Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) MCQs

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1. What does CFD stand for in engineering?

2. Which governing equations are solved in CFD for fluid flow?

3. What is the primary advantage of using CFD in engineering analysis?

4. In CFD, what does the term ‘mesh’ refer to?

5. Which numerical method is commonly used in CFD for discretizing partial differential equations?

6. What is the purpose of turbulence models in CFD simulations?

7. Which CFD technique is used to simulate fluid flow around objects by representing them as a collection of small control volumes?

8. Which software package is commonly used for performing CFD simulations?

9. What does the term ‘boundary conditions’ refer to in CFD simulations?

10. Which term describes the time step size used in CFD simulations?

11. What is the primary role of a solver in CFD simulations?

12. Which type of flow can be accurately simulated using steady-state CFD simulations?

13. Which method is used to ensure accuracy in CFD simulations by decreasing the grid size?

14. Which technique is used to handle complex geometries in CFD simulations by dividing the domain into smaller, simpler parts?

15. What does ‘CFD post-processing’ involve?

16. Which parameter is commonly analyzed using CFD simulations in heat exchanger design?

17. What is the primary purpose of using CFD simulations in aerodynamic analysis?

18. Which type of solver is suitable for simulating transient flows in CFD?

19. In CFD simulations, what does the term ‘residual’ refer to?

20. Which CFD approach is suitable for simulating flows with shock waves and discontinuities?

21. What is the primary advantage of using the Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) equations in CFD?

22. Which method is used to numerically integrate the Navier-Stokes equations in CFD simulations?

23. Which term describes the process of adjusting CFD simulation parameters to achieve accurate results?

24. Which aspect of the mesh influences the accuracy and efficiency of CFD simulations?

25. What does ‘grid independence’ mean in the context of CFD simulations?

26. Which CFD method is suitable for simulating flows with free surfaces and interfaces?

27. In CFD simulations, what does ‘steady-state’ flow mean?

28. Which type of boundary condition specifies the flow properties at the domain boundaries in CFD simulations?

29. What is the primary role of a turbulence model in CFD simulations?

30. Which type of flow behavior can be accurately simulated using CFD?

31. What does ‘CFD pre-processing’ involve?

32. Which CFD technique is used to refine the computational grid based on flow characteristics?

33. In CFD simulations, what does the term ‘viscous effects’ refer to?

34. Which numerical method is suitable for solving complex geometries in CFD simulations?

35. What is the primary function of a boundary layer mesh in CFD simulations?

36. Which term describes the process of verifying the accuracy of CFD simulations through comparison with experimental data?

37. In CFD, what does the term ‘convergence criteria’ refer to?

38. Which type of CFD solver is commonly used for simulating compressible flows?

39. What is the purpose of grid generation in CFD simulations?

40. Which type of grid structure is flexible and can adapt to complex geometries in CFD simulations?

41. What does the term ‘Reynolds number’ represent in CFD simulations?

42. Which CFD approach is suitable for simulating fluid flows with moving boundaries?

43. In CFD simulations, what does the term ‘steady-state’ refer to?

44. Which aspect of the mesh affects the accuracy of boundary layer resolution in CFD simulations?

45. What is the primary role of a turbulence model in CFD simulations of aerodynamic flows?

46. Which CFD technique is used to improve solution accuracy near solid boundaries and complex geometries?

47. What is the primary function of a turbulence model in CFD simulations?

48. Which term describes the process of adjusting simulation parameters to achieve numerical stability in CFD?

49. In CFD simulations, what does the term ‘time step’ represent?


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