Avionics and Instrumentation MCQs

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1. What is the primary function of an attitude indicator in an aircraft?

2. Which type of navigation system relies on signals from satellites to determine position?

3. In avionics, what does the acronym ILS stand for?

4. Which instrument is used to measure the rate of climb or descent of an aircraft?

5. What does TCAS stand for in aviation?

6. Which avionics system provides real-time weather information to pilots during flight?

7. What is the primary function of a transponder in aviation?

8. Which avionics system measures and displays the speed of an aircraft relative to the air mass it is flying through?

9. What is the purpose of a Flight Data Recorder (FDR) in aircraft avionics?

10. Which instrument provides information on the aircraft’s altitude above mean sea level?

11. In avionics, what does AHRS stand for?

12. Which avionics system helps pilots navigate by providing horizontal and vertical guidance signals for approach and landing?

13. What is the primary function of a Horizontal Situation Indicator (HSI) in aircraft instrumentation?

14. Which avionics system aids in precise navigation by measuring the time it takes for signals to travel between the aircraft and ground stations?

15. What is the primary purpose of an Air Data Computer (ADC) in aircraft avionics?

16. Which instrument provides information on the aircraft’s heading relative to magnetic north?

17. In avionics, what does the acronym GPWS stand for?

18. Which avionics system helps pilots maintain straight flight by providing information on the aircraft’s bank angle?

19. What is the primary function of a Radar Altimeter in aircraft instrumentation?

20. Which avionics system assists pilots in landing by providing glidepath and course deviation information?

21. What is the purpose of an Emergency Locator Transmitter (ELT) in aircraft avionics?

22. Which avionics system helps pilots avoid collisions by detecting nearby aircraft and issuing alerts?

23. In avionics, what does the acronym MFD stand for?

24. Which instrument provides information on the aircraft’s rate of turn?

25. What is the primary function of a Pitot tube in aircraft instrumentation?

26. Which avionics system helps pilots maintain a constant altitude during flight?

27. What is the primary purpose of a Gyrocompass in aircraft avionics?

28. Which avionics system provides pilots with information on nearby weather conditions and turbulence?

29. What is the primary function of a Transceiver in aircraft communication systems?

30. Which avionics system helps pilots maintain level flight by providing information on the aircraft’s pitch angle?

31. In avionics, what does the acronym ADS-B stand for?

32. Which instrument provides information on the aircraft’s angle of attack?

33. What is the primary function of a Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) in aircraft avionics?

34. Which avionics system helps pilots navigate by measuring the direction and intensity of Earth’s magnetic field?

35. What is the primary function of a Radar Transponder in aircraft avionics?

36. Which avionics system provides pilots with information on the aircraft’s ground speed?

37. In avionics, what does the acronym INS stand for?

38. Which instrument provides information on the aircraft’s pitch and roll angles?

39. What is the primary function of an Angle of Attack (AoA) indicator in aircraft instrumentation?

40. Which avionics system provides pilots with information on the aircraft’s position relative to a radio station on the ground?

41. In avionics, what does the acronym VOR stand for?

42. Which instrument measures the aircraft’s rate of turn and coordination during maneuvers?

43. What is the primary function of an Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) in aircraft avionics?

44. Which avionics system helps pilots maintain a constant altitude above ground level during approach and landing?

45. In avionics, what does the acronym ELT stand for?

46. Which instrument provides pilots with information on the aircraft’s magnetic heading?

47. What is the primary function of a Flight Management System (FMS) in modern aircraft?

48. Which avionics system provides pilots with weather radar images for detecting storms and turbulence?

49. In avionics, what does the acronym MFD stand for?

50. What is the primary function of a Gyroscope in aircraft instrumentation?


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