Idioms and Phrases MCQs: Understanding common expressions

“Bite the bullet” means:
A) To avoid a difficult situation.
B) To endure a painful experience.
C) To act quickly.
D) To celebrate success.
Answer: B) To endure a painful experience.

“Hit the nail on the head” means:
A) To avoid talking about the main issue.
B) To confront someone.
C) To criticize harshly.
D) To describe something accurately.
Answer: D) To describe something accurately.

“Burning the midnight oil” means:
A) Working late into the night.
B) Wasting time.
C) Enjoying a party.
D) Taking a long break.
Answer: A) Working late into the night.

“Don’t cry over spilled milk” means:
A) To ignore accidents.
B) To clean up messes immediately.
C) To regret past mistakes excessively.
D) To avoid dairy products.
Answer: C) To regret past mistakes excessively.

“Under the weather” means:
A) Feeling cold.
B) Feeling depressed.
C) Feeling sick.
D) Feeling excited.
Answer: C) Feeling sick.

“Cost an arm and a leg” means:
A) To require a lot of effort.
B) To be extremely expensive.
C) To be physically demanding.
D) To be easily affordable.
Answer: B) To be extremely expensive.

“Break the ice” means:
A) To create tension.
B) To relax a tense situation.
C) To cause an argument.
D) To freeze water.
Answer: B) To relax a tense situation.

“Piece of cake” means:
A) A difficult task.
B) A simple task.
C) A delicious dessert.
D) A broken object.
Answer: B) A simple task.

“Once in a blue moon” means:
A) Very often.
B) Occasionally.
C) Every night.
D) Every month.
Answer: B) Occasionally.

“Spill the beans” means:
A) To cook a meal.
B) To reveal a secret.
C) To make a mess.
D) To break something.
Answer: B) To reveal a secret.

“Jump the gun” means:
A) To start a race too soon.
B) To be well-prepared.
C) To make a quick decision.
D) To delay action.
Answer: A) To start a race too soon.

“A dime a dozen” means:
A) Very rare.
B) Very valuable.
C) Very common.
D) Very expensive.
Answer: C) Very common.

“Cut to the chase” means:
A) To start a conversation.
B) To get to the main point.
C) To avoid difficult topics.
D) To tell a long story.
Answer: B) To get to the main point.

“Down to earth” means:
A) Unrealistic.
B) Practical and realistic.
C) Suspended in the air.
D) Disconnected from reality.
Answer: B) Practical and realistic.

“Let the cat out of the bag” means:
A) To feed a pet cat.
B) To reveal a secret.
C) To hide something.
D) To buy a new bag.
Answer: B) To reveal a secret.

“A drop in the bucket” means:
A) A significant amount.
B) A small amount compared to what is needed.
C) An empty bucket.
D) A heavy load.
Answer: B) A small amount compared to what is needed.

“Throw in the towel” means:
A) To surrender or give up.
B) To start a fight.
C) To organize a competition.
D) To clean the house.
Answer: A) To surrender or give up.

“Spice things up” means:
A) To make something bland.
B) To add excitement or variety.
C) To calm things down.
D) To remove flavor.
Answer: B) To add excitement or variety.

“Get cold feet” means:
A) To have cold feet.
B) To lose interest.
C) To become scared or hesitant.
D) To feel confident.
Answer: C) To become scared or hesitant.

“Hold your horses” means:
A) To ride a horse.
B) To wait or be patient.
C) To control someone.
D) To release something.
Answer: B) To wait or be patient.

“Kill two birds with one stone” means:
A) To harm birds.
B) To accomplish two things with one action.
C) To waste time.
D) To throw stones.
Answer: B) To accomplish two things with one action.

“When pigs fly” means:
A) Pigs are flying.
B) Something is impossible or unlikely to happen.
C) Pigs are landing.
D) Pigs are running.
Answer: B) Something is impossible or unlikely to happen.

“Let sleeping dogs lie” means:
A) To wake up dogs.
B) To leave a situation alone to avoid problems.
C) To pet dogs.
D) To feed dogs.
Answer: B) To leave a situation alone to avoid problems.

“Cost an arm and a leg” means:
A) To require a lot of effort.
B) To be extremely expensive.
C) To be physically demanding.
D) To be easily affordable.
Answer: B) To be extremely expensive.

“Straight from the horse’s mouth” means:
A) Directly from a horse.
B) From a reliable source.
C) From a dishonest person.
D) From an unknown source.
Answer: B) From a reliable source.

“Like a fish out of water” means:
A) Comfortable in a situation.
B) Uncomfortable or awkward in a situation.
C) Swimming in water.
D) Eating fish.
Answer: B) Uncomfortable or awkward in a situation.

“Break a leg” means:
A) To fracture a bone.
B) To wish someone good luck.
C) To wish someone harm.
D) To fail.
Answer: B) To wish someone good luck.

“Beat around the bush” means:
A) To confront an issue directly.
B) To avoid talking about the main issue.
C) To take a long walk.
D) To dance around a topic.
Answer: B) To avoid talking about the main issue.

“Take it with a grain of salt” means:
A) To take something seriously.
B) To ignore something.
C) To cook with salt.
D) To consider something with skepticism.
Answer: D) To consider something with skepticism.

“All ears” means:
A) Having large ears.
B) Eagerly listening or paying full attention.
C) Being deaf.
D) Being distracted.
Answer: B) Eagerly listening or paying full attention.

“Raining cats and dogs” means:
A) Cats and dogs are falling from the sky.
B) Heavy rain.
C) Sunny weather.
D) Hailstorm.
Answer: B) Heavy rain.

“Turn a blind eye” means:
A) To close one eye.
B) To ignore or pretend not to see something.
C) To focus on something.
D) To open one’s eyes wide.
Answer: B) To ignore or pretend not to see something.

“Beat a dead horse” means:
A) To harm an animal.
B) To continue discussing a topic that is already resolved.
C) To run fast.
D) To stop an action abruptly.
Answer: B) To continue discussing a topic that is already resolved.

“Keep your chin up” means:
A) To lower your head.
B) To stay positive or optimistic.
C) To cry.
D) To lose hope.
Answer: B) To stay positive or optimistic.

“A penny for your thoughts” means:
A) To buy thoughts.
B) To ask someone to share their thoughts or opinions.
C) To keep thoughts to oneself.
D) To save thoughts.
Answer: B) To ask someone to share their thoughts or opinions.

“Throw caution to the wind” means:
A) To be cautious.
B) To take a risk without thinking about the consequences.
C) To protect oneself.
D) To avoid risks.
Answer: B) To take a risk without thinking about the consequences.

“Hit the sack” means:
A) To hit a bag.
B) To go to bed or sleep.
C) To exercise.
D) To hit someone.
Answer: B) To go to bed or sleep.

“Cry over spilled milk” means:
A) To clean up spilled milk.
B) To avoid accidents.
C) To regret past actions excessively.
D) To drink milk.
Answer: C) To regret past actions excessively.

“Go the extra mile” means:
A) To walk a long distance.
B) To make an additional effort.
C) To avoid effort.
D) To be lazy.
Answer: B) To make an additional effort.

“A piece of cake” means:
A) A difficult task.
B) A simple task.
C) A delicious dessert.
D) A broken object.
Answer: B) A simple task.

“Cutting corners” means:
A) To take shortcuts or do something in a careless way.
B) To take a long route.
C) To avoid corners.
D) To avoid work.
Answer: A) To take shortcuts or do something in a careless way.

“Cost an arm and a leg” means:
A) To require a lot of effort.
B) To be extremely expensive.
C) To be physically demanding.
D) To be easily affordable.
Answer: B) To be extremely expensive.

“A drop in the bucket” means:
A) A significant amount.
B) A small amount compared to what is needed.
C) An empty bucket.
D) A heavy load.
Answer: B) A small amount compared to what is needed.

“Caught red-handed” means:
A) To have red hands.
B) To be caught in the act of doing something wrong.
C) To paint something red.
D) To be praised.
Answer: B) To be caught in the act of doing something wrong.

“Bite off more than you can chew” means:
A) To eat quickly.
B) To take on more responsibilities than one can handle.
C) To chew gum.
D) To avoid challenges.
Answer: B) To take on more responsibilities than one can handle.

“The ball is in your court” means:
A) To play a game.
B) To take responsibility or make a decision.
C) To avoid responsibility.
D) To throw a ball.
Answer: B) To take responsibility or make a decision.

“On thin ice” means:
A) Walking on ice.
B) In a risky or dangerous situation.
C) In a cold environment.
D) In a stable situation.
Answer: B) In a risky or dangerous situation.

“Every cloud has a silver lining” means:
A) Every cloud is silver.
B) Every situation has a positive aspect.
C) Every situation is negative.
D) Clouds are beautiful.
Answer: B) Every situation has a positive aspect.

“To steal someone’s thunder” means:
A) To steal someone’s property.
B) To take credit for someone else’s achievements.
C) To make a loud noise.
D) To avoid attention.
Answer: B) To take credit for someone else’s achievements.

“In hot water” means:
A) In a heated environment.
B) In a comfortable situation.
C) In trouble or facing difficulties.
D) In a cold environment.
Answer: C) In trouble or facing difficulties.

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