1. Robot dynamics primarily involves:
A) The study of the robot’s kinematic chains
B) The study of forces and torques in a robot system
C) The control of joint angles
D) The design of robot sensors
Answer: B) The study of forces and torques in a robot system
2. In robot dynamics, the term “mass matrix” refers to:
A) The matrix representing the mass distribution of the robot
B) The matrix that relates joint accelerations to joint forces/torques
C) The matrix representing the end-effector mass
D) The matrix of joint velocities
Answer: B) The matrix that relates joint accelerations to joint forces/torques
3. Which of the following equations is commonly used to describe robot dynamics?
A) Newton-Euler equations
B) Bernoulli’s equation
C) Maxwell’s equations
D) Schrödinger’s equation
Answer: A) Newton-Euler equations
4. The “coriolis force” in robot dynamics is:
A) The force due to the robot’s mass
B) The force due to friction
C) The force due to acceleration of moving parts
D) The force due to gravitational effects
Answer: C) The force due to acceleration of moving parts
5. In the context of robot dynamics, “inertia” typically refers to:
A) The resistance to change in motion
B) The force applied by actuators
C) The external forces applied to the robot
D) The torque required to move the robot
Answer: A) The resistance to change in motion
6. The equation τ=M(q)q¨+C(q,q˙)q˙+G(q)\tau = M(q) \ddot{q} + C(q, \dot{q}) \dot{q} + G(q) represents:
A) Forward kinematics
B) Inverse kinematics
C) Robot dynamics
D) Path planning
Answer: C) Robot dynamics
7. In the dynamics of a robotic arm, G(q)G(q) represents:
A) The mass matrix
B) The Coriolis/centrifugal forces
C) The gravitational forces
D) The joint damping forces
Answer: C) The gravitational forces
8. The term “damping” in robot dynamics refers to:
A) The reduction of mechanical vibrations
B) The increase in system energy
C) The external forces applied to the system
D) The mass distribution of the robot
Answer: A) The reduction of mechanical vibrations
9. Which of the following is NOT a component of the dynamics model of a robot?
A) Inertia matrix
B) Coriolis forces
C) Gravitational forces
D) Sensor calibration
Answer: D) Sensor calibration
10. The “Euler-Lagrange equation” is used to:
A) Describe the dynamics of a robot
B) Model the kinematics of a robot
C) Design the robot’s controller
D) Determine the robot’s trajectory
Answer: A) Describe the dynamics of a robot
11. In the equation τ=M(q)q¨+C(q,q˙)q˙+G(q)\tau = M(q) \ddot{q} + C(q, \dot{q}) \dot{q} + G(q), τ\tau represents:
A) Joint torques
B) End-effector position
C) Joint velocities
D) Gravitational forces
Answer: A) Joint torques
12. The “Jacobian matrix” in the context of robot dynamics is used to:
A) Relate joint velocities to end-effector velocities
B) Compute the inertia matrix
C) Determine the gravitational forces
D) Model the damping forces
Answer: A) Relate joint velocities to end-effector velocities
13. In robot dynamics, the term “centrifugal force” refers to:
A) The force caused by rotational acceleration
B) The force due to gravity
C) The force due to joint friction
D) The force applied by actuators
Answer: A) The force caused by rotational acceleration
14. Which method is commonly used for solving dynamic equations of motion in robotics?
A) Analytical methods
B) Numerical methods
C) Graphical methods
D) Experimental methods
Answer: B) Numerical methods
15. The “Lagrangian” in robot dynamics is defined as:
A) The difference between kinetic and potential energy
B) The sum of kinetic and potential energy
C) The total energy of the system
D) The rate of change of energy
Answer: A) The difference between kinetic and potential energy
16. The “Newton-Euler method” is used for:
A) Kinematic analysis
B) Dynamic modeling
C) Path planning
D) Control design
Answer: B) Dynamic modeling
17. In the context of robot dynamics, “forward dynamics” refers to:
A) Calculating joint positions from joint velocities
B) Determining joint accelerations from applied forces/torques
C) Calculating end-effector positions from joint angles
D) Determining joint velocities from end-effector velocities
Answer: B) Determining joint accelerations from applied forces/torques
18. The “inverse dynamics” problem involves:
A) Calculating the forces/torques needed to achieve a desired motion
B) Determining the motion of a robot given the forces/torques
C) Computing the Jacobian matrix
D) Measuring the robot’s end-effector velocity
Answer: A) Calculating the forces/torques needed to achieve a desired motion
19. In robot dynamics, “linear momentum” is defined as:
A) The mass times the velocity
B) The rate of change of kinetic energy
C) The rate of change of potential energy
D) The sum of all forces applied to the robot
Answer: A) The mass times the velocity
20. Which of the following best describes “robot inertia”?
A) The resistance of a robot’s link to changes in motion
B) The robot’s ability to resist external forces
C) The damping effect in the robot’s joints
D) The gravitational forces on the robot
Answer: A) The resistance of a robot’s link to changes in motion
21. The term “control torque” refers to:
A) The torques applied by the robot’s actuators to achieve desired movements
B) The torques resulting from external forces
C) The torques due to friction
D) The torques due to gravitational forces
Answer: A) The torques applied by the robot’s actuators to achieve desired movements
22. The “Euler method” in numerical dynamics is used for:
A) Solving dynamic equations with a small time step approximation
B) Solving algebraic equations
C) Computing exact solutions of differential equations
D) Modeling the kinematic chain
Answer: A) Solving dynamic equations with a small time step approximation
23. In robot dynamics, “work” done by a force is calculated as:
A) Force times displacement
B) Force divided by displacement
C) Mass times acceleration
D) Energy divided by time
Answer: A) Force times displacement
24. The “potential energy” in robot dynamics is typically associated with:
A) The energy stored due to position in a gravitational field
B) The energy due to motion
C) The energy dissipated by friction
D) The energy required for joint actuation
Answer: A) The energy stored due to position in a gravitational field
25. “Kinetic energy” in the context of robot dynamics is given by:
A) 12mv2\frac{1}{2} mv^2
B) mghmgh
C) 12Iω2\frac{1}{2} I \omega^2
D) Both A and C
Answer: D) Both A and C
26. In robot dynamics, “actuator dynamics” refers to:
A) The study of forces and torques generated by actuators
B) The control strategies for actuators
C) The mechanical design of actuators
D) The energy efficiency of actuators
Answer: A) The study of forces and torques generated by actuators
27. The “dynamic response” of a robot system typically involves:
A) The robot’s reaction to applied forces and torques
B) The robot’s reaction to environmental disturbances
C) The time-dependent behavior of the robot
D) The steady-state performance of the robot
Answer: C) The time-dependent behavior of the robot
28. “Torque control” in robotics involves:
A) Directly controlling the forces applied at the joints
B) Controlling the joint angles
C) Controlling the end-effector position
D) Controlling the velocity of the joints
Answer: A) Directly controlling the forces applied at the joints
29. The “transfer function” in robot dynamics is used to:
A) Relate input forces/torques to output movements
B) Describe the kinematic constraints of the robot
C) Compute the robot’s energy consumption
D) Model the sensor feedback
Answer: A) Relate input forces/torques to output movements
30. The “system matrix” in the state-space representation of robot dynamics includes:
A) The mass matrix, Coriolis matrix, and gravitational forces
B) The robot’s kinematic parameters
C) The control input matrix and the state matrix
D) The Jacobian matrix
Answer: C) The control input matrix and the state matrix
31. The “Robot Operating System (ROS)” is primarily used for:
A) Implementing control algorithms
B) Simulating dynamic models
C) Managing robot hardware and software interfaces
D) Designing robot structures
Answer: C) Managing robot hardware and software interfaces
32. “Dynamic simulation” in robotics involves:
A) Running a model of the robot to predict its behavior under various conditions
B) Directly controlling the robot’s movements in real-time
C) Analyzing the robot’s kinematic chain
D) Calculating the robot’s end-effector position
Answer: A) Running a model of the robot to predict its behavior under various conditions
33. In the context of robot dynamics, “external forces” can include:
A) Gravitational forces, friction, and applied loads
B) Only gravitational forces
C) Only applied loads
D) Only frictional forces
Answer: A) Gravitational forces, friction, and applied loads
34. The “Lagrangian mechanics” approach is advantageous because it:
A) Provides a systematic method for deriving the equations of motion
B) Focuses only on linear systems
C) Simplifies the robot’s kinematic analysis
D) Eliminates the need for numerical methods
Answer: A) Provides a systematic method for deriving the equations of motion
35. The “torque control” strategy is most suitable for:
A) High-precision tasks requiring accurate force application
B) Tasks where position control is critical
C) Low-speed, low-torque applications
D) High-speed movement applications
Answer: A) High-precision tasks requiring accurate force application
36. In the dynamics model, the term “C(q, \dot{q})” represents:
A) Coriolis/centrifugal forces
B) Gravitational forces
C) Inertia matrix
D) Damping forces
Answer: A) Coriolis/centrifugal forces
37. The “Robotic Simulation Software” is used for:
A) Testing and validating the dynamic models and control algorithms
B) Designing mechanical components of robots
C) Writing robot control programs
D) Implementing real-time control systems
Answer: A) Testing and validating the dynamic models and control algorithms
38. “Trajectory planning” in robot dynamics is concerned with:
A) Determining the path and motion of the robot over time
B) Setting the robot’s joint positions
C) Calculating the robot’s energy consumption
D) Adjusting the robot’s hardware
Answer: A) Determining the path and motion of the robot over time
39. In robot dynamics, “feedback control” involves:
A) Using sensor data to adjust control inputs and improve system performance
B) Designing the robot’s mechanical structure
C) Planning the robot’s motion path
D) Developing simulation models
Answer: A) Using sensor data to adjust control inputs and improve system performance
40. The “Euler-Lagrange” equations are used to:
A) Formulate the equations of motion for a dynamic system
B) Calculate the kinematic constraints
C) Determine the sensor calibration parameters
D) Model the robot’s path planning
Answer: A) Formulate the equations of motion for a dynamic system