1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Model Predictive Control (MPC)?
A) Nonlinear optimization
B) Online feedback control
C) Use of state-space models
D) Minimal computational requirements
Answer: D
2. In adaptive control, parameter adaptation is typically based on:
A) Fixed gain matrices
B) Online estimation of plant parameters
C) Constant reference signals
D) Open-loop control strategies
Answer: B
3. The main advantage of fuzzy logic control over conventional control methods is its:
A) Ability to handle nonlinear systems effectively
B) Simplicity in implementation
C) Use of PID controllers
D) Inability to deal with uncertainties
Answer: A
4. What is the primary purpose of pole placement techniques in control systems?
A) To determine the transient response of the system
B) To achieve stability and desired closed-loop performance
C) To eliminate steady-state error
D) To reduce computational complexity
Answer: B
5. Which control strategy aims to minimize the integral of the squared error over time?
A) Proportional control
B) Integral control
C) Derivative control
D) PID control
Answer: B
6. Kalman filter is used for:
A) State estimation in systems with unknown inputs
B) Estimating parameters of a nonlinear system
C) Online optimization of control gains
D) Estimating system uncertainties
Answer: A
7. In optimal control theory, the cost function is minimized over:
A) A finite time horizon
B) An infinite time horizon
C) A variable time horizon
D) A specified control domain
Answer: B
8. H-infinity control is primarily concerned with:
A) Minimizing the H2 norm of the transfer function
B) Robust stability and performance
C) Minimizing the steady-state error
D) Frequency domain analysis
Answer: B
9. Which control technique adjusts control actions based on the error between the desired and actual outputs?
A) Adaptive control
B) Robust control
C) Predictive control
D) Neuro-fuzzy control
Answer: A
10. The main drawback of classical PID controllers is their:
A) Inability to handle nonlinear systems
B) Complex tuning requirements
C) High computational cost
D) Limitations in disturbance rejection
Answer: B
11. LQR (Linear-Quadratic Regulator) control aims to minimize:
A) Control effort
B) Integral squared error
C) Steady-state error
D) The quadratic cost function
Answer: D
12. A Smith Predictor is used to compensate for:
A) Actuator dynamics
B) Sensor noise
C) Process delays
D) Nonlinearities in the system
Answer: C
13. Which technique is NOT a form of adaptive control?
A) Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC)
B) Gain Scheduling Control
C) Backstepping Control
D) Fuzzy Logic Control
Answer: D
14. Model-free reinforcement learning in control systems relies on:
A) Dynamic programming
B) Neural networks
C) Kalman filters
D) State-space models
Answer: B
15. Which technique combines fuzzy logic with neural networks for control applications?
A) Neuro-fuzzy control
B) Model Predictive Control (MPC)
C) Adaptive control
D) Robust control
Answer: A
16. Lyapunov stability analysis is used to determine:
A) Global asymptotic stability
B) Local stability of equilibrium points
C) Boundedness of trajectories
D) All of the above
Answer: D
17. An anti-windup mechanism is used to prevent:
A) Actuator saturation
B) Sensor drift
C) Parameter variation
D) System oscillations
Answer: A
18. Which control method is particularly effective for systems with uncertain parameters?
A) Adaptive control
B) LQR control
C) Nonlinear control
D) PID control
Answer: A
19. The main advantage of state-space control over classical control techniques is its:
A) Simplicity in implementation
B) Ability to handle nonlinear systems
C) Use of frequency domain analysis
D) Minimal computational requirements
Answer: B
20. Which of the following is a characteristic of robust control?
A) Sensitivity to modeling errors
B) Uncertainty in control parameters
C) Guaranteed stability and performance
D) Limited application to linear systems
Answer: C
21. The objective of LQG (Linear-Quadratic-Gaussian) control is to:
A) Minimize control effort
B) Achieve robust stability
C) Handle stochastic disturbances
D) All of the above
Answer: D
22. Which control method requires explicit knowledge of the plant model?
A) Model Predictive Control (MPC)
B) Adaptive Control
C) PID Control
D) Fuzzy Logic Control
Answer: A
23. Which method is used for control design when the exact dynamics of the system are unknown?
A) Adaptive control
B) Model Predictive Control (MPC)
C) Robust control
D) LQR control
Answer: A
24. The sliding mode control technique is known for:
A) Its robustness to parameter variations
B) Linearization of nonlinear systems
C) Minimizing control effort
D) Handling time delays effectively
Answer: A
25. Which of the following is a limitation of adaptive control techniques?
A) Complexity in implementation
B) High sensitivity to modeling errors
C) Inability to handle uncertain parameters
D) Dependence on system linearity
Answer: B
26. The objective of repetitive control is to:
A) Achieve robust stability
B) Compensate for periodic disturbances
C) Optimize control effort
D) Minimize integral squared error
Answer: B
27. Which technique is used for systems with strong nonlinearities and uncertainties?
A) Sliding mode control
B) LQR control
C) H-infinity control
D) PID control
Answer: A
28. A major advantage of MPC (Model Predictive Control) is its ability to:
A) Minimize computational effort
B) Handle large-scale systems easily
C) Adapt to changes in system dynamics
D) Use only proportional feedback
Answer: C
29. Which control method is suitable for systems with time-varying parameters?
A) Robust control
B) LQR control
C) PID control
D) Adaptive control
Answer: D
30. The primary purpose of internal model control (IMC) is to:
A) Reduce system complexity
B) Minimize control effort
C) Track reference signals accurately
D) Handle actuator saturation
Answer: C
31. Which of the following statements about adaptive control is true?
A) It does not require online parameter estimation
B) It is not suitable for systems with uncertain parameters
C) It adjusts control parameters based on online measurements
D) It is mainly used for linear systems only
Answer: C
32. Which control strategy is particularly effective for nonlinear systems with unknown dynamics?
A) Sliding mode control
B) PID control
C) LQR control
D) H-infinity control
Answer: A
33. In control theory, the state-space representation is preferred over transfer function representation because it:
A) Provides a simpler framework for stability analysis
B) Is more intuitive for designing digital controllers
C) Allows straightforward handling of time delays
D) Enables modeling of nonlinear systems
Answer: D
34. The main objective of robust control techniques is to ensure:
A) Minimization of control effort
B) Performance optimization under uncertainty
C) Exact tracking of reference signals
D) Linearization of nonlinear systems
Answer: B
35. Which of the following is a disadvantage of H-infinity control?
A) Complexity in implementation
B) Inability to handle parameter variations
C) Lack of robustness to disturbances
D) High sensitivity to initial conditions
Answer: A
36. Which control method adjusts control parameters based on an online estimation of the plant model?
A) Adaptive control
B) PID control
C) LQR control
D) Robust control
Answer: A
37. Neural network-based control approaches are advantageous because they:
A) Require no training data
B) Can approximate nonlinear functions
C) Are immune to disturbances
D) Have low computational complexity
Answer: B
38. The Smith Predictor is primarily used to compensate for:
A) Time delays in the system
B) Actuator saturation
C) Nonlinearities in the plant
D) Sensor noise
Answer: A
39. Which of the following is a common application of state-space control?
A) Gain scheduling
B) Feedforward control
C) Fuzzy logic control
D) Pole placement
Answer: D
40. Which control technique adjusts control parameters to ensure system stability and performance despite uncertainties?
A) Sliding mode control
B) Adaptive control
C) LQR control
D) PID control
Answer: B
41. The main advantage of fuzzy logic control over conventional techniques is its:
A) Ability to handle complex nonlinear systems
B) Minimal computational requirements
C) Use of linear control laws
D) Dependence on accurate modeling
Answer: A
42. The main challenge in implementing MPC (Model Predictive Control) is:
A) High computational demands
B) Difficulty in modeling nonlinear systems
C) Limited applicability to discrete-time systems
D) Inability to handle constraints
Answer: A
43. Which of the following is a characteristic of adaptive control?
A) Use of fixed gain matrices
B) Dependence on accurate plant models
C) Inability to handle disturbances
D) Online adjustment of control parameters
Answer: D
44. Which control strategy adjusts control actions based on an online estimation of the plant model?
A) Adaptive control
B) Fuzzy logic control
C) LQR control
D) H-infinity control
Answer: A
45. The primary advantage of MPC (Model Predictive Control) is its ability to:
A) Handle nonlinear systems effectively
B) Minimize integral squared error
C) Optimize control effort
D) Use a fixed-time horizon
Answer: A
46. Which of the following is a characteristic of LQR (Linear-Quadratic Regulator) control?
A) Nonlinear optimization
B) Guaranteed stability
C) Dependence on model accuracy
D) Inability to handle disturbances
Answer: B
47. Which control technique is particularly useful for systems with uncertain parameters that vary over time?
A) Adaptive control
B) PID control
C) LQR control
D) Fuzzy logic control
Answer: A
48. The objective of robust control is to ensure:
A) Minimal control effort
B) Performance optimization under uncertainty
C) Exact tracking of reference signals
D) Linearization of nonlinear systems
Answer: B
49. Which control strategy adjusts control actions based on real-time measurements of the plantโs state?
A) Adaptive control
B) Robust control
C) MPC (Model Predictive Control)
D) Fuzzy logic control
Answer: C
50. The main advantage of predictive control techniques is their:
A) Ability to handle uncertainties and constraints
B) Simplicity in implementation
C) Use of fixed gain matrices
D) Inability to handle nonlinear systems
Answer: A
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