Aircraft motion (pitch, yaw, roll) MCQs – Aerospace

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1. What does the pitch axis of an aircraft control?

2. Which control surface is primarily used to change the pitch of an aircraft?

3. What is the primary effect of ailerons on aircraft motion?

4. How does the rudder affect an aircraft’s movement?

5. When an aircraft rolls to the left, what happens to the left wing?

6. Which axis is aligned with the aircraft’s longitudinal axis?

7. What is the effect of increasing elevator input on an aircraft’s pitch?

8. What happens when an aircraft’s rudder is deflected to the left?

9. If an aircraft is in a right bank, what is the relative position of the right wing compared to the left wing?

10. Which control surface is used to adjust the roll of an aircraft?

11. What is the axis about which an aircraft rotates when changing its pitch?

12. What control surface is typically used to counteract unwanted yawing?

13. When an aircraft rolls to the right, what happens to the right wing?

14. What is the effect of a positive pitch angle on an aircraft’s trajectory?

15. How does a change in aileron position affect aircraft stability?

16. Which axis controls the yaw motion of an aircraft?

17. What happens when the elevators are moved downward?

18. How does the rudder help in correcting a bank-induced yaw?

19. What is the primary purpose of the ailerons during a bank maneuver?

20. If an aircraft is in a left bank, what is the relative position of the left wing?

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