Visual Anthropology MCQs

  1. What is “speech community”? A. A group of people who speak different languages
    B. A group of people who share a common language and use it in similar ways
    C. A group of people who study languages
    D. A group of people who use sign languageAnswer: B
  2. Who is associated with the development of “language socialization” theory? A. Dell Hymes
    B. Michael Silverstein
    C. Edward Sapir
    D. Benjamin Lee WhorfAnswer: A
  3. What does “language contact” refer to? A. The influence of one language on another through interaction
    B. The process of language acquisition
    C. The study of historical language change
    D. The isolation of languagesAnswer: A
  4. What is “sociolect”? A. A dialect used by a particular social group
    B. A universal language
    C. A language used in formal settings
    D. A pidgin languageAnswer: A
  5. What does “linguistic assimilation” involve? A. The adoption of elements from a dominant language into a minority language
    B. The creation of new languages
    C. The study of ancient languages
    D. The analysis of phonetic systemsAnswer: A
  6. Who is known for their work on “language and identity”? A. William Labov
    B. Michel Foucault
    C. Noam Chomsky
    D. Dell HymesAnswer: B
  7. What is “language endangerment”? A. The process of developing new languages
    B. The risk of a language becoming extinct
    C. The study of language families
    D. The analysis of language policiesAnswer: B
  8. What does “language revitalization” aim to achieve? A. The creation of new languages
    B. The revival and strengthening of endangered languages
    C. The study of ancient writing systems
    D. The development of language teaching methodsAnswer: B
  9. What is “linguistic isolation”? A. The condition of a language having no contact with other languages
    B. The process of a language evolving
    C. The analysis of language syntax
    D. The development of new language varietiesAnswer: A
  10. What does “language policy” refer to? A. The rules governing language use in a country or community
    B. The study of language change
    C. The process of language acquisition
    D. The development of new dialectsAnswer: A
  11. What is “language documentation”? A. The process of recording and preserving languages
    B. The creation of new languages
    C. The analysis of language structure
    D. The study of historical textsAnswer: A
  12. What is “languagism”? A. Discrimination based on language or dialect
    B. The study of language diversity
    C. The creation of language policies
    D. The development of language teaching methodsAnswer: A
  13. What is “linguistic anthropology” primarily concerned with? A. The biological aspects of language
    B. The social and cultural aspects of language
    C. The historical development of languages
    D. The technical aspects of languageAnswer: B
  14. What is “language shift”? A. The change in language structure over time
    B. The process by which a community adopts a new language
    C. The development of new languages
    D. The study of language syntaxAnswer: B
  15. What does “language maintenance” involve? A. The preservation and use of a language in a community
    B. The study of language change
    C. The development of new dialects
    D. The creation of language policiesAnswer: A
  16. What is “bilingual education”? A. Education that involves learning in two languages
    B. The study of ancient languages
    C. The analysis of language structure
    D. The creation of new languagesAnswer: A
  17. What does “sociolinguistic variation” study? A. Variations in language use based on social factors
    B. The evolution of languages
    C. The development of writing systems
    D. The study of language syntaxAnswer: A
  18. What is “linguistic diversity”? A. The variety of languages spoken within a given area or community
    B. The development of new languages
    C. The study of language evolution
    D. The preservation of ancient languagesAnswer: A
  19. What is “language ideology”? A. Beliefs about the role and function of language in society
    B. The study of language syntax
    C. The creation of new languages
    D. The analysis of language structureAnswer: A
  20. What does “language socialization” refer to? A. The process of learning language through social interactions
    B. The development of new languages
    C. The study of language change over time
    D. The preservation of endangered languagesAnswer: A
  21. What is “language contact”? A. Interaction between speakers of different languages
    B. The study of ancient scripts
    C. The analysis of language syntax
    D. The development of new writing systemsAnswer: A
  22. What is “language shift”? A. The process by which a community adopts a new language
    B. The study of language structure
    C. The development of new languages
    D. The creation of language policiesAnswer: A
  23. What is “language assimilation”? A. The process by which a language is influenced by another
    B. The study of language syntax
    C. The preservation of endangered languages
    D. The development of new writing systemsAnswer: A
  24. What is “pidgin”? A. A simplified form of speech that develops from contact between languages
    B. A dialect
    C. A fully developed language
    D. A writing systemAnswer: A
  25. What is “creole”? A. A pidgin that has become a fully developed language
    B. A regional dialect
    C. An extinct language
    D. A form of sign languageAnswer: A
  26. What does “linguistic revitalization” aim to achieve? A. The revival and promotion of endangered languages
    B. The creation of new languages
    C. The study of ancient writing systems
    D. The development of language teaching methodsAnswer: A
  27. What is “language endangerment”? A. The risk of a language becoming extinct
    B. The process of developing new languages
    C. The study of language families
    D. The analysis of language policiesAnswer: A
  28. What does “linguistic isolation” involve? A. The condition of a language having no contact with other languages
    B. The process of language evolution
    C. The study of language syntax
    D. The development of new language varietiesAnswer: A
  29. What is “language documentation”? A. The process of recording and preserving languages
    B. The creation of new languages
    C. The analysis of language structure
    D. The study of historical textsAnswer: A
  30. What is “sociolect”? A. A dialect used by a particular social group
    B. A universal language
    C. A language used in formal settings
    D. A pidgin languageAnswer: A
  31. What does “ethnolinguistic vitality” refer to? A. The degree to which a language is likely to survive and thrive
    B. The health of an individual’s linguistic abilities
    C. The study of language evolution
    D. The vitality of ancient languagesAnswer: A
  32. Who is known for their work on “language and identity”? A. William Labov
    B. Michel Foucault
    C. Noam Chomsky
    D. Dell HymesAnswer: B
  33. What does “language maintenance” involve? A. The preservation and use of a language in a community
    B. The study of language change
    C. The development of new dialects
    D. The creation of language policiesAnswer: A
  34. What is “multilingualism”? A. The ability to speak multiple languages
    B. The ability to speak only one language
    C. The study of ancient scripts
    D. The use of a single dialectAnswer: A

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