Quality control and safety in aerospace production MCQs – Aerospace March 11, 2025September 11, 2024 by u930973931_answers 5 Score: 0 Attempted: 0/10 1. Quality control in aerospace production ensures: (A) Compliance with industry standards and specifications (B) Increased manufacturing costs (C) Reduced production speed (D) Lowered material quality 2. The primary purpose of conducting inspections during aerospace manufacturing is to: (A) Detect and correct defects early (B) Increase production time (C) Decrease the overall quality (D) Simplify the design 3. Aerospace components are typically tested for: (A) Structural integrity and performance (B) Color consistency (C) Surface texture only (D) Packaging quality 4. The role of a “non-destructive testing (NDT)” method in aerospace is to: (A) Inspect materials and components without causing damage (B) Increase the weight of the components (C) Change the properties of the material (D) Simplify the assembly process 5. Which of the following is a common non-destructive testing method used in aerospace? (A) Ultrasonic testing (B) Manual measurement (C) Surface grinding (D) Paint inspection 6. In aerospace manufacturing, “traceability” refers to: (A) The ability to track and document the history of materials and processes (B) The speed of production (C) The visual appearance of the parts (D) The cost of materials 7. “Certification” in aerospace quality control involves: (A) Verifying that components and processes meet specific standards (B) Increasing the production time (C) Simplifying the inspection procedures (D) Reducing the material quality 8. The purpose of a “failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA)” is to: (A) Identify potential failure modes and their impacts (B) Increase the complexity of the design (C) Decrease the accuracy of inspections (D) Simplify the production process 9. A “clean room” in aerospace manufacturing is designed to: (A) Maintain a controlled environment to prevent contamination (B) Increase the level of dust and debris (C) Simplify the assembly of components (D) Improve the aesthetic appearance of parts 10. “Process control” in aerospace production aims to: (A) Ensure that manufacturing processes remain consistent and meet specifications (B) Increase variability in production (C) Decrease the frequency of inspections (D) Simplify the design of components