Robust Control MCQs

1. Robust Control primarily aims to:

A) Ensure system performance under model uncertainties and external disturbances
B) Design fixed gain controllers
C) Analyze system stability
D) Implement frequency response analysis

Answer: A) Ensure system performance under model uncertainties and external disturbances

2. In Robust Control, “uncertainties” typically refer to:

A) Errors or variations in the system model and external disturbances
B) Known system parameters
C) Fixed system dynamics
D) System stability

Answer: A) Errors or variations in the system model and external disturbances

3. “H∞ Control” is used in Robust Control to:

A) Minimize the worst-case gain from disturbance to error
B) Design PID controllers
C) Analyze system frequency response
D) Implement fixed gain controllers

Answer: A) Minimize the worst-case gain from disturbance to error

4. The “μ-Synthesis” method in Robust Control is used to:

A) Design controllers that optimize performance across a range of uncertainties
B) Implement fixed gain controllers
C) Analyze the system’s poles and zeros
D) Perform frequency response analysis

Answer: A) Design controllers that optimize performance across a range of uncertainties

5. In Robust Control, “Model Uncertainty” refers to:

A) The difference between the actual system and its mathematical model
B) Known system dynamics
C) Fixed system parameters
D) Control input constraints

Answer: A) The difference between the actual system and its mathematical model

6. The “Synthesis” in Robust Control refers to:

A) Designing controllers that ensure desired performance and robustness
B) Analyzing system stability
C) Implementing state feedback
D) Designing PID controllers

Answer: A) Designing controllers that ensure desired performance and robustness

7. “Quantitative Feedback Theory” (QFT) is used in Robust Control to:

A) Design controllers based on frequency-domain specifications
B) Implement state-space models
C) Analyze the system’s poles and zeros
D) Perform PID control

Answer: A) Design controllers based on frequency-domain specifications

8. “Loop Shaping” in Robust Control involves:

A) Designing the frequency response of the open-loop system to achieve robust performance
B) Implementing fixed gain controllers
C) Analyzing the system’s stability
D) Performing state-space analysis

Answer: A) Designing the frequency response of the open-loop system to achieve robust performance

9. The “Singular Value Decomposition” (SVD) in Robust Control is used to:

A) Analyze the robustness of the system by examining singular values of the system’s transfer function
B) Implement fixed gain controllers
C) Design PID controllers
D) Perform frequency response analysis

Answer: A) Analyze the robustness of the system by examining singular values of the system’s transfer function

10. “Robust Stability” ensures:

A) The system remains stable despite uncertainties and disturbances
B) The system’s poles are located in a specific region
C) The system’s frequency response is optimal
D) Fixed gain values are used

Answer: A) The system remains stable despite uncertainties and disturbances

11. “Robust Performance” in Robust Control focuses on:

A) Achieving desired performance levels in the presence of uncertainties
B) Designing fixed controllers
C) Analyzing the system’s poles and zeros
D) Implementing PID control

Answer: A) Achieving desired performance levels in the presence of uncertainties

12. In “H∞ Design,” the goal is to:

A) Minimize the worst-case impact of disturbances and uncertainties on system performance
B) Design fixed gain controllers
C) Implement state feedback
D) Perform frequency response analysis

Answer: A) Minimize the worst-case impact of disturbances and uncertainties on system performance

13. “Robust Control with Constraints” involves:

A) Designing controllers that ensure robustness while respecting system constraints
B) Implementing fixed gain controllers
C) Analyzing system stability
D) Performing frequency response analysis

Answer: A) Designing controllers that ensure robustness while respecting system constraints

14. “MIMO Robust Control” refers to:

A) Designing robust controllers for multiple-input, multiple-output systems
B) Designing controllers for single-input, single-output systems
C) Analyzing system poles and zeros
D) Implementing fixed gain controllers

Answer: A) Designing robust controllers for multiple-input, multiple-output systems

15. “Robust Control Design” typically involves:

A) Formulating and solving optimization problems to ensure performance and robustness
B) Designing fixed gain controllers
C) Implementing PID control
D) Performing frequency response analysis

Answer: A) Formulating and solving optimization problems to ensure performance and robustness

16. “Robust Control and Estimation” involves:

A) Designing controllers and estimators that handle uncertainties effectively
B) Designing fixed gain controllers
C) Analyzing system stability
D) Implementing state-space models

Answer: A) Designing controllers and estimators that handle uncertainties effectively

17. “Robust Control for Nonlinear Systems” addresses:

A) Designing controllers for systems with nonlinear dynamics and uncertainties
B) Implementing fixed gain controllers
C) Analyzing linear system stability
D) Performing frequency response analysis

Answer: A) Designing controllers for systems with nonlinear dynamics and uncertainties

18. “Stability Margins” in Robust Control are:

A) Measures of how much uncertainty a system can handle before losing stability
B) Fixed gain values
C) Frequency response parameters
D) Design constraints

Answer: A) Measures of how much uncertainty a system can handle before losing stability

19. “Robust Control with Adaptive Algorithms” involves:

A) Using adaptive techniques to adjust the control strategy in response to changing uncertainties
B) Designing fixed controllers
C) Analyzing system stability
D) Implementing frequency response analysis

Answer: A) Using adaptive techniques to adjust the control strategy in response to changing uncertainties

20. “Robust Control and Optimization” refers to:

A) Optimizing control parameters to achieve robustness and desired performance
B) Designing fixed gain controllers
C) Implementing PID control
D) Performing state-space analysis

Answer: A) Optimizing control parameters to achieve robustness and desired performance

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