MCQs on rivers of Guinea-Bissau

  • What is the longest river in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Geba River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Cacine River
    • D) Corubal River
      Answer: A) Geba River
  • Which river is the main tributary of the Geba River?
    • A) Cacheu River
    • B) Corubal River
    • C) Cacine River
    • D) Cumbijã River
      Answer: B) Corubal River
  • The Cacheu River flows into which body of water?
    • A) Atlantic Ocean
    • B) Indian Ocean
    • C) Mediterranean Sea
    • D) Bay of Biscay
      Answer: A) Atlantic Ocean
  • Which river is known for its rich biodiversity in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Geba River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Cacine River
    • D) Corubal River
      Answer: B) Cacheu River
  • The Cacine River is primarily located in which region of Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Biombo
    • B) Quinara
    • C) Oio
    • D) Cacheu
      Answer: B) Quinara
  • What is the main economic activity along the rivers of Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Agriculture
    • B) Fishing
    • C) Mining
    • D) Tourism
      Answer: B) Fishing
  • The Corubal River is a significant tributary of which river?
    • A) Cacheu River
    • B) Cacine River
    • C) Geba River
    • D) Bafatá River
      Answer: C) Geba River
  • Which river forms part of the border between Guinea-Bissau and Senegal?
    • A) Cacheu River
    • B) Corubal River
    • C) Geba River
    • D) Cacine River
      Answer: A) Cacheu River
  • The Geba River is important for which aspect of the economy?
    • A) Transportation
    • B) Hydroelectric power
    • C) Irrigation
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • What is a major environmental concern for the rivers in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Deforestation
    • B) Pollution
    • C) Overfishing
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river is known for its seasonal flooding?
    • A) Cacheu River
    • B) Geba River
    • C) Cacine River
    • D) Corubal River
      Answer: B) Geba River
  • What type of ecosystem is commonly found along the banks of rivers in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Desert
    • B) Tropical rainforest
    • C) Mangroves
    • D) Savanna
      Answer: C) Mangroves
  • Which river is important for local irrigation systems?
    • A) Cacine River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Corubal River
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • The Cacine River is primarily used for what purpose?
    • A) Hydroelectric power generation
    • B) Agriculture
    • C) Fishing
    • D) Transportation
      Answer: C) Fishing
  • Which river is associated with the Bijagós Archipelago?
    • A) Geba River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Corubal River
    • D) Cacine River
      Answer: A) Geba River
  • The Corubal River is crucial for which local communities?
    • A) Farming communities
    • B) Fishing communities
    • C) Urban areas
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river has a significant impact on the local fish populations?
    • A) Cacheu River
    • B) Cacine River
    • C) Geba River
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which river is navigable for small boats in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Geba River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Corubal River
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • What is the primary fish species found in the rivers of Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Tilapia
    • B) Catfish
    • C) Sardines
    • D) Trout
      Answer: A) Tilapia
  • Which river is heavily impacted by agricultural runoff?
    • A) Cacine River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Corubal River
    • D) Geba River
      Answer: B) Cacheu River
  • What is a significant challenge faced by rivers in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Climate change
    • B) Overdevelopment
    • C) Invasive species
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • The Cacheu River is known for its historical significance related to which activity?
    • A) Mining
    • B) Trade
    • C) Fishing
    • D) Agriculture
      Answer: B) Trade
  • Which river is the main source of freshwater for communities in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Geba River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Cacine River
    • D) Corubal River
      Answer: A) Geba River
  • Which river is crucial for maintaining the ecological balance in its region?
    • A) Cacine River
    • B) Corubal River
    • C) Cacheu River
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • What is the length of the Geba River?
    • A) 300 km
    • B) 450 km
    • C) 600 km
    • D) 700 km
      Answer: C) 600 km
  • Which river is often used for cultural festivals in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Cacheu River
    • B) Cacine River
    • C) Corubal River
    • D) Geba River
      Answer: D) Geba River
  • Which river has several dams built for irrigation?
    • A) Cacheu River
    • B) Cacine River
    • C) Corubal River
    • D) Geba River
      Answer: D) Geba River
  • The Cacine River is important for which aspect of local communities?
    • A) Fishing
    • B) Transportation
    • C) Agriculture
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above
  • Which of the following rivers is not a major river in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Geba River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Senegal River
    • D) Cacine River
      Answer: C) Senegal River
  • Which river is essential for both local livelihoods and the environment in Guinea-Bissau?
    • A) Geba River
    • B) Cacheu River
    • C) Cacine River
    • D) All of the above
      Answer: D) All of the above


River Name Length (approx.) Source Mouth Significance
Geba River 600 km Fouta Djalon Mountains Atlantic Ocean Major river; important for transportation and fishing.
Cacheu River 250 km Cacheu Region Atlantic Ocean Significant for biodiversity and local agriculture.
Corubal River 160 km Fouta Djalon Mountains Geba River Key tributary; important for irrigation and fishing.
Cacine River 100 km Quinara Region Atlantic Ocean Known for its rich fish population; vital for local diets.
Bafatá River 90 km Bafatá Region Geba River Important for local communities; supports fishing.
Cumbijã River 70 km Oio Region Cacheu River Lesser-known river; used for local transport and irrigation.
Pere River 50 km Upper Guinea Corubal River Smaller river; important for local agriculture.
Mansoa River 80 km Mansoa Region Geba River Supports local communities and agriculture.

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