Behavioral Ecology Of animal MCQs

1. Which of the following is not a component of animal behavior?
a) Genetics
b) Physiology
c) Morphology
d) None of the above
Answer: c) Morphology

2. What is the study of animal behavior called?
a) Ethology
b) Ecology
c) Ornithology
d) Zoology
Answer: a) Ethology

3. Which term describes an animal’s response to environmental stimuli?
a) Instinct
b) Habituation
c) Behavior
d) Conditioning
Answer: c) Behavior

4. Which of the following is an example of innate behavior?
a) Learning to ride a bicycle
b) Building a nest
c) Migration
d) Solving a puzzle
Answer: b) Building a nest

5. Which of the following is not a type of animal communication?
a) Chemical
b) Auditory
c) Kinesthetic
d) Visual
Answer: c) Kinesthetic

6. What is the term for a behavior that benefits another individual at a cost to the actor?
a) Altruism
b) Cooperation
c) Selfishness
d) Reciprocity
Answer: a) Altruism

7. Which of the following is not a type of mating system in animals?
a) Monogamy
b) Polygamy
c) Promiscuity
d) Asexuality
Answer: d) Asexuality

8. Which of the following is an example of a fixed action pattern (FAP)?
a) Courtship dance of birds
b) Learning to hunt in a pride of lions
c) Problem-solving in primates
d) Social grooming in chimpanzees
Answer: a) Courtship dance of birds

9. Which term refers to the daily rhythm of activity exhibited by animals?
a) Circadian rhythm
b) Diurnal cycle
c) Nocturnal pattern
d) Ultradian rhythm
Answer: a) Circadian rhythm

10. What is the term for the movement of animals from one region to another and back again?
a) Migration
b) Hibernation
c) Estivation
d) Torpor
Answer: a) Migration

11. Which of the following is an example of an agonistic behavior?
a) Courtship display
b) Feeding in a group
c) Fighting over territory
d) Parental care
Answer: c) Fighting over territory

12. Which term refers to the capacity of an animal to learn by watching others?
a) Social learning
b) Imprinting
c) Associative learning
d) Operant conditioning
Answer: a) Social learning

13. Which of the following is an example of a proximate cause of behavior?
a) Evolutionary history
b) Hormonal changes
c) Fitness benefits
d) Adaptive value
Answer: b) Hormonal changes

14. Which term refers to the ability of animals to navigate using Earth’s magnetic field?
a) Magnetoreception
b) Echolocation
c) Chemoreception
d) Photoreception
Answer: a) Magnetoreception

15. Which of the following is an example of a signal in animal communication?
a) Vocalization
b) Habitat
c) Diet
d) Territory
Answer: a) Vocalization

16. What is the term for the study of animal social structures?
a) Sociobiology
b) Sociolinguistics
c) Social psychology
d) Social ecology
Answer: a) Sociobiology

17. Which of the following is not a mechanism of animal orientation?
a) Sun compass
b) Magnetic compass
c) Chemical cues
d) Stellar compass
Answer: c) Chemical cues

18. What is the term for a behavior that occurs in response to a previously neutral stimulus?
a) Classical conditioning
b) Operant conditioning
c) Habituation
d) Imprinting
Answer: a) Classical conditioning

19. Which of the following is an example of a circadian rhythm?
a) Nocturnal animals sleeping during the day
b) Bird migration during the spring
c) Hibernation during the winter
d) Daily feeding schedule of diurnal animals
Answer: d) Daily feeding schedule of diurnal animals

20. Which of the following is a benefit of animal communication?
a) Increased competition
b) Enhanced predator detection
c) Reduced mating success
d) Decreased parental care
Answer: b) Enhanced predator detection

21. What is the term for the evolutionary process by which behaviors become specialized for a particular function?
a) Behavioral plasticity
b) Behavioral evolution
c) Behavioral adaptation
d) Behavioral syndromes
Answer: c) Behavioral adaptation

22. Which of the following is an example of a dominance hierarchy?
a) Cooperative hunting in wolves
b) Mating dances in birds
c) Aggressive displays in primates
d) Group feeding in ants
Answer: c) Aggressive displays in primates

23. What is the term for the avoidance of inbreeding through mate choice?
a) Inbreeding depression
b) Outbreeding avoidance
c) Inbreeding avoidance
d) Outbreeding depression
Answer: c) Inbreeding avoidance

24. Which of the following is not a function of animal communication?
a) Warning of danger
b) Coordination of group activities
c) Establishment of territory
d) Decrease in reproductive success
Answer: d) Decrease in reproductive success

25. What is the term for the transfer of information from one individual to another, resulting in a change in behavior?
a) Communication
b) Learning
c) Conditioning
d) Instinct
Answer: a) Communication

26. Which of the following is an example of kin selection?
a) Parental care in mammals
b) Territory defense in birds
c) Group foraging in primates
d) Altruistic behavior in unrelated individuals
Answer: a) Parental care in mammals

27. What is the term for the study of animal movement patterns in response to environmental conditions?
a) Ethology
b) Foraging ecology
c) Movement ecology
d) Behavioral ecology
Answer: c) Movement ecology

28. Which of the following is an example of a circannual rhythm?
a) Nocturnal animals sleeping during the day
b) Bird migration during the spring
c) Hibernation during the winter
d) Daily feeding schedule of diurnal animals
Answer: b) Bird migration during the spring

29. Which term refers to the process by which animals learn to ignore repetitive, non-threatening stimuli?
a) Sensitization
b) Imprinting
c) Habituation
d) Classical conditioning
Answer: c) Habituation

30. Which of the following is not a mechanism of animal navigation?
a) Celestial cues
b) Olfactory cues
c) Geomagnetic cues
d) Visual cues
Answer: d) Visual cues

31. What is the term for the transfer of learned information between generations?
a) Cultural transmission
b) Genetic inheritance
c) Environmental adaptation
d) Social learning
Answer: a) Cultural transmission

32. Which of the following is an example of a circatidal rhythm?
a) Nocturnal animals sleeping during the day
b) Bird migration during the spring
c) Hibernation during the winter
d) Tide-dependent feeding behavior
Answer: d) Tide-dependent feeding behavior

33. Which term refers to the ecological interactions among organisms of the same species?
a) Intraspecific competition
b) Interspecific competition
c) Mutualism
d) Commensalism
Answer: a) Intraspecific competition

34. What is the term for the suppression of a behavior due to a negative consequence?
a) Punishment
b) Reinforcement
c) Extinction
d) Habituation
Answer: a) Punishment

35. Which term refers to the behavior of animals in response to changes in the environment, such as temperature or light?
a) Phenotypic plasticity
b) Habitat selection
c) Migration
d) Territoriality
Answer: a) Phenotypic plasticity

36. What is the term for the strategy in which an animal increases its reproductive success by helping relatives to reproduce?
a) Inclusive fitness
b) Dispersal
c) Territoriality
d) Polyandry
Answer: a) Inclusive fitness

37. Which of the following is an example of a migratory cue used by animals?
a) Polarized light
b) Echolocation
c) Chemical trails
d) Alarm calls
Answer: a) Polarized light

38. What is the term for the establishment and maintenance of a home range by an animal or group of animals?
a) Territoriality
b) Foraging behavior
c) Agonistic behavior
d) Altruism
Answer: a) Territoriality

39. Which of the following is an example of a learned behavior?
a) Nest building in birds
b) Hibernation in mammals
c) Courtship dance in cranes
d) Instinctive migration in monarch butterflies
Answer: c) Courtship dance in cranes

40. What is the term for the type of learning in which a behavior is strengthened or weakened by its consequences?
a) Operant conditioning
b) Classical conditioning
c) Habituation
d) Imprinting
Answer: a) Operant conditioning

41. Which term describes the process by which animals become more specialized to their environment through natural selection?
a) Adaptation
b) Acclimatization
c) Mutation
d) Genetic drift
Answer: a) Adaptation

42. Which of the following is an example of a benefit derived from group living in animals?
a) Increased competition for resources
b) Reduced risk of predation
c) Decreased reproductive success
d) Enhanced territorial defense
Answer: b) Reduced risk of predation

43. What is the term for the suppression of a behavior due to repeated exposure to a stimulus?
a) Habituation
b) Sensitization
c) Classical conditioning
d) Operant conditioning
Answer: a) Habituation

44. Which of the following is not a type of animal mating system?
a) Monogamy
b) Polyandry
c) Oligarchy
d) Polygyny
Answer: c) Oligarchy

45. What is the term for the range of environmental conditions in which an animal can survive and reproduce?
a) Habitat preference
b) Niche breadth
c) Ecosystem diversity
d) Adaptive radiation
Answer: b) Niche breadth

46. Which of the following is an example of a disadvantage of living in groups for animals?
a) Enhanced foraging efficiency
b) Increased competition for mates
c) Improved predator detection
d) Enhanced parental care
Answer: b) Increased competition for mates

47. What is the term for the movement of animals in response to changing environmental conditions?
a) Migration
b) Dispersal
c) Foraging
d) Territoriality
Answer: a) Migration

48. Which of the following is an example of an ultimate cause of animal behavior?
a) Hormonal changes
b) Genetic predisposition
c) Environmental stimuli
d) Fitness benefits
Answer: d) Fitness benefits

49. What is the term for the behavior of animals defending or attempting to acquire control over limited resources?
a) Agonistic behavior
b) Altruistic behavior
c) Territorial behavior
d) Dominance hierarchy
Answer: c) Territorial behavior

50. Which of the following is an example of a benefit of animal communication for social species?
a) Increased competition
b) Enhanced predator detection
c) Decreased cooperative behavior
d) Reduced mating success
Answer: b) Enhanced predator detection

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