Seasons and Earth’s Tilt MCQs (Meterology)

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1. What causes the changing of the seasons on Earth?

2. Which season occurs in the Northern Hemisphere when it is summer?

3. During which solstice is the Northern Hemisphere tilted farthest away from the sun?

4. What is the angle of tilt of Earth’s axis relative to its orbital plane?

5. Which phenomenon occurs when day and night are of approximately equal length?

6. In the Southern Hemisphere, which season occurs when it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

7. When does the summer solstice occur in the Northern Hemisphere?

8. What is the significance of the tilt of the Earth’s axis in terms of climate?

9. During which equinox does the Northern Hemisphere experience the first day of spring?

10. How does the tilt of the Earth affect the length of days and nights?

11. What season begins in the Northern Hemisphere around September 21?

12. In which season do the days become shorter in the Northern Hemisphere?

13. What is the result of Earth’s axial tilt during summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

14. Which term describes the position of the sun directly overhead at noon?

15. During which solstice does the Northern Hemisphere experience the longest day of the year?

16. What is the main reason for the variation in seasons across different latitudes?

17. What happens to the sun’s path in the sky during winter in the Northern Hemisphere?

18. Which season starts in the Southern Hemisphere around March 21?

19. How does the Earth’s tilt affect the intensity of solar radiation received at different latitudes?

20. Which event marks the transition from winter to spring in the Northern Hemisphere?

21. What is the length of a day during the summer solstice in the Northern Hemisphere?

22. What phenomenon occurs on the date of the autumn equinox?

23. What is the position of the sun during the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere?

24. Which term refers to the time when the sun is directly over the Tropic of Cancer?

25. What is the significance of the Tropic of Capricorn in relation to Earth’s tilt?

26. Which season has the shortest daylight hours in the Northern Hemisphere?

27. What is the effect of Earth’s axial tilt on polar regions?

28. During which equinox does the Southern Hemisphere experience the first day of fall?

29. Which season occurs in the Northern Hemisphere when it is winter?

30. How many solstices are there in a year?

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