1. What does the term “ALU” stand for in the context of microprocessors?
A) Arithmetic and Logic Unit
B) Advanced Logic Unit
C) Arithmetic Learning Unit
D) Advanced Loading Unit
Answer: A
2. Which of the following is not a function of the Control Unit (CU) in a microprocessor?
A) Fetching instructions
B) Decoding instructions
C) Executing arithmetic operations
D) Controlling data flow
Answer: C
3. In a microcontroller, what does the term “RAM” refer to?
A) Read Access Memory
B) Random Access Memory
C) Rapid Access Memory
D) Real Access Memory
Answer: B
4. Which of the following microprocessors uses the x86 architecture?
A) ARM Cortex-A series
B) Intel Core i7
D) PowerPC
Answer: B
5. What does the acronym “I/O” stand for in microcontrollers?
A) Input/Output
B) Inside/Outside
C) Input Only
D) Intra/Outer
Answer: A
6. Which of the following statements is true about microcontrollers compared to microprocessors?
A) Microcontrollers typically have higher clock speeds.
B) Microcontrollers are more complex and have larger instruction sets.
C) Microcontrollers integrate memory, peripherals, and processing on a single chip.
D) Microcontrollers are only used in specialized industrial applications.
Answer: C
7. What is the purpose of a crystal oscillator in microcontrollers?
A) To control the speed of data transmission
B) To generate clock pulses for timing and synchronization
C) To amplify the signals from the microcontroller
D) To store program instructions
Answer: B
8. Which register in a microcontroller is used to store the address of the next instruction to be executed?
A) Program Counter (PC)
B) Stack Pointer (SP)
C) Accumulator (ACC)
D) Instruction Register (IR)
Answer: A
9. What is the purpose of the Stack Pointer (SP) in microcontrollers?
A) It holds the current instruction being executed.
B) It points to the next memory location for data operations.
C) It manages the flow of data between the ALU and memory.
D) It keeps track of the address of the top of the stack for subroutine calls and returns.
Answer: D
10. Which microcontroller architecture is widely used in embedded systems and IoT devices?
Answer: A
11. Which of the following is an example of an 8-bit microcontroller?
A) Intel 8051
B) ARM Cortex-M3
C) Atmel AVR
D) PIC18F series
Answer: A
12. What is the size of the instruction set in a microcontroller determined by?
A) The size of the ALU
B) The number of registers available
C) The type and complexity of operations it can perform
D) The clock speed of the microcontroller
Answer: C
13. Which of the following statements about EEPROM in microcontrollers is true?
A) It stands for Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory.
B) It is volatile memory used for temporary storage.
C) It is used for storing program instructions.
D) It is faster than RAM but slower than ROM.
Answer: A
14. What is the purpose of a watchdog timer in microcontrollers?
A) To synchronize data between different peripherals
B) To monitor and reset the microcontroller if a malfunction occurs
C) To manage power consumption by switching off unused peripherals
D) To generate clock pulses for timing critical operations
Answer: B
15. Which of the following programming languages is commonly used for programming microcontrollers?
A) Java
B) C
C) Python
D) Ruby
Answer: B
16. Which interrupt has the highest priority in microcontroller operations?
A) Timer interrupt
B) External interrupt
C) Serial communication interrupt
D) Software interrupt
Answer: B
17. What is the function of the ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) in microcontrollers?
A) It converts analog signals to digital signals for processing.
B) It stores digital data in analog format.
C) It controls the flow of digital data to external peripherals.
D) It amplifies analog signals for better accuracy.
Answer: A
18. Which of the following is an example of an AVR microcontroller?
A) PIC16F84A
B) ATmega328P
C) STM32F103C8T6
D) MSP430G2553
Answer: B
19. What does “UART” stand for in microcontrollers?
A) Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
B) Unified Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
C) Unidirectional Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter
D) Unified Automatic Receiver Transmitter
Answer: A
20. Which of the following is an advantage of using microcontrollers in embedded systems?
A) Higher power consumption
B) Larger physical size
C) Lower cost and complexity
D) Slower processing speed
Answer: C
21. What is the role of a GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) pin in microcontrollers?
A) It provides power supply to the microcontroller.
B) It interfaces with external digital and analog devices.
C) It stores program instructions temporarily.
D) It controls the clock speed of the microcontroller.
Answer: B
22. Which of the following statements is true about the Harvard architecture used in some microcontrollers?
A) It uses separate buses and memory for instructions and data.
B) It has a single shared memory for both instructions and data.
C) It is slower compared to Von Neumann architecture.
D) It is commonly used in PCs and workstations.
Answer: A
23. What is meant by “bit-banging” in the context of microcontrollers?
A) Generating software-defined clock pulses or serial data signals using GPIO pins
B) Debugging errors in microcontroller firmware
C) Upgrading the firmware using a bootloader
D) Optimizing code for faster execution
Answer: A
24. Which of the following is an example of a microcontroller bootloader function?
A) Controlling the speed of the microcontroller
B) Managing power consumption
C) Uploading new firmware over a communication interface
D) Executing complex mathematical calculations
Answer: C
25. What is the purpose of the RESET pin on a microcontroller?
A) To turn the microcontroller on and off
B) To restart the microcontroller and clear all internal registers
C) To provide analog input to the microcontroller
D) To interface with external memory modules
Answer: B
26. Which of the following is an example of a 32-bit microcontroller?
A) PIC16F877A
B) ATmega328P
C) STM32F407VGT6
D) MSP430G2553
Answer: C
27. In microcontrollers, what does DMA (Direct Memory Access) do?
A) It manages the allocation of memory resources.
B) It allows peripherals to directly access memory without CPU intervention.
C) It converts digital data to analog signals.
D) It synchronizes timing signals across different peripherals.
Answer: B
28. Which of the following is a disadvantage of using RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) architecture in microcontrollers?
A) Larger code size
B) Slower execution speed
C) Higher power consumption
D) Limited flexibility in programming
Answer: D
29. What does “FIFO” stand for in microcontroller peripherals?
A) First In, First Out
B) Fast Input, Fast Output
C) Flexible Input, Flexible Output
D) Fixed Input, Fixed Output
Answer: A
30. Which of the following is an example of an 8051 microcontroller family member?
A) ATmega328P
B) PIC16F877A
C) STM32F103C8T6
D) AT89C51
Answer: D
31. Which feature distinguishes a microprocessor from a microcontroller?
A) Higher clock speed
B) Integrated peripherals
C) Larger memory size
D) Complex instruction set
Answer: B
32. What is the primary function of the PC (Program Counter) in a microcontroller?
A) To store temporary data during program execution
B) To decode instructions fetched from memory
C) To hold the address of the next instruction to be executed
D) To perform arithmetic and logic operations
Answer: C
33. Which of the following statements is true about flash memory in microcontrollers?
A) It is used for storing temporary data during program execution.
B) It can be reprogrammed multiple times.
C) It is faster than SRAM but slower than EEPROM.
D) It is volatile memory.
Answer: B
34. Which of the following is an example of a microcontroller with an integrated Wi-Fi module?
A) Arduino Uno
B) ESP8266
C) Raspberry Pi 4
D) BeagleBone Black
Answer: B
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