Evolution of Management Thought MCQs


What is the primary focus of the Classical School of Management?
A. Human relations
B. Efficiency and productivity
C. Leadership styles
D. Employee empowerment
Answer: B. Efficiency and productivity

Who is considered the father of scientific management?
A. Max Weber
B. Frederick Taylor
C. Henri Fayol
D. Elton Mayo
Answer: B. Frederick Taylor

The Human Relations Movement emphasized the importance of:
A. Scientific management principles
B. Employee satisfaction and social interactions
C. Hierarchy and formal structures
D. Planning and organizing
Answer: B. Employee satisfaction and social interactions

According to Henri Fayol, what are the functions of management?
A. Planning, organizing, and leading
B. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling
C. Organizing, directing, and coordinating
D. Leading, controlling, and evaluating
Answer: B. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling

The Hawthorne Studies conducted by Elton Mayo focused on:
A. Efficiency in task performance
B. Employee motivation and satisfaction
C. Scientific management principles
D. Hierarchy in organizations
Answer: B. Employee motivation and satisfaction

Who introduced the concept of the administrative management theory?
A. Frederick Taylor
B. Max Weber
C. Elton Mayo
D. Chester Barnard
Answer: B. Max Weber

According to Max Weber, what is a characteristic of a bureaucratic organization?
A. Flexibility in decision-making
B. Decentralized authority
C. Strict adherence to rules and procedures
D. Emphasis on employee satisfaction
Answer: C. Strict adherence to rules and procedures

The Contingency Theory suggests that:
A. There is one best way to manage organizations
B. Management principles are universally applicable
C. Management practices should be adapted to fit the specific situation
D. Scientific management is the only effective approach
Answer: C. Management practices should be adapted to fit the specific situation

Who proposed the Theory X and Theory Y in management?
A. Douglas McGregor
B. Chester Barnard
C. Peter Drucker
D. Mary Parker Follett
Answer: A. Douglas McGregor

Mary Parker Follett emphasized the importance of:
A. Hierarchy and chain of command
B. Employee empowerment and group dynamics
C. Scientific management principles
D. Strict centralization of authority
Answer: B. Employee empowerment and group dynamics

What did Frederick Taylor focus on in his scientific management approach?
A. Employee satisfaction
B. Time and motion studies for efficiency
C. Social interactions in the workplace
D. Informal organization structures
Answer: B. Time and motion studies for efficiency

The Systems Theory views organizations as:
A. Isolated entities
B. Complex systems with interrelated parts
C. Rigid structures
D. Ignoring environmental factors
Answer: B. Complex systems with interrelated parts

The Management Science Theory applies:
A. Only to manufacturing industries
B. Mathematical and quantitative methods to managerial problems
C. Human relations principles
D. Strict bureaucratic principles
Answer: B. Mathematical and quantitative methods to managerial problems

According to Chester Barnard, the acceptance theory of authority emphasizes:
A. Strict obedience to authority
B. The necessity of hierarchy
C. Willingness of employees to accept authority if it benefits the organization
D. Ignoring the concept of authority
Answer: C. Willingness of employees to accept authority if it benefits the organization

The Behavioral Management Theory is associated with:
A. Frederick Taylor
B. Max Weber
C. Elton Mayo
D. Chester Barnard
Answer: C. Elton Mayo

What is the focus of the Quantitative Management Approach?
A. Human relations
B. Efficiency and productivity
C. The use of mathematical models and statistical techniques
D. Bureaucratic structures
Answer: C. The use of mathematical models and statistical techniques

The Hawthorne Studies were conducted at:
A. Ford Motor Company
B. General Electric
C. Western Electric Hawthorne Works
D. Bethlehem Steel
Answer: C. Western Electric Hawthorne Works

The Neo-Human Relations Movement emphasized:
A. Strict adherence to rules and procedures
B. Employee satisfaction and motivation
C. Centralization of authority
D. Ignoring employee needs
Answer: B. Employee satisfaction and motivation

Who is known for the concept of Theory Z, emphasizing employee involvement and a collective approach to decision-making?
A. Douglas McGregor
B. Peter Drucker
C. Abraham Maslow
D. W. Edwards Deming
Answer: B. Peter Drucker

The Contingency Theory suggests that management practices:
A. Should remain constant in all situations
B. Depend on the specific context and circumstances
C. Are universally applicable
D. Ignore external factors
Answer: B. Depend on the specific context and circumstances

What did Douglas McGregor propose in Theory X?
A. Employees are inherently lazy and dislike work
B. Employees are motivated by higher-level needs
C. Employees are capable of self-direction and self-control
D. Employees seek responsibility and accept it willingly
Answer: A. Employees are inherently lazy and dislike work

The Hawthorne Effect refers to:
A. An increase in productivity due to changes in lighting conditions
B. A decrease in employee motivation
C. Ignoring social interactions in the workplace
D. A decline in efficiency after introducing new management practices
Answer: A. An increase in productivity due to changes in lighting conditions

The Administrative Management Theory focuses on:
A. Time and motion studies
B. Bureaucratic structures
C. Employee satisfaction
D. Organizational principles and functions of management
Answer: D. Organizational principles and functions of management

According to Frederick Taylor’s scientific management, what is the best way to increase efficiency?
A. Promoting employee autonomy
B. Improving working conditions
C. Using scientific methods to determine the most efficient way of performing tasks
D. Ignoring time and motion studies
Answer: C. Using scientific methods to determine the most efficient way of performing tasks

The Hawthorne Studies led to the discovery that:
A. Job satisfaction has no impact on productivity
B. Social and psychological factors influence worker productivity
C. Employee motivation is irrelevant to job performance
D. Strict managerial control is the key to increased efficiency
Answer: B. Social and psychological factors influence worker productivity

What did Max Weber introduce as a key element of bureaucracy?
A. Flexibility in decision-making
B. Informal communication channels
C. Hierarchical structure and formal rules
D. Employee empowerment
Answer: C. Hierarchical structure and formal rules

The Behavioral Management Theory emerged as a response to:
A. The Human Relations Movement
B. Scientific management principles
C. Bureaucratic structures
D. Contingency Theory
Answer: B. Scientific management principles

Who is associated with the concept of the “One Minute Manager”?
A. Douglas McGregor
B. Peter Drucker
C. Kenneth Blanchard
D. Elton Mayo
Answer: C. Kenneth Blanchard

The Theory Z management style incorporates elements from:
A. Theory X and Theory Y
B. Scientific management
C. Classical management
D. Contingency Theory
Answer: A. Theory X and Theory Y

According to Mary Parker Follett, what is the key to effective management?
A. Strict centralization of authority
B. Resolving conflicts through integration and collaboration
C. Ignoring employee opinions
D. Promoting a top-down communication approach
Answer: B. Resolving conflicts through integration and collaboration




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