Re-entry mechanics and heat shielding MCQs – Aerospace March 12, 2025September 11, 2024 by u930973931_answers 10 Score: 0 Attempted: 0/20 1. Re-entry mechanics involve: (A) Navigating through space (B) Entering a planetâs atmosphere from space (C) Launching from a planetâs surface (D) Maintaining orbit around a planet 2. Heat shielding is crucial during re-entry because: (A) It protects the spacecraft from vacuum conditions (B) It prevents the spacecraft from overheating due to friction (C) It helps in spacecraft navigation (D) It provides structural support 3. The primary cause of heating during re-entry is: (A) Spacecraft acceleration (B) Atmospheric friction and compression (C) Solar radiation (D) Gravitational forces 4. Which type of heat shield is commonly used for re-entry? (A) Ablative (B) Reflective (C) Insulative (D) Radiative 5. Ablative heat shields work by: (A) Reflecting heat away (B) Absorbing and gradually dissipating heat (C) Conducting heat to a cooling system (D) Evaporating and carrying heat away 6. The temperature experienced by a spacecraft during re-entry can reach: (A) 100°C (B) 500°C (C) 1,500°C (D) 3,000°C 7. A heat shield material must have: (A) High thermal conductivity (B) Low thermal conductivity (C) High specific heat (D) Low specific heat 8. The main function of a heat shield is to: (A) Maintain structural integrity (B) Minimize friction (C) Absorb and dissipate heat (D) Enhance communication signals 9. Which phase of re-entry is most critical for heat shielding? (A) Launch (B) Orbital insertion (C) Atmospheric entry (D) Landing 10. The type of heat shield used for Apollo missions was: (A) Ablative (B) Metallic (C) Ceramic (D) Insulative 11. During re-entry, the spacecraft’s speed affects: (A) The amount of fuel required (B) The heat shield’s temperature and pressure (C) The spacecraft’s maneuverability (D) The altitude of re-entry 12. A heat shieldâs ability to protect a spacecraft depends on: (A) Its weight (B) Its thermal properties (C) Its size (D) Its color 13. Re-entry angles that are too steep can cause: (A) Increased stability (B) Insufficient heating (C) Excessive heating and potential damage (D) Reduced heat shield effectiveness 14. The primary purpose of the thermal protection system is to: (A) Shield the spacecraft from radiation (B) Protect the spacecraft from aerodynamic forces (C) Absorb and dissipate re-entry heat (D) Ensure proper fuel combustion 15. Heat shield materials are typically tested in: (A) Vacuum chambers (B) High-temperature ovens (C) Wind tunnels (D) Laboratory environments 16. The spacecraftâs re-entry trajectory must be carefully controlled to: (A) Ensure optimal speed (B) Avoid overheating the heat shield (C) Maximize communication with mission control (D) Increase fuel efficiency 17. The Space Shuttle used which type of heat shield tiles? (A) Ceramic (B) Metallic (C) Ablative (D) Reflective 18. A major challenge for heat shields is: (A) Weight reduction (B) Ensuring uniform temperature distribution (C) Minimizing drag (D) Enhancing maneuverability 19. Which phenomenon significantly affects heat shield performance during re-entry? (A) Surface tension (B) Thermal radiation (C) Atmospheric pressure (D) Aerodynamic heating 20. Re-entry heating is a result of: (A) Gravitational forces (B) Atmospheric friction and compression (C) Spacecraftâs velocity (D) Solar radiation