Bernoulli’s principle and lift generation MCQs – Aerospace

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1. Bernoulli’s principle states that as the speed of a fluid increases, its pressure:

2. The lift on an airfoil is generated primarily due to:

3. According to Bernoulli’s principle, the faster airflow over the curved upper surface of an airfoil creates:

4. Which of the following contributes most to lift generation according to Bernoulli’s principle?

5. The primary factor affecting the application of Bernoulli’s principle in aerodynamics is:

6. Lift generation in an aircraft wing is a result of:

7. Increasing the angle of attack initially results in:

8. If airspeed over the upper surface of a wing decreases, the lift will:

9. The pressure difference between the upper and lower surfaces of a wing is known as:

10. The velocity of air on the upper surface of an airfoil is greater than the lower surface because:

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