the average annual rainfall in the Cauto River basin?
    • A) 500 mm
    • B) 1,000 mm
    • C) 1,500 mm
    • D) 2,000 mm
  • Which river is famous for its picturesque waterfalls?
    • A) Guantánamo River
    • B) Toa River
    • C) Cauto River
    • D) Zaza River
  • The Cauto River is essential for which economic sector?
    • A) Mining
    • B) Agriculture
    • C) Manufacturing
    • D) Tourism
  • Which river is significant for its recreational activities, such as kayaking?
    • A) Toa River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Zaza River
    • D) Sagua La Grande River
  • What is a major threat to the Cauto River’s ecosystem?
    • A) Urbanization
    • B) Pollution
    • C) Overfishing
    • D) Climate change
  • Which river is associated with the province of Santiago de Cuba?
    • A) Zaza River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Guantánamo River
    • D) Sagua La Grande River
  • Which river is important for the production of hydroelectricity?
    • A) Guantánamo River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Zaza River
    • D) Toa River
  • What type of fish is commonly found in the Cauto River?
    • A) Salmon
    • B) Catfish
    • C) Tilapia
    • D) Trout
  • Which river has the largest drainage basin in Cuba?
    • A) Guantánamo River
    • B) Cauto River
    • C) Zaza River
    • D) Sagua La Grande River
  • The Zaza River is primarily used for what purpose?
    • A) Irrigation
    • B) Industrial shipping
    • C) Urban development
    • D) Tourism
  • Which river is known for its unique flora and fauna?
    • A) Guantánamo River
    • B) Toa River
    • C) Cauto River
    • D) Zaza River
  • What is a significant characteristic of the Sagua La Grande River?
    • A) Urbanization
    • B) Agricultural importance
    • C) Industrial use
    • D) Deforestation


River Name Length (km) Region Major Features Notable Locations
Cauto River 350 Eastern Cuba Longest river; vital for agriculture and irrigation Bayamo, Las Tunas
Zaza River 100 Central Cuba Important tributary of the Cauto River; used for irrigation Sancti Spíritus, Ciego de Ávila
Guantánamo River 70 Eastern Cuba Flows into Guantanamo Bay; significant for local fishing Guantánamo City
Toa River 70 Eastern Cuba Known for its biodiversity and waterfalls Baracoa
Sagua La Grande River 120 Central Cuba Important for agriculture; flows through urban areas Sagua La Grande
Yayabo River 40 Central Cuba Flows through Sancti Spíritus; known for its ecosystems Sancti Spíritus
Jatibonico River 60 Central Cuba Tributary of the Cauto River; vital for local agriculture Ciego de Ávila
Guayabal River 50 Central Cuba Known for its scenic beauty Camagüey
Cuyaguateje River 20 Western Cuba Smaller river; known for local agriculture Pinar del Río
Agua Clara River 30 Central Cuba Flows through scenic landscapes Villa Clara

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