MCQs on rivers of Côte d’Ivoire

  • Which is the longest river in Côte d’Ivoire?
    • A) Bandama River
    • B) Cavally River
    • C) Comoé River
    • D) Sassandra River
  • The Bandama River is primarily located in which region?
    • A) Northern
    • B) Southern
    • C) Central
    • D) Western
  • Which river flows into the Gulf of Guinea?
    • A) Cavally River
    • B) Sassandra River
    • C) Bandama River
    • D) Comoé River
  • The Comoé River forms part of the border between Côte d’Ivoire and which country?
    • A) Ghana
    • B) Burkina Faso
    • C) Liberia
    • D) Mali
  • What is a significant use of the rivers in Côte d’Ivoire?
    • A) Urban development
    • B) Mining
    • C) Agriculture and irrigation
    • D) Industrial activities
  • Which river is known for its biodiversity and rich ecosystems?
    • A) Comoé River
    • B) Bandama River
    • C) Cavally River
    • D) Sassandra River
  • What major city does the Bandama River flow through?
    • A) San Pedro
    • B) Bouaké
    • C) Yamoussoukro
    • D) Abidjan
  • Which river is significant for its hydroelectric power generation?
    • A) Comoé River
    • B) Sassandra River
    • C) Bandama River
    • D) Cavally River
  • The Cavally River serves as a natural border between Côte d’Ivoire and which country?
    • A) Burkina Faso
    • B) Liberia
    • C) Ghana
    • D) Guinea
  • Which river is the primary water source for the city of Abidjan?
    • A) Sassandra River
    • B) Comoé River
    • C) Bandama River
    • D) Cavally River
  • The Sassandra River is known for its scenic beauty and what activity?
    • A) Fishing
    • B) Industrial shipping
    • C) Mining
    • D) Deforestation
  • What is a major ecological concern for the rivers in Côte d’Ivoire?
    • A) Urbanization
    • B) Pollution
    • C) Flooding
    • D) Drought
  • Which river flows through the Comoé National Park?
    • A) Sassandra River
    • B) Comoé River
    • C) Bandama River
    • D) Cavally River
  • Which river is associated with significant agricultural activities?
    • A) Cavally River
    • B) Bandama River
    • C) Sassandra River
    • D) Comoé River
  • The Cavally River is known for which notable feature?
    • A) Rapids and waterfalls
    • B) Large lakes
    • C) Urban areas
    • D) Bridges
  • Which river has the largest watershed in Côte d’Ivoire?
    • A) Sassandra River
    • B) Bandama River
    • C) Comoé River
    • D) Cavally River
  • What is the average annual rainfall in the region of the Bandama River?
    • A) 500 mm
    • B) 1,000 mm
    • C) 1,500 mm
    • D) 2,000 mm
  • Which river is crucial for local fishing communities?
    • A) Cavally River
    • B) Sassandra River
    • C) Comoé River
    • D) Bandama River
  • Which river is a popular site for eco-tourism in Côte d’Ivoire?
    • A) Comoé River
    • B) Sassandra River
    • C) Bandama River
    • D) Cavally River
  • The Comoé River is significant for which cultural aspect?
    • A) Urban development
    • B) Traditional ceremonies
    • C) Industrial activities
    • D) Modern tourism
  • Which river is known for its historical significance in trade routes?
    • A) Bandama River
    • B) Sassandra River
    • C) Comoé River
    • D) Cavally River
  • The Sassandra River is primarily utilized for what purpose?
    • A) Industrial shipping
    • B) Transportation
    • C) Mining
    • D) Residential development
  • What is the primary environmental benefit of the rivers in Côte d’Ivoire?
    • A) Deforestation
    • B) Urbanization
    • C) Biodiversity
    • D) Overfishing
  • Which river flows through the capital city, Yamoussoukro?
    • A) Sassandra River
    • B) Bandama River
    • C) Cavally River
    • D) Comoé River
  • Which river is known for its impact on local fisheries?
    • A) Comoé River
    • B) Sassandra River
    • C) Cavally River
    • D) Bandama River
  • What is a significant concern regarding river health in Côte d’Ivoire?
    • A) Flooding
    • B) Water pollution
    • C) Deforestation
    • D) Drought
  • Which river is part of a national park renowned for its wildlife?
    • A) Sassandra River
    • B) Cavally River
    • C) Comoé River
    • D) Bandama River
  • The Cavally River is primarily known for what type of landscape?
    • A) Urban areas
    • B) Forested regions
    • C) Deserts
    • D) Mountains
  • Which river plays a crucial role in the local economy?
    • A) Bandama River
    • B) Comoé River
    • C) Sassandra River
    • D) Cavally River
  • The Comoé River is essential for the livelihoods of which communities?
    • A) Urban communities
    • B) Rural fishing communities
    • C) Industrial workers
    • D) Tourists


River Name Length (km) Region Major Features Notable Locations
Bandama River 400 Central Côte d’Ivoire Longest river; crucial for agriculture and transportation Bouaké, Yamoussoukro
Cavally River 200 Western Côte d’Ivoire Forms a border with Liberia; known for its rapids San Pedro, Tabou
Sassandra River 200 Southwestern Côte d’Ivoire Flows into the Gulf of Guinea; important for fishing Sassandra
Comoé River 400 Eastern Côte d’Ivoire Forms part of the border with Burkina Faso; rich biodiversity Comoé National Park
Tchologo River 200 Northern Côte d’Ivoire Significant for local agriculture and irrigation Korhogo
Agneby River 160 Southeastern Côte d’Ivoire Important for local ecosystems; flows through Abidjan Abidjan
Boubo River 120 Central Côte d’Ivoire Smaller river; vital for local agriculture Bouaké
Bafing River 250 Northern Côte d’Ivoire Tributary of the Senegal River; important for fishing Boundiali

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