Heat transfer in aerospace systems (conduction, convection, radiation) MCQs – Aerospace March 11, 2025September 11, 2024 by u930973931_answers 10 Score: 0 Attempted: 0/20 1. Heat transfer through a solid material due to a temperature gradient is known as: (A) Conduction (B) Convection (C) Radiation (D) Advection 2. The primary mode of heat transfer in fluids is: (A) Convection (B) Conduction (C) Radiation (D) Diffusion 3. The heat transfer process that involves the emission and absorption of electromagnetic waves is: (A) Radiation (B) Convection (C) Conduction (D) Diffusion 4. In which type of heat transfer is a fluid moved to transfer heat from one place to another? (A) Convection (B) Conduction (C) Radiation (D) Conduction and Radiation 5. The thermal conductivity of a material is a measure of: (A) Its ability to conduct heat (B) Its ability to convect heat (C) Its ability to radiate heat (D) Its ability to insulate heat 6. In aerospace systems, which heat transfer method is primarily used for cooling spacecraft? (A) Convection (B) Conduction (C) Radiation (D) Convection and Radiation 7. The Nusselt number is a dimensionless parameter that characterizes: (A) Convective heat transfer (B) Conductive heat transfer (C) Radiative heat transfer (D) Thermal conductivity 8. Fourier’s law of heat conduction states that the heat flux is proportional to: (A) The temperature gradient (B) The fluid velocity (C) The thermal radiation (D) The surface area 9. Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting heat transfer by convection? (A) Fluid velocity (B) Surface area (C) Fluid properties (D) Temperature difference 10. In a vacuum, the dominant mode of heat transfer is: (A) Radiation (B) Conduction (C) Convection (D) Conduction and Convection 11. The Stefan-Boltzmann law describes: (A) The power radiated per unit area of a black body (B) The rate of heat conduction through a material (C) The convective heat transfer coefficient (D) The heat exchange in a fluid 12. In a spacecraft, thermal control systems often use: (A) Radiators and heat pipes (B) Convection fans and heat sinks (C) Insulation and thermal blankets (D) Only conductive materials 13. The heat transfer coefficient in convection depends on: (A) Fluid velocity and properties (B) Temperature difference only (C) Material conductivity (D) Radiation properties 14. The Prandtl number is used in convection heat transfer to characterize: (A) The relative importance of momentum diffusivity to thermal diffusivity (B) The thermal conductivity of a material (C) The radiative heat transfer (D) The surface emissivity 15. In which scenario is conduction the primary mode of heat transfer? (A) In solid rocket motor casings (B) In the cooling of spacecraft using radiators (C) In heat exchangers involving fluids (D) In re-entry heat shields 16. Radiative heat transfer is most significant when: (A) The distance between objects is large (B) The objects are in contact (C) The fluid is moving rapidly (D) The temperature difference is small 17. The effectiveness of a heat shield is primarily based on: (A) Its ability to radiate heat away (B) Its thermal conductivity (C) Its convective heat transfer coefficient (D) Its thickness 18. In a convective heat transfer process, the boundary layer refers to: (A) The region where temperature changes significantly (B) The solid material conducting heat (C) The radiative heat flux (D) The fluid velocity profile 19. The term “thermal diffusivity” refers to: (A) The rate at which a material conducts heat relative to its capacity to store heat (B) The ability of a material to radiate heat (C) The convective heat transfer coefficient (D) The thickness of thermal insulation 20. Which type of heat transfer is typically used in spacecraft thermal control systems to maintain temperature stability? (A) Radiation (B) Conduction (C) Convection (D) Convection and Conduction