Aerodynamics MCQs March 12, 2025September 10, 2024 by u930973931_answers 10 Score: 0 Attempted: 0/10 1. What is the primary force responsible for keeping an aircraft in the air? (A) Thrust (B) Drag (C) Lift (D) Weight 2. Bernoulliâs principle states that as the velocity of a fluid increases, its pressure: (A) Increases (B) Decreases (C) Remains constant (D) Doubles 3. Which aerodynamic force opposes the forward motion of an aircraft? (A) Lift (B) Drag (C) Thrust (D) Weight 4. The angle between the chord line of an airfoil and the relative airflow is called: (A) Angle of lift (B) Angle of incidence (C) Angle of attack (D) Angle of thrust 5. What happens when an aircraft exceeds its critical angle of attack? (A) It gains more lift (B) It experiences a stall (C) It reduces drag significantly (D) It increases fuel efficiency 6. The boundary layer in aerodynamics refers to: (A) The entire airflow over an aircraft (B) The layer of air in direct contact with a surface (C) The region of air turbulence far from the wing (D) The high-pressure region below the wing 7. Induced drag is a result of: (A) Air friction along the surface of an aircraft (B) The production of lift (C) Shock waves at high speeds (D) Airframe vibrations 8. Which aerodynamic shape minimizes drag the most? (A) Square (B) Cylinder (C) Streamlined teardrop (D) Flat plate 9. The Mach number is defined as the ratio of: (A) Velocity of the aircraft to speed of light (B) Velocity of the aircraft to the speed of sound (C) Lift to weight ratio (D) Drag to thrust ratio 10. Supersonic aircraft experience: (A) Subsonic flow only (B) No drag forces (C) Shock waves and high aerodynamic heating (D) Increased lift at all speeds