1. What does the support metric represent in association rule mining?
- A) The proportion of transactions containing only the consequent
- B) The proportion of transactions containing the antecedent and consequent
- C) The strength of an association rule compared to random chance
- D) The likelihood of the antecedent leading to the consequent
Answer: B) The proportion of transactions containing the antecedent and consequent
Explanation: Support measures how often the items in a rule appear together in the dataset.
2. Which of the following is the formula for support?
- A) Support(A→B)=Count of (A ∪ B)Total Transactions\text{Support}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Count of (A ∪ B)}}{\text{Total Transactions}}
- B) Support(A→B)=Count of ACount of B\text{Support}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Count of A}}{\text{Count of B}}
- C) Support(A→B)=Count of (A ∩ B)Count of A\text{Support}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Count of (A ∩ B)}}{\text{Count of A}}
- D) Support(A→B)=Total TransactionsCount of A\text{Support}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Total Transactions}}{\text{Count of A}}
Answer: A) Support(A→B)=Count of (A ∪ B)Total Transactions\text{Support}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Count of (A ∪ B)}}{\text{Total Transactions}}
Explanation: Support measures the proportion of transactions in which both AA and BB appear.
3. What does the confidence metric measure?
- A) The proportion of transactions that contain the antecedent
- B) The proportion of transactions containing the antecedent in which the consequent also appears
- C) The proportion of transactions containing the consequent
- D) The deviation of the rule from independence
Answer: B) The proportion of transactions containing the antecedent in which the consequent also appears
Explanation: Confidence indicates the likelihood of BB occurring given AA has occurred.
4. Which of the following is the formula for confidence?
- A) Confidence(A→B)=Support(A∪B)Support(A)\text{Confidence}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A \cup B)}{\text{Support}(A)}
- B) Confidence(A→B)=Support(A)Support(B)\text{Confidence}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A)}{\text{Support}(B)}
- C) Confidence(A→B)=Support(A∩B)Support(A)\text{Confidence}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A \cap B)}{\text{Support}(A)}
- D) Confidence(A→B)=Support(A∩B)Support(B)\text{Confidence}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A \cap B)}{\text{Support}(B)}
Answer: A) Confidence(A→B)=Support(A∪B)Support(A)\text{Confidence}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A \cup B)}{\text{Support}(A)}
Explanation: Confidence measures the conditional probability of BB given AA.
5. What does a confidence value of 1 indicate?
- A) AA and BB are completely independent.
- B) BB always occurs when AA occurs.
- C) AA never occurs without BB.
- D) AA and BB are negatively associated.
Answer: B) BB always occurs when AA occurs.
Explanation: A confidence value of 1 means the rule A→BA \rightarrow B is perfectly reliable.
6. What is the lift metric used for?
- A) To measure the frequency of an itemset in the dataset
- B) To measure how much more likely AA and BB occur together than by chance
- C) To measure the reliability of an association rule
- D) To filter out infrequent itemsets
Answer: B) To measure how much more likely AA and BB occur together than by chance
Explanation: Lift compares the observed support of the rule to the support expected if AA and BB were independent.
7. Which of the following is the formula for lift?
- A) Lift(A→B)=Confidence(A→B)Support(B)\text{Lift}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Confidence}(A \rightarrow B)}{\text{Support}(B)}
- B) Lift(A→B)=Support(A∩B)Support(A)⋅Support(B)\text{Lift}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A \cap B)}{\text{Support}(A) \cdot \text{Support}(B)}
- C) Lift(A→B)=Support(A)Support(A∩B)\text{Lift}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A)}{\text{Support}(A \cap B)}
- D) Lift(A→B)=Support(A)⋅Support(B)Support(A∩B)\text{Lift}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A) \cdot \text{Support}(B)}{\text{Support}(A \cap B)}
Answer: B) Lift(A→B)=Support(A∩B)Support(A)⋅Support(B)\text{Lift}(A \rightarrow B) = \frac{\text{Support}(A \cap B)}{\text{Support}(A) \cdot \text{Support}(B)}
Explanation: Lift measures the ratio of the observed co-occurrence of AA and BB to their expected co-occurrence if they were independent.
8. What does a lift value of 1 indicate?
- A) AA and BB are completely independent.
- B) AA always leads to BB.
- C) AA and BB are positively correlated.
- D) AA and BB are negatively correlated.
Answer: A) AA and BB are completely independent.
Explanation: A lift value of 1 means there is no association between AA and BB.
9. What does a lift value greater than 1 imply?
- A) AA and BB are negatively associated.
- B) AA and BB are more likely to occur together than expected by chance.
- C) AA and BB are independent.
- D) AA and BB are rare in the dataset.
Answer: B) AA and BB are more likely to occur together than expected by chance.
Explanation: A lift value greater than 1 indicates a positive association between AA and BB.
10. Which of the following measures is primarily used to filter out infrequent itemsets?
- A) Support
- B) Confidence
- C) Lift
- D) Conviction
Answer: A) Support
Explanation: Support is used to determine whether an itemset occurs frequently enough to be considered for rule generation.