Ethology Of animal MCQs

1. What is ethology?

a) The study of animal anatomy

b) The study of animal behavior

c) The study of animal fossils

d) The study of animal genetics

Answer: b) The study of animal behavior

2. Who is often considered the father of ethology?

a) Charles Darwin

b) Konrad Lorenz

c) Jane Goodall

d) Niko Tinbergen

Answer: b) Konrad Lorenz

3. Which of the following is a focus of ethological research?

a) Animal physiology

b) Animal emotions

c) Animal ecology

d) Animal diseases

Answer: b) Animal emotions

4. What is the term for an innate behavior pattern exhibited by all members of a species?

a) Learned behavior

b) Instinct

c) Habituation

d) Conditioning

Answer: b) Instinct

5. Which of the following is an example of a fixed action pattern (FAP)?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A dog learning to sit on command

c) A cat chasing a laser pointer

d) A dolphin performing tricks for food

Answer: a) A bird building a nest

6. What is imprinting in ethology?

a) A form of social learning

b) A type of conditioning

c) A rapid learning process that occurs during a critical period

d) A type of habituation

Answer: c) A rapid learning process that occurs during a critical period

7. Who conducted landmark research on imprinting in greylag geese?

a) Jane Goodall

b) Konrad Lorenz

c) Niko Tinbergen

d) Ivan Pavlov

Answer: b) Konrad Lorenz

8. Which of the following is an example of classical conditioning in animals?

a) A dog salivating at the sound of a bell

b) A monkey using tools to obtain food

c) A bird singing to attract a mate

d) A fish navigating through a maze

Answer: a) A dog salivating at the sound of a bell

9. What is instrumental conditioning?

a) A form of operant conditioning

b) A type of classical conditioning

c) A method of imprinting

d) A type of fixed action pattern

Answer: a) A form of operant conditioning

10. Which researcher is known for his work on operant conditioning with pigeons?

a) Konrad Lorenz

b) Ivan Pavlov

c) B.F. Skinner

d) Jane Goodall

Answer: c) B.F. Skinner

11. What is social learning in ethology?

a) Learning from conspecifics

b) Learning through classical conditioning

c) Learning through imprinting

d) Learning through habituation

Answer: a) Learning from conspecifics

12. Which of the following is an example of social learning?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A chimpanzee using a tool to obtain food

c) A dog responding to a command

d) A fish navigating through a maze

Answer: b) A chimpanzee using a tool to obtain food

13. What is the term for the process by which an animal becomes less responsive to a repeated stimulus?

a) Classical conditioning

b) Imprinting

c) Habituation

d) Operant conditioning

Answer: c) Habituation

14. Which of the following is an example of habituation?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A dog responding to a command

c) A fish navigating through a maze

d) A deer becoming accustomed to human presence

Answer: d) A deer becoming accustomed to human presence

15. What is the purpose of dominance hierarchies in animal groups?

a) To establish mating rights

b) To maintain social order

c) To reduce aggression

d) To promote cooperation

Answer: b) To maintain social order

16. Which of the following is an example of a dominance display?

a) A dog wagging its tail

b) A peacock displaying its tail feathers

c) A bird building a nest

d) A fish swimming in a school

Answer: b) A peacock displaying its tail feathers

17. What is the term for the mating system in which one male mates with multiple females?

a) Polygyny

b) Monogamy

c) Polyandry

d) Promiscuity

Answer: a) Polygyny

18. Which of the following is an example of polyandry?

a) A lion pride

b) A wolf pack

c) A harem of seals

d) A group of chimpanzees

Answer: c) A harem of seals

19. What is altruism in ethology?

a) Behavior that benefits others at a cost to oneself

b) Behavior that benefits oneself at a cost to others

c) Behavior that benefits oneself and others

d) Behavior that has no effect on others

Answer: a) Behavior that benefits others at a cost to oneself

20. Which of the following is an example of altruistic behavior?

a) A bird singing to attract a mate

b) A bee stinging an intruder to protect the hive

c) A fish swimming away from a predator

d) A monkey sharing food with a group member

Answer: b) A bee stinging an intruder to protect the hive

21. What is kin selection?

a) Favoring the survival of relatives

b) Favoring the survival of unrelated individuals

c) Ignoring the survival of relatives

d) Ignoring the survival of unrelated individuals

Answer: a) Favoring the survival of relatives

22. Which of the following is an example of kin selection?

a) A mother bird feeding her chicks

b) A lion hunting prey

c) A bee pollinating flowers

d) A fish swimming in a school

Answer: a) A mother bird feeding her chicks

23. What is reciprocal altruism?

a) Exchanging favors with unrelated individuals

b) Exchanging favors with relatives

c) Ignoring the needs of others

d) Sharing resources with unrelated individuals

Answer: a) Exchanging favors with unrelated individuals

24. Which of the following is an example of reciprocal altruism?

a) A bird preening its mate’s feathers

b) A monkey grooming another monkey

c) A lion sharing a kill with another lion

d) A bee pollinating flowers

Answer: b) A monkey grooming another monkey

25. What is territoriality in ethology?

a) Defending a specific area from intruders

b) Avoiding interactions with conspecifics

c) Moving between different habitats

d) Forming bonds with unrelated individuals

Answer: a) Defending a specific area from intruders

26. Which of the following is an example of territorial behavior?

a) A wolf howling to mark its territory

b) A bird migrating for the winter

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) A bee pollinating flowers

Answer: a) A wolf howling to mark its territory

27. What is the term for the process by which animals communicate through chemical signals?

a) Olfaction

b) Audition

c) Vision

d) Tactile communication

Answer: a) Olfaction

28. Which of the following is an example of chemical communication?

a) A bird singing to attract a mate

b) A dog barking at an intruder

c) A snake flicking its tongue to smell

d) A monkey grooming another monkey

Answer: c) A snake flicking its tongue to smell

29. What is the purpose of courtship behavior in animals?

a) To establish dominance

b) To defend territory

c) To attract mates

d) To assert aggression

Answer: c) To attract mates

30. Which of the following is an example of courtship behavior?

a) A wolf howling to mark its territory

b) A bird displaying colorful plumage

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) A bee pollinating flowers

Answer: b) A bird displaying colorful plumage

31. What is the purpose of ritualized aggression in animals?

a) To establish dominance

b) To attract mates

c) To defend territory

d) To communicate with others

Answer: a) To establish dominance

32. Which of the following is an example of ritualized aggression?

a) A lion roaring to warn intruders

b) A deer marking its territory with scent

c) A dog wagging its tail in excitement

d) A bird performing a display to intimidate rivals

Answer: d) A bird performing a display to intimidate rivals

33. What is the term for the behavior exhibited by an animal when threatened by a predator?

a) Alarm response

b) Defensive behavior

c) Courtship display

d) Dominance behavior

Answer: b) Defensive behavior

34. Which of the following is an example of defensive behavior?

a) A bird singing to attract a mate

b) A fish swimming in a school

c) A rabbit fleeing from a predator

d) A lion roaring to establish dominance

Answer: c) A rabbit fleeing from a predator

35. What is the term for the behavior exhibited by an animal to warn others of danger?

a) Alarm response

b) Defensive behavior

c) Courtship display

d) Dominance behavior

Answer: a) Alarm response

36. Which of the following is an example of an alarm response?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A dog barking at a stranger

c) A deer stomping its hooves to alert others

d) A fish swimming in a school

Answer: c) A deer stomping its hooves to alert others

37. What is the purpose of parental care behavior in animals?

a) To establish dominance

b) To attract mates

c) To defend territory

d) To ensure the survival of offspring

Answer: d) To ensure the survival of offspring

38. Which of the following is an example of parental care behavior?

a) A bird feeding its chicks

b) A lion roaring to establish dominance

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) A bee pollinating flowers

Answer: a) A bird feeding its chicks

39. What is the term for the behavior exhibited by an animal when searching for food?

a) Foraging behavior

b) Defensive behavior

c) Dominance behavior

d) Courtship behavior

Answer: a) Foraging behavior

40. Which of the following is an example of foraging behavior?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A lion roaring to establish dominance

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) A squirrel gathering nuts

Answer: d) A squirrel gathering nuts

41. What is the term for the behavior exhibited by an animal to establish and maintain dominance within a group?

a) Agonistic behavior

b) Courtship behavior

c) Altruistic behavior

d) Parental care behavior

Answer: a) Agonistic behavior

42. Which of the following is an example of agonistic behavior?

a) A bird singing to attract a mate

b) A dog playing with a ball

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) Two deer fighting over territory

Answer: d) Two deer fighting over territory

43. What is the term for the behavior exhibited by an animal to mark and defend its territory?

a) Territorial behavior

b) Dominance behavior

c) Courtship behavior

d) Parental care behavior

Answer: a) Territorial behavior

44. Which of the following is an example of territorial behavior?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A lion roaring to establish dominance

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) A dog marking its territory with scent

Answer: d) A dog marking its territory with scent

45. What is the term for the behavior exhibited by an animal to establish and maintain social bonds within a group?

a) Affiliative behavior

b) Defensive behavior

c) Dominance behavior

d) Altruistic behavior

Answer: a) Affiliative behavior

46. Which of the following is an example of affiliative behavior?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A lion roaring to establish dominance

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) Two monkeys grooming each other

Answer: d) Two monkeys grooming each other

47. What is the term for the behavior exhibited by an animal to communicate information to others?

a) Signaling behavior

b) Defensive behavior

c) Dominance behavior

d) Courtship behavior

Answer: a) Signaling behavior

48. Which of the following is an example of signaling behavior?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A lion roaring to establish dominance

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) A dog barking to warn others

Answer: d) A dog barking to warn others

49. What is the term for the behavior exhibited by an animal to establish and maintain relationships with conspecifics?

a) Social behavior

b) Defensive behavior

c) Dominance behavior

d) Courtship behavior

Answer: a) Social behavior

50. Which of the following is an example of social behavior?

a) A bird building a nest

b) A lion roaring to establish dominance

c) A fish swimming in a school

d) A dog barking at strangers

Answer: c) A fish swimming in a school

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