Stress, strain, and elasticity MCQs – Aerospace

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1. In aerospace structures, stress analysis is crucial to prevent:

2. The ability of an aerospace material to return to its original shape after deformation is called:

3. Which modulus is used to measure the stiffness of aircraft materials under tensile stress?

4. In aerospace materials, strain hardening occurs when:

5. What type of stress is experienced by an aircraft wing in level flight due to aerodynamic lift?

6. Poisson’s ratio in aerospace materials represents the ratio of:

7. What type of failure occurs in an aircraft fuselage due to excessive cyclic loading?

8. The modulus of resilience of a material is a measure of its ability to:

9. Which of the following materials exhibits the highest Young’s modulus, making it ideal for aerospace structures?

10. The shear modulus of a material is most important when analyzing:

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